Solid Waste Master Plan
The City has developed a new Solid Waste Master Plan, that was approved by Council in June 2024. The plan will guide how we manage solid waste over the next 30 years. As Ottawa grows and changes, we want to ensure our waste services evolve to meet new needs and challenges. This page will be your hub for updates and opportunities to provide feedback.
Managing solid waste is a shared responsibility, and every resident has a part to play. That’s why, we need meaningful conversations with you to help ensure the new Solid Waste Master Plan works for everyone.
If you require assistance or are experiencing technical problems with this page, please contact us at
The City has developed a new Solid Waste Master Plan, that was approved by Council in June 2024. The plan will guide how we manage solid waste over the next 30 years. As Ottawa grows and changes, we want to ensure our waste services evolve to meet new needs and challenges. This page will be your hub for updates and opportunities to provide feedback.
Managing solid waste is a shared responsibility, and every resident has a part to play. That’s why, we need meaningful conversations with you to help ensure the new Solid Waste Master Plan works for everyone.
If you require assistance or are experiencing technical problems with this page, please contact us at
What will be included and how will it be developed?
Share What will be included and how will it be developed? on Facebook Share What will be included and how will it be developed? on Twitter Share What will be included and how will it be developed? on Linkedin Email What will be included and how will it be developed? linkThe Solid Waste Master Plan (Waste Plan) will establish a planning framework and strategic direction for the management of waste from:
- Curbside residential
- Multi-residential
- Parks and public spaces
- City facilities
- Partner programs and other non-City waste
The Waste Plan will examine the limited life span of the Trail Waste Facility, how the City collects and processes waste and how it will continue to increase diversion rates. It will also look at broader policy issues like single-use plastics, alternative technologies, greenhouse gas emissions and circular economy programs like green procurement. Funding mechanisms and legislative tools and instruments will also be examined.
New! How we have engaged so far
Share New! How we have engaged so far on Facebook Share New! How we have engaged so far on Twitter Share New! How we have engaged so far on Linkedin Email New! How we have engaged so far linkEngagement Series 1
From May to September 2020, staff, Councillors, residents and stakeholders were engaged to get input on how waste is currently managed in Ottawa and what they would like to see in the future. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, staff modified the Waste Plan’s engagement process so that all in-person engagement tactics were replaced with virtual methods. To ensure these activities connected with as many residents and stakeholders as possible, staff carried out a range of tactics, including:
• Virtual dialogue sessions with interested residents and stakeholders that included breakout sessions to allow small group discussions
• Virtual focus groups to connect with specific stakeholders, particularly those within the City’s equity and inclusion lens
• Virtual workshops with key stakeholders, such as the Stakeholder Sounding Board (more on this below)
• Online surveys with both the public and internal staff
• An Engage Ottawa platform that allowed for questions, ideas and participation in a forum
• One-on-one telephone interviews with representatives of equity-seeking groups
• A virtual dialogue session with residents and stakeholders with a focus on waste management at multi-residential properties
What questions did we ask?
Great discussions flowed from asking some high level, key questions, such as:
1. What are the strengths of the current waste system in Ottawa and how can we improve?
2. Imagine it’s 2052 and we’ve just completed our 30-year solid waste strategy. What does success look like to you?
3. What are the key considerations for this success?
What did we hear?
A comprehensive As We Heard Report will be released in early 2021 that will provide an in-depth look at the feedback we gathered from all engagement activities. Top line comments included:
1. Participants generally wanted the City to adopt very high waste diversion rates with many calling for a “zero waste” target.
2. Many participants believed that behavioral change will be required to meet higher diversion rates, and that the City needed to focus on education to encourage people to ‘take responsibility for their waste’.
3. Others called for more regulations and better enforcing of existing rules, such as issuing more fines, refusing to collect non-compliant waste, etc.
4. Many comments related to the need to make it easier for people to divert their waste.
5. Several participants believed that the City’s focus needed to be on waste reduction rather than diversion, and that the City should enact bans on single use plastics and encourage a circular economy and green procurement.
