Solid Waste Master Plan
The City has developed a new Solid Waste Master Plan, that was approved by Council in June 2024. The plan will guide how we manage solid waste over the next 30 years. As Ottawa grows and changes, we want to ensure our waste services evolve to meet new needs and challenges. This page will be your hub for updates and opportunities to provide feedback.
Managing solid waste is a shared responsibility, and every resident has a part to play. That’s why, we need meaningful conversations with you to help ensure the new Solid Waste Master Plan works for everyone.
If you require assistance or are experiencing technical problems with this page, please contact us at
The City has developed a new Solid Waste Master Plan, that was approved by Council in June 2024. The plan will guide how we manage solid waste over the next 30 years. As Ottawa grows and changes, we want to ensure our waste services evolve to meet new needs and challenges. This page will be your hub for updates and opportunities to provide feedback.
Managing solid waste is a shared responsibility, and every resident has a part to play. That’s why, we need meaningful conversations with you to help ensure the new Solid Waste Master Plan works for everyone.
If you require assistance or are experiencing technical problems with this page, please contact us at
Share ENGAGEMENT SERIES 2 (“ES2”) on Facebook Share ENGAGEMENT SERIES 2 (“ES2”) on Twitter Share ENGAGEMENT SERIES 2 (“ES2”) on Linkedin Email ENGAGEMENT SERIES 2 (“ES2”) linkFind below links to the two-pagers for background on the engagement series and how the City will use your feedback:
Public Survey: March 7th – May 8th
Please note: you do not need to sign up or register through Engage Ottawa to participate in the survey. If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the survey, please contact us at
Do you want to participate in an online survey to provide your input on the Waste Plan options? Survey links and information on the public survey can be found below.
Is there anything I should read before completing the survey?
It is recommended to read the survey consultation toolkit.
Where can I complete the survey?
To complete the survey, choose the language of your choice below:
- English
- French
- Arabic
- Farsi
- Nepali
- Somali
- Spanish
- Chinese
- Anishinaabemowin
- Inuktitut
Public Meetings and Discussion Groups:
Want to join a public discussion group or information session to learn more and provide feedback on the Waste Plan options? Registration links to sign up for the sessions can be found below. All sessions will be facilitated in both English and French.
Name of Session Date, Time, Location Session Description Registration Link Waste Plan Options: Information Session Monday, March 21
Virtual: ZoomThis information session will allow participants to receive more information on the Waste Plan options that will be found in the public survey. The session will also feature a Q&A period so residents can better understand the Solid Waste Master Plan prior to completing the public survey or participating in other discussion groups.
Copy of session presentation hereTaking the lead: City of Ottawa and partners Thursday, March 24
Virtual: Zoom
This session will focus on how the City of Ottawa and partners can take action to influence and support community strategies, programs, and incentives towards a circular economy.
Copy of session presentation hereBeyond curbside collection: finding further ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle Monday, March 28
Virtual: Zoom
This session will discuss how willing residents are to prioritize the implementation of programs related to reusing, reducing, and recycling. This session will explore the Waste Plan options related to sharing spaces, community reuse events, expansion of the Take It Back! program, food waste reduction strategies, textile waste diversion, temporary drop off depots, and onsite organics.
Copy of session presentation here
Out in the public: Bringing change to public spaces, municipal facilities, and events Thursday, April 7
Virtual: Zoom
This session will explore options related to how and if the City should prioritize the implementation options related to alternate collection containers, recycling in parks and public spaces, guidelines for waste receptacles at events, and improving City facilities to lead by example.
Copy of session presentation here
Options with a Focus on Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Monday, April 11
Virtual: Zoom
This session will focus on the Waste Plan options that relate to reducing green house gas emissions, such as anaerobic digestion (AD), co-digestion, and zero waste City fleet.
Copy of session presentation hereWaste Plan Options: Information Session Wednesday, April 13
Virtual: Zoom
This information session will allow participants to receive more information on the Waste Plan options that will be found in the public survey. The session will also feature a Q&A period so residents can better understand the Solid Waste Master Plan prior to completing the public survey or participating in other discussion groups.
Copy of session presentation hereLet's talk Waste Plan options and Multi-residential properties Tuesday, May 3
Virtual: Zoom
This session focuses on the Waste Plan options related to chute closures, multi-residential building development standards, and increasing participation in the Green Bin program. Multi-residential properties are properties with 6 or more units. This session is open to all residents, tenants, landlords, property managers and staff.
