The New Official Plan

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Consultation has concluded

The Official Plan is now in full force and effect.

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has issued a Notice of Decision to approve the City’s New Official Plan, adopted by By-law 2021-386, and has subsequently repealed the previous Official Plan (By-law 2003-203). The content on this webpage will be updated with the in-effect policies and schedules in the coming weeks.

Please review the Province's decision by consulting:

The Official Plan is now in full force and effect.

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has issued a Notice of Decision to approve the City’s New Official Plan, adopted by By-law 2021-386, and has subsequently repealed the previous Official Plan (By-law 2003-203). The content on this webpage will be updated with the in-effect policies and schedules in the coming weeks.

Please review the Province's decision by consulting:

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We would like to connect with residents about staying engaged on significant projects during this time of physical distancing. Please take a few minutes to answer this short poll to help inform how best we can keep in touch.

    Please fill out this survey by June 15, 2020.

    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We’d appreciate hearing from residents about what worked in our 2019 new Official Plan outreach and any ideas you may have for future engagement. 

    Please fill out this survey by March 14, 2020. 

    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you to the over fifteen hundred residents who took the time to complete the polls on the 5 Big Moves. We received feedback to have an additional poll with detailed questions. As a result, please complete these questions.

    This poll will close on December 20, 2019. 

    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please take a few minutes to complete this short poll on one of the 5 Big Moves. If you would like to make any further comments, you are welcome to email

    This survey will close on October 18, 2019.

    Don't understand some of the words in the report or survey? Check out this glossary of terms. If you have a word that isn't listed in the glossary, let us know and we will get a definition and add it!

    To learn more about the next steps for creating the New Official Plan, please see the Lifecycle section of this website.

    Please rate your agreement with the following statements.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share New Official Plan 5 Big Moves - Growth on Facebook Share New Official Plan 5 Big Moves - Growth on Twitter Share New Official Plan 5 Big Moves - Growth on Linkedin Email New Official Plan 5 Big Moves - Growth link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please take a few minutes to complete this short poll on one of the 5 Big Moves. If you would like to make any further comments, you are welcome to email

    This survey will close on October 18, 2019.

    Don't understand some of the words in the report or survey? Check out this glossary of terms. If you have a word that isn't listed in the glossary, let us know and we will get a definition and add it!

    To learn more about the next steps for creating the New Official Plan, please see the Lifecycle section of this website.

    Please rate your agreement with the following statements.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share New Official Plan 5 Big Moves - Mobility on Facebook Share New Official Plan 5 Big Moves - Mobility on Twitter Share New Official Plan 5 Big Moves - Mobility on Linkedin Email New Official Plan 5 Big Moves - Mobility link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please take a few minutes to complete this short poll on one of the 5 Big Moves. If you would like to make any further comments, you are welcome to email

    This survey will close on October 18, 2019.

    Don't understand some of the words in the report or survey? Check out this glossary of terms. If you have a word that isn't listed in the glossary, let us know and we will get a definition and add it!

    To learn more about the next steps for creating the New Official Plan, please see the Lifecycle section of this website.

    Please rate your agreement with the following statements.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share New Official Plan 5 Big Moves - Urban Design on Facebook Share New Official Plan 5 Big Moves - Urban Design on Twitter Share New Official Plan 5 Big Moves - Urban Design on Linkedin Email New Official Plan 5 Big Moves - Urban Design link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please take a few minutes to complete this short poll on one of the 5 Big Moves. If you would like to make any further comments, you are welcome to email

    This survey will close on October 18, 2019.

    Don't understand some of the words in the report or survey? Check out this glossary of terms. If you have a word that isn't listed in the glossary, let us know and we will get a definition and add it!

    To learn more about the next steps for creating the New Official Plan, please see the Lifecycle section of this website.

    Please rate your agreement with the following statements.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share New Official Plan 5 Big Moves - Resiliency on Facebook Share New Official Plan 5 Big Moves - Resiliency on Twitter Share New Official Plan 5 Big Moves - Resiliency on Linkedin Email New Official Plan 5 Big Moves - Resiliency link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please take a few minutes to complete this short poll on one of the 5 Big Moves. If you would like to make any further comments, you are welcome to email

    This survey will close on October 18, 2019.

    Don't understand some of the words in the report or survey? Check out this glossary of terms. If you have a word that isn't listed in the glossary, let us know and we will get a definition and add it!

    To learn more about the next steps for creating the New Official Plan, please see the Lifecycle section of this website.

    Please rate your agreement with the following statements.

    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We are launching a multifaceted stakeholder engagement strategy. The strategy outlines a new approach to consultation and engagement for the Official Plan. The approach focusses on meeting residents in their communities and ensuring underrepresented voices have a meaningful opportunity to participate in the new Official Plan.

    One of our new tactics is to offer more online opportunities to provide feedback. Please find below a quick poll helping us identify the best ways to engage you in the new Official Plan.

    Consultation has concluded
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