6. With respect to multi-residential buildings, several participants noted that processes needed to be in place to make it easier for residents to divert their waste, such as replacing garbage chutes with compost chutes.
7. Some participants noted that the City should investigate new technologies to use waste as a renewable energy. In this vein, there was mixed opinions about the environmental benefits of waste incineration.
How are we incorporating feedback?
Input is being used to:
• Draft a vision, guiding principles and goals for the Waste Plan that will help us establish where we want to be in 30 years time and the outcomes needed in order to make the vision a reality.
• Inform the development of a long list of draft options for the Waste Plan. These options will be recommended policies and programs that will seek to maximize how to avoid, reduce, reuse, and recycle waste and manage material that is left over.
• Help develop an evaluation tool for assessing this long list of options using a triple bottom line approach (i.e., the environmental, social and financial considerations of each option).
What are the next steps?
Once options have been developed for the Waste Plan, they will be assessed using the triple bottom line evaluation tool. The resulting short list of options will be consulted on during the next engagement series, that will start in 2021.
New! Introducing the Stakeholder Sounding Board
Share New! Introducing the Stakeholder Sounding Board on Facebook Share New! Introducing the Stakeholder Sounding Board on Twitter Share New! Introducing the Stakeholder Sounding Board on Linkedin Email New! Introducing the Stakeholder Sounding Board linkThere are a wide range of stakeholders interest in and potentially impacted by a future Waste Plan. As well as making every effort to reach and engage all residents and stakeholders, a Stakeholder Sounding Board (SSB) was established at the beginning of 2020. The SSB consists of individuals and organizations who represent a broad range of resident and stakeholder perspectives and interests, including differing demographics and housing types. The SSB also provides a forum for mutual learning and enhanced discourse on related topics and acts as a channel to further communicate engagement opportunities to the wider community.
Who are the members?
Waste Watch Ottawa
Recycling Council of Ontario
University of Ottawa
Carleton University
Algonquin College
Ontario Waste Management Association
Ottawa Community Housing (OCH)
Greater Ottawa Home Builders Association (GOHBA)
Social Planning Council of Ottawa
Federation of Citizens’ Associations of Ottawa (FCA)
Eastern Ontario Landlord Organization
Canadian Association for Retired Persons (CARP, Ottawa Chapter 26)
Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee (ESAC)
Osgoode Ward Business Association
Dunrobin Community Association
National Capital Commission (NCC)
Ottawa Coalition of BIAs
CAFES (Community Associations for Environmental Sustainability)
How has the SSB been engaged so far?
In May 2020 the SSB was engaged to gain input on a vision for the Waste Plan. A two-hour workshop took place where members broke into smaller breakout discussions in order to better facilitate the conversations. Input from this meeting was used, alongside feedback heard over the course of all engagement activities from May to September, to help develop a vision statement for the Waste Plan.
Three workshops were then held with the SSB in September 2020, the purpose of which was to:
- Help ensure we had incorporated feedback from all residents and stakeholders into the vision statement.
- Provide comments on guiding principles and goals for the Waste Plan which were, again, written based on feedback from all residents and stakeholders during engagement series 1.
- Gain feedback to inform the development of the evaluation tool, which will be used to assess the options for the Waste Plan using a triple bottom line approach (i.e., the environmental, social and financial considerations of each option).
Complete the survey!
Share Complete the survey! on Facebook Share Complete the survey! on Twitter Share Complete the survey! on Linkedin Email Complete the survey! linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.We want to hear your thoughts and ideas about waste management in the city and what you would like to see in the future! Complete the 10-15 minute survey and help us make the Waste Plan!
The survey closes on July 19th.
Phase 1 Report
Share Phase 1 Report on Facebook Share Phase 1 Report on Twitter Share Phase 1 Report on Linkedin Email Phase 1 Report linkThe City has completed the first phase of its Solid Waste Master Plan, a 30-year plan that will guide how it manages solid waste. This report provides an overview of waste management in Ottawa and explains what we have been doing in phase one. It also highlights emerging trends in waste management and explains the public engagement approach for the two remaining phases in the master planning process.