Copy of session presentation hereWhat to do with the rest? Exploring residual waste technology options
Thursday, May 5
Virtual: Zoom
This session will allow participants to better understand and provide input on how far, how fast, and at what cost are residents willing to implement Waste Plan options related to mixed waste processing, mechanical biological treatment, incineration, and emerging technologies to manage non-recyclable and non-compostable waste materials.
Copy of session presentation hereFocus Groups:
Are you a young person, older adult, racialized resident, a new immigrant, person living with disabilities, or a member of the 2SLGBTQQIA+ community? The City of Ottawa is organizing smaller group information sessions to discuss the Solid Waste Master Plan Options. The structure of the focus group will be an information session on the Waste Plan options, a period for question and answers, followed by a small discussion on how the Waste Plan options directly impact your community. If you are a member of this community and would like to attend a focus group, please register below:
Name of Session Date, Time, Location Registration Link Immigrant and BIPOC (racialized residents) focus group Thursday, April 14
Virtual: ZoomCLOSED Persons living with disabilities focus group Wednesday, April 20
Virtual: ZoomCLOSED
Older adults focus group Friday, April 22
Virtual: ZoomCLOSED
Youth focus group Thursday, April 28
Virtual: ZoomCLOSED
2SLGBTQQIA+ focus group Thursday, April 28
Virtual: ZoomCLOSED
Councillor Hosted Engagement Sessions:
Ward - Councillor Date, Time, and Location Registration Link Ward 5 - El-Chantiry
Ward 6 - Gower
Ward 9 - Egli
Ward 23 - HubleyThursday, April 21
Virtual: ZoomCLOSED
Ward 14 - McKenney
Ward 15 - Leiper
Ward 17 - MenardMonday, April 25
Virtual: ZoomCLOSED
Ward 4 - Curry
Ward 10 - Deans
Ward 16 - Brockington
Ward 18 - Cloutier
Monday, May 2
Virtual: ZoomCLOSED
Where we are at and how engagement feedback will be used
Share Where we are at and how engagement feedback will be used on Facebook Share Where we are at and how engagement feedback will be used on Twitter Share Where we are at and how engagement feedback will be used on Linkedin Email Where we are at and how engagement feedback will be used linkIn 2021 Council approved the plans vision, guiding principles and goals. A long list of options was also developed in 2021 to meet the needs and gaps of the City’s current waste management system. That long list was then evaluated using an approach that looked at the environmental, social and financial considerations of each option. We are now engaging on the resulting short list of options.
Which Options Made It to the Short List?
We started with a Long List of Options which were evaluated using a triple bottom line evaluation tool and short-listed. To see which options made it through, and which ones didn't, see Table 4 in the Evaluation Memo.
How will feedback be used?
Feedback from the public will be used to help develop a “system” of options that will be included in the draft Waste Plan. This feedback will be considered alongside:
- input from internal stakeholders at the City.
- the results of a financial analysis of the options. This will explore how affordable the options are and what the impact could be to Ottawa residents.
We will also need to consider:
- any changes to provincial and federal government legislation that could have an impact on how we implement some of the options (for example, the federal government’s single-use plastics ban)
- any lasting impacts on the waste generation habits of Ottawa’s residents due to COVID-19.
- the implementation timing of some options may not be as flexible due to contract restrictions, approval process, construction timelines etc.
Next steps
- A “What We Learned” report will be developed to outline what was learned through Engagement Series 2 and how feedback will be used.
- In Q1 2023, staff plan on tabling the draft Waste Plan for Committee and Council’s receipt.
- Once complete, staff will undertake the third and final Engagement Series for the project, which will include consulting with Councillors, residents and key stakeholders on the proposed final Waste Plan before it is presented to Committee and Council for consideration in Q2 2023.
Engagement Series 2 Update
Share Engagement Series 2 Update on Facebook Share Engagement Series 2 Update on Twitter Share Engagement Series 2 Update on Linkedin Email Engagement Series 2 Update linkEngagement Series 2 of the Solid Waste Master Plan will be starting in March 2022 and we can’t wait to hear from you! We will be hosting a variety of themed dialogue sessions, focus groups and an online survey, topics covered include:
- New and creative ways to avoid, reduce, and reuse waste
- Multi-residential properties’ green bin use
- How to improve our recycling programs
- How we manage garbage and recycling in City parks
- Role of technology and innovation
- Financial considerations
- Turning waste into renewable energy
- Education and enforcement
We want to know how far, how fast, and at what cost we should go.
Engagement will run 5 weeks and we will ask about various Waste Plan options, presented in the Phase 2 report.