Supporting documents one to five referenced at the end of the report are the ‘Technical Memorandums’ that are posted in the next newsfeed below. The link to supporting document six entitled ‘Stakeholders’ is provided in this newsfeed after the Phase 1 report.
Technical Memorandums
Share Technical Memorandums on Facebook Share Technical Memorandums on Twitter Share Technical Memorandums on Linkedin Email Technical Memorandums linkDuring Phase 1 of the Solid Waste Master Plan, a series of technical memorandums were developed to understand and document:
- the existing waste management system and practices at the City of Ottawa;
- the current legislative context in which the Waste Plan will be developed;
- emerging policies and trends in the waste management industry that need to be considered;
- what programs, services and policies progressive Canadian municipalities have in place; and
- current and emerging approaches and technologies to collect, process and dispose of municipal waste.
Due to their technical nature, only the French Executive Summaries are available. The City of Ottawa may translate these reports or parts thereof upon request. Please forward your requests to:
Current State Summary Document
The first step in the master planning process was to document the current state of the City’s solid waste management system. The Current State Summary documents the existing baseline waste management system, programs and supporting policies, as well as corporate waste management practices.
Legislative Review
This technical memorandum includes a review of recent federal and provincial solid waste policies, programs and legislation, including an assessment of the potential impacts on the City’s future waste management system.
Emerging Policies and Trends
Emerging policies and trends in waste management are covered in this technical memorandum, including solid waste management policy and program trends at the municipal, provincial, federal and international levels. It also covers recent consumer, waste generation and packaging trends, as well as trends in the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional sector.
Municipal Scan
To identify innovative and progressive municipal waste management programs, services and policies in Canada that could be applied to the City’s future waste management system, a comparative scan of eight different municipalities was undertaken. The findings are documented in this technical memorandum.
Technology Review
This technical memorandum documents the results of a high-level review of different proven and emerging municipal waste management technologies and approaches that could potentially be applicable to the City’s future solid waste management system.
Current Waste Management System
Share Current Waste Management System on Facebook Share Current Waste Management System on Twitter Share Current Waste Management System on Linkedin Email Current Waste Management System linkAs the City begins developing its new Solid Waste Master Plan, it is important to provide an understanding of the current waste management system in order to identify opportunities to strengthen the services and programs provided to customers. The information in this document offers insight into waste programs and services offered by the City of Ottawa. -
The Role of the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments
Share The Role of the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments on Facebook Share The Role of the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments on Twitter Share The Role of the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments on Linkedin Email The Role of the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments linkIn order to have meaningful conversations about what the City should include in the Solid Waste Master Plan it is important to understand who has a role to play and the specific responsibilities of each level of government.
What role does the City of Ottawa play in solid waste management? What can be addressed through the Solid Waste Master Plan? What are the current federal and provincial initiatives and how can the actions of municipalities complement these plans and policies?
Waste Management Trends and Challenges
Share Waste Management Trends and Challenges on Facebook Share Waste Management Trends and Challenges on Twitter Share Waste Management Trends and Challenges on Linkedin Email Waste Management Trends and Challenges linkThe City’s first waste plan, the Integrated Waste Management Master Plan (IWMMP), was adopted in 2003 and was designed to set waste direction in the city for a 20-year period. As the end of the planning horizon for this waste plan draws near, awareness has been increasing that the traditional approach to waste management used by many municipalities across North America will not be enough to keep communities clean and liveable in the long-term. This traditional approach included reliance on landfilling and exporting garbage and recyclables to parts of the globe willing to accept them.What is the current global thinking on waste? What are the main trends and challenges we need to consider as we discuss the next Solid Waste Master Plan?
The Circular Economy and Extended Producer Responsibility
Share The Circular Economy and Extended Producer Responsibility on Facebook Share The Circular Economy and Extended Producer Responsibility on Twitter Share The Circular Economy and Extended Producer Responsibility on Linkedin Email The Circular Economy and Extended Producer Responsibility linkThe circular economy and extended producer responsibility (EPR) will be discussed with residents and stakeholders as the City develops its new Solid Waste Master Plan. The information in this document provides an overview of the circular economy and EPR, and how they are applied globally and in Canada. These two topics will play a major role in waste management in Ottawa. Residents and key stakeholders will be able to provide feedback on how the circular economy and EPR should be included in the City’s new Solid Waste Master Plan.
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Who's Listening
Acting Program Manager, Long Term Planning, Solid Waste Services, Public Works Department
City of Ottawa
Public Outreach and Communications Coordinator, Long Term Planning, Solid Waste Services, Public Works Department
City of Ottawa
Solid Waste Master Plan
Solid Waste Master Plan.pdf (3.67 MB) (pdf)
Solid Waste Master Plan French.pdf (4.17 MB) (pdf)
SWMP Executive Summary.pdf (8.88 MB) (pdf)
SWMP Executive Summary French.pdf (9.02 MB) (pdf)
SWMP Legislative Report.pdf (891 KB) (pdf)
SWMP Legislative Report French.pdf (663 KB) (pdf)
SWMP Long Range Financial Plan Legislative Report.pdf (375 KB) (pdf)
SWMP Action Descriptions.pdf (827 KB) (pdf)
SWMP Action Descriptions French.pdf (870 KB) (pdf)
ES3 What We Learned Report.pdf (992 KB) (pdf)
ES3 What We Learned Report French.pdf (1.08 MB) (pdf)
Summary of SWMP Financial Analyses.pdf (403 KB) (pdf)
Summary of SWMP Financial Analyses French.pdf (750 KB) (pdf)
Summary of SWMP GHG analyses.pdf (526 KB) (pdf)
Summary of SWMP GHG Analyses French.pdf (497 KB) (pdf)
Solid Waste Master Plan Engagement Series 3
SWMP 50 Action Descriptions - ENGLISH.pdf (700 KB) (pdf)
Draft SWMP Executive Summary-AODA_.pdf (8.93 MB) (pdf)
English SWMP FAQs.pdf (649 KB) (pdf)
SWMP FAQs-French.pdf (646 KB) (pdf)
(English) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (84.9 KB) (pdf)
(French) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (89.4 KB) (pdf)
(Spanish) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (87.6 KB) (pdf)
(Arabic) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (869 KB) (pdf)
(Anishinaabemowin) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (87.3 KB) (pdf)
(Inuktitut) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (108 KB) (pdf)
(Turkish) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (89.3 KB) (pdf)
(Chinese) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (2.11 MB) (pdf)
(Somali) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (88.6 KB) (pdf)
(Farsi) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (2.04 MB) (pdf)
Phase 3 Report and Draft Solid Waste Master Plan
Draft Solid Waste Master Plan (Phase 3) Report (English) (621 KB) (pdf)
Draft Solid Waste Master Plan (Phase 3) Report (French) (689 KB) (pdf)
Document 1: Draft Solid Waste Master Plan (English) (3.46 MB) (pdf)
Document 1: Draft Solid Waste Master Plan (French) (3.64 MB) (pdf)
Document 2 Draft SWMP What We Learned Report Engagement Series 2 Feedback_EN.pdf (8.21 MB) (pdf)
Document 2 Draft SWMP What We Learned Report Engagement Series 2 Feedback_FR.pdf (8.27 MB) (pdf)
Document 3 Draft SWMP GHG Technical Memorandum_EN.pdf (1.09 MB) (pdf)
Document 4: Draft Solid Waste Master Plan System Action Suites_EN (900 KB) (pdf)
Document 4: Draft Solid Waste Master Plan System Action Suites_FR.pdf (1.77 MB) (pdf)
SWMP - What We Learned Report - Final.pdf (8.21 MB) (pdf)
GHG Inventory Memo - Final.pdf (1.09 MB) (pdf)
Environmental Assessment Process for the Expansion of the Trail Waste Facility Landfill
Environmental Assessment Process for the Expansion of the Trail Waste Facility Landfill_EN Report.pdf (444 KB) (pdf)
Environmental Assessment Process for the Expansion of the Trail Waste Facility Landfill_FR Report.pdf (413 KB) (pdf)
Document 1: Feasibility Review of Onsite Expansion Options at Trail Waste (EN) (2.48 MB) (pdf)