Subscribe to our newsletter for more updates on the project.
Thank for your feedback on Curbside Garbage Collection Options
Share Thank for your feedback on Curbside Garbage Collection Options on Facebook Share Thank for your feedback on Curbside Garbage Collection Options on Twitter Share Thank for your feedback on Curbside Garbage Collection Options on Linkedin Email Thank for your feedback on Curbside Garbage Collection Options linkWe’re bringing you the rest of the Waste Plan options this Winter! We engaged on Curbside Garbage Collection first so that we could focus on these important potential changes that could affect the way your garbage is collected. We are analyzing all of the feedback received and will share a “What We Learned” report later this year.
Waste Plan options being presented for engagement this Fall include more ideas to encourage diversion of waste from landfill, reduce and reuse waste, improve collection of waste in multi-residential buildings and parks, expand promotion and education ideas, improve the management of food and organics, and much, much more. Check back later this Winter for an update!
Curbside Garbage Collection Options - Closed!
Share Curbside Garbage Collection Options - Closed! on Facebook Share Curbside Garbage Collection Options - Closed! on Twitter Share Curbside Garbage Collection Options - Closed! on Linkedin Email Curbside Garbage Collection Options - Closed! linkThe survey is now closed, thank you for participating. A “What we Learned Report” will be released later this year, stay tuned! Please join us this Fall when we start engagement on the second phase of the Solid Waste Master Plan.
Waste Plan options engagement has started and Curbside Garbage Collection Options are up first!
Complete the survey and/or sign up for a workshop to have a say in how garbage gets collected from your home in the future.
This survey focuses on just three Waste Plan options to help us increase waste diversion from the landfill. All other Waste Plan options will be presented for engagement in the Fall and will include ideas to reduce and reuse waste, improve collection of waste in multi-residential buildings and parks, improve the management of food and organics, and much, much more!!
Reducing garbage at the curbside is crucial to help achieve our vision of a Zero Waste Ottawa.
More than half of what people in Ottawa throw in the garbage could be recycled or composted.
We know we can do better.
If we rethink how we collect garbage at the curb, we can reduce emissions, extend the life of the landfill, and turn more waste into new products and resources.
The options we’re exploring include partial pay-as-you-throw (PAYT), clear garbage bags with material bans and reduced firm item limits.
You can also explore the purpose of this project, how options were developed and key considerations when it comes to education and enforcement approaches for these options.
We're on it!
Thanks to everyone for sending us your questions. We want to make sure we get you the best answer we can and due to the increase in volume, we'll need 5 business days to respond. We're loving these questions so keep them coming!
Residents requiring accessibility accommodations or paper surveys can contact Elizabeth Cybulski at 613-580-2424 extension 23202.
Council approves Zero Waste vision for Solid Waste Master Plan
Share Council approves Zero Waste vision for Solid Waste Master Plan on Facebook Share Council approves Zero Waste vision for Solid Waste Master Plan on Twitter Share Council approves Zero Waste vision for Solid Waste Master Plan on Linkedin Email Council approves Zero Waste vision for Solid Waste Master Plan linkOn July 7, 2021, City of Ottawa Council approved the Zero Waste vision presented by Public Works and Environmental Services as a part of the Solid Waste Master Plan Phase 2 Report.
Opportunities to share your feedback on the Solid Waste Master Plan are coming soon. Sign up for the eNewsletter to stay in the loop on how to participate.
Phase 2 Report is Live!
Share Phase 2 Report is Live! on Facebook Share Phase 2 Report is Live! on Twitter Share Phase 2 Report is Live! on Linkedin Email Phase 2 Report is Live! linkThe report will be presented to the Standing Committee on Environmental Protection, Water and Waste Management on June 29, 2021. On July 7, 2021 it will seek Council’s approval on the Waste Plan’s proposed vision, guiding principles and goals. The report will also provide Council members with key information about the City’s future waste management needs. This includes a long list of options to meet those needs, and a technical evaluation tool to assess the options. Wrapping up the report is an overview of what’s next for the SWMP – for example a new engagement series, coming to you this fall.
If you participated in last year’s public engagement activities and shared your thoughts about the City’s waste management practices, you may be particularly interested in the appended 'As We Heard It' report. The report summarizes the feedback from residents and various stakeholder groups received through surveys and online dialogue sessions, and indicates how it was used to influence the development of the Plan to date.Technical documents are provided in the language of production and are translated upon request.
Frequently Asked Questions
Share Frequently Asked Questions on Facebook Share Frequently Asked Questions on Twitter Share Frequently Asked Questions on Linkedin Email Frequently Asked Questions linkFind the answers to some of your frequently asked questions here.
What is a Solid Waste Master Plan?
A City’s Solid Waste Master Plan helps us anticipate and respond to future waste-management needs. It ensures the City operates a fiscally responsible, socially accepted and environmentally conscious waste-management system.
Why do we need a Solid Waste Master Plan in Ottawa?Over the next 30 years, Ottawa’s population will grow by almost 50 percent, an increase of an estimated 400,000. Ottawa’s plan will ensure that waste is managed in the most sustainable way possible. It will give our residents and businesses the options and alternatives they need to make better waste-management choices.
What will be in the Solid Waste Master Plan?
The plan will outline approaches to increase both curbside and multi-residential waste diversion. It will cover a variety of waste-management policies and include strategies for:
- waste prevention and reuse
- regulation of the waste industry
- resource recovery
- residual management
The plan will also consider the City’s role within the wider context of what’s happening provincially, federally and globally on such issues as:
- the shift to a circular economy
- individual producer responsibility for products and packaging
- reliance on single-use plastics
Questions about the Solid Waste Plan
Share Questions about the Solid Waste Plan on Facebook Share Questions about the Solid Waste Plan on Twitter Share Questions about the Solid Waste Plan on Linkedin Email Questions about the Solid Waste Plan linkDo you have a question about the Solid Waste Plan? Ask them using our question and answer tool here.
Why is the Waste Plan needed and what are the key considerations?
Share Why is the Waste Plan needed and what are the key considerations? on Facebook Share Why is the Waste Plan needed and what are the key considerations? on Twitter Share Why is the Waste Plan needed and what are the key considerations? on Linkedin Email Why is the Waste Plan needed and what are the key considerations? linkWhat is a Solid Waste Master Plan? Why is it needed in Ottawa? What are the key considerations for the Waste Plan? Read on to find out.
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Who's Listening
Acting Program Manager, Long Term Planning, Solid Waste Services, Public Works Department
City of Ottawa
Public Outreach and Communications Coordinator, Long Term Planning, Solid Waste Services, Public Works Department
City of Ottawa
Solid Waste Master Plan
Solid Waste Master Plan.pdf (3.67 MB) (pdf)
Solid Waste Master Plan French.pdf (4.17 MB) (pdf)
SWMP Executive Summary.pdf (8.88 MB) (pdf)
SWMP Executive Summary French.pdf (9.02 MB) (pdf)
SWMP Legislative Report.pdf (891 KB) (pdf)
SWMP Legislative Report French.pdf (663 KB) (pdf)
SWMP Long Range Financial Plan Legislative Report.pdf (375 KB) (pdf)
Action Suites and Actions.pdf (1.41 MB) (pdf)
SWMP Action Descriptions.pdf (827 KB) (pdf)
SWMP Action Descriptions French.pdf (870 KB) (pdf)
ES3 What We Learned Report.pdf (992 KB) (pdf)
ES3 What We Learned Report French.pdf (1.08 MB) (pdf)
Summary of SWMP Financial Analyses.pdf (403 KB) (pdf)
Summary of SWMP Financial Analyses French.pdf (750 KB) (pdf)
Summary of SWMP GHG analyses.pdf (526 KB) (pdf)
Summary of SWMP GHG Analyses French.pdf (497 KB) (pdf)
Solid Waste Master Plan Engagement Series 3
SWMP 50 Action Descriptions - ENGLISH.pdf (700 KB) (pdf)
Draft SWMP Executive Summary-AODA_.pdf (8.93 MB) (pdf)
English SWMP FAQs.pdf (649 KB) (pdf)
SWMP FAQs-French.pdf (646 KB) (pdf)
(English) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (84.9 KB) (pdf)
(French) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (89.4 KB) (pdf)
(Spanish) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (87.6 KB) (pdf)
(Arabic) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (869 KB) (pdf)
(Anishinaabemowin) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (87.3 KB) (pdf)