Document 2: Process and Timelines for Individual Environmental Assessment Approvals (EN) (317 KB) (pdf)
Curbside Garbage Collection Options
Technical Memorandums
Technical Memorandums
Current State System Summary (4.27 MB) (pdf)
Current State System Summary - Appendices (2.68 MB) (pdf)
Legislative Review (2.19 MB) (pdf)
Comparative Scan of Municipal Strategies, Practices and Initiatives (1.88 MB) (pdf)
Review of Policies and Trends (2.22 MB) (pdf)
Waste Management Technologies and Approaches (1.96 MB) (pdf)
Long-Term Waste Management Needs (5.06 MB) (pdf)
High Level Long List of Options (7.82 MB) (pdf)
Evaluation Process (1.74 MB) (pdf)
Phase 1 Report
Technical Memorandums - Executive summaries
Technical Memorandums – Executive Summaries
Current State System Summary – Executive Summary (504 KB) (pdf)
Legislative Review – Executive Summary (373 KB) (pdf)
Comparative Scan of Municipal Strategies, Practices and Initiatives - Executive Summary (364 KB) (pdf)
Review of Policies and Trends - Executive Summary (380 KB) (pdf)
Waste Management Technologies and Approaches - Executive Summary (377 KB) (pdf)
Technical Memorandums
Why is the Waste Plan needed and what are the key considerations? (181 KB) (pdf)
What will be included and how will the Waste Plan be developed? (198 KB) (pdf)
Bioplastics and their management (207 KB) (pdf)
Current Waste Management System (317 KB) (pdf)
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (169 KB) (pdf)
Key Challenges for Multi-Residential Waste Management (570 KB) (pdf)
New and emerging technologies in waste management (159 KB) (pdf)
Plastics and their Management (184 KB) (pdf)
The Circular Economy and Extended Producer Responsibility (176 KB) (pdf)
The Role of the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments (297 KB) (pdf)
Waste Management Trends and Challenges (238 KB) (pdf)
Waste Processing and End Market Challenges (201 KB) (pdf)
Glossary.pdf (163 KB) (pdf)
Arabic (772 KB) (pdf)
ES2 Documents
French (674 KB) (pdf)
Somali (656 KB) (pdf)
Spanish (653 KB) (pdf)
Chinese (712 KB) (pdf)
Nepali (766 KB) (pdf)
Farsi (788 KB) (pdf)
Anishinaabemowin (671 KB) (pdf)
Inuktitut (725 KB) (pdf)
English (731 KB) (pdf)
Survey_InformationSheet_EN.pdf (129 KB) (pdf)
2021 03 21_SWMPEngagement_InformationSession_ENFR.pdf (640 KB) (pdf)
2022-03-24_TakingtheLead_ENFR.pdf (535 KB) (pdf)
2022-03-28_BeyondCurbsideCollection_ENFR.pdf (548 KB) (pdf)
2022-04-07_Out in the public_ENFR (676 KB) (pdf)
2022-04-11_Reducing GHG Emissions_ENFR.pdf (782 KB) (pdf)
2022-04-13_Waste Plan Information Session_ENFR.pdf (643 KB) (pdf)
2022 05 03_MultiResidentialProperites_Presentaton.pdf (728 KB) (pdf)
2022-05-05_Residual Waste_ENFR.pdf (861 KB) (pdf)
Solid Waste Master Plan Short-listed Options.pdf (317 KB) (pdf)
Conversation Kit
Curbside sorting
Which-bin_Curbside_EN_PRINT FINAL.pdf (10.6 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_FR_PRINT FINAL.pdf (11.3 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_Spanish_PRINT FINAL.pdf (10.6 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_Arabic_PRINT FINAL.pdf (9.41 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_Chinese_PRINT FINAL.pdf (9.44 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_Inuktitut_PRINT FINAL.pdf (9.11 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_Nepali_PRINT FINAL.pdf (10.4 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_Somali_PRINT FINAL.pdf (10.6 MB) (pdf)