(Inuktitut) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (108 KB) (pdf)
(Turkish) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (89.3 KB) (pdf)
(Chinese) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (2.11 MB) (pdf)
(Somali) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (88.6 KB) (pdf)
(Farsi) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (2.04 MB) (pdf)
Phase 3 Report and Draft Solid Waste Master Plan
Draft Solid Waste Master Plan (Phase 3) Report (English) (621 KB) (pdf)
Draft Solid Waste Master Plan (Phase 3) Report (French) (689 KB) (pdf)
Document 1: Draft Solid Waste Master Plan (English) (3.46 MB) (pdf)
Document 1: Draft Solid Waste Master Plan (French) (3.64 MB) (pdf)
Document 2 Draft SWMP What We Learned Report Engagement Series 2 Feedback_EN.pdf (8.21 MB) (pdf)
Document 2 Draft SWMP What We Learned Report Engagement Series 2 Feedback_FR.pdf (8.27 MB) (pdf)
Document 3 Draft SWMP GHG Technical Memorandum_EN.pdf (1.09 MB) (pdf)
Document 4: Draft Solid Waste Master Plan System Action Suites_EN (900 KB) (pdf)
Document 4: Draft Solid Waste Master Plan System Action Suites_FR.pdf (1.77 MB) (pdf)
SWMP - What We Learned Report - Final.pdf (8.21 MB) (pdf)
GHG Inventory Memo - Final.pdf (1.09 MB) (pdf)
Environmental Assessment Process for the Expansion of the Trail Waste Facility Landfill
Environmental Assessment Process for the Expansion of the Trail Waste Facility Landfill_EN Report.pdf (444 KB) (pdf)
Environmental Assessment Process for the Expansion of the Trail Waste Facility Landfill_FR Report.pdf (413 KB) (pdf)
Document 1: Feasibility Review of Onsite Expansion Options at Trail Waste (EN) (2.48 MB) (pdf)
Document 2: Process and Timelines for Individual Environmental Assessment Approvals (EN) (317 KB) (pdf)
Curbside Garbage Collection Options
Technical Memorandums
Technical Memorandums
Current State System Summary (4.27 MB) (pdf)
Current State System Summary - Appendices (2.68 MB) (pdf)
Legislative Review (2.19 MB) (pdf)
Comparative Scan of Municipal Strategies, Practices and Initiatives (1.88 MB) (pdf)
Review of Policies and Trends (2.22 MB) (pdf)
Waste Management Technologies and Approaches (1.96 MB) (pdf)
Long-Term Waste Management Needs (5.06 MB) (pdf)
High Level Long List of Options (7.82 MB) (pdf)
Evaluation Process (1.74 MB) (pdf)
Phase 1 Report
Technical Memorandums - Executive summaries
Technical Memorandums – Executive Summaries
Current State System Summary – Executive Summary (504 KB) (pdf)
Legislative Review – Executive Summary (373 KB) (pdf)
Comparative Scan of Municipal Strategies, Practices and Initiatives - Executive Summary (364 KB) (pdf)
Review of Policies and Trends - Executive Summary (380 KB) (pdf)
Waste Management Technologies and Approaches - Executive Summary (377 KB) (pdf)
Technical Memorandums
Why is the Waste Plan needed and what are the key considerations? (181 KB) (pdf)
What will be included and how will the Waste Plan be developed? (198 KB) (pdf)
Bioplastics and their management (207 KB) (pdf)
Current Waste Management System (317 KB) (pdf)
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (169 KB) (pdf)
Key Challenges for Multi-Residential Waste Management (570 KB) (pdf)
New and emerging technologies in waste management (159 KB) (pdf)
Plastics and their Management (184 KB) (pdf)
The Circular Economy and Extended Producer Responsibility (176 KB) (pdf)
The Role of the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments (297 KB) (pdf)
Waste Management Trends and Challenges (238 KB) (pdf)
Waste Processing and End Market Challenges (201 KB) (pdf)
Glossary.pdf (163 KB) (pdf)
Arabic (772 KB) (pdf)
ES2 Documents
French (674 KB) (pdf)
Somali (656 KB) (pdf)
Spanish (653 KB) (pdf)
Chinese (712 KB) (pdf)
Nepali (766 KB) (pdf)
Farsi (788 KB) (pdf)
Anishinaabemowin (671 KB) (pdf)
Inuktitut (725 KB) (pdf)
English (731 KB) (pdf)
Survey_InformationSheet_EN.pdf (129 KB) (pdf)
2021 03 21_SWMPEngagement_InformationSession_ENFR.pdf (640 KB) (pdf)
2022-03-24_TakingtheLead_ENFR.pdf (535 KB) (pdf)
2022-03-28_BeyondCurbsideCollection_ENFR.pdf (548 KB) (pdf)
2022-04-07_Out in the public_ENFR (676 KB) (pdf)
2022-04-11_Reducing GHG Emissions_ENFR.pdf (782 KB) (pdf)
2022-04-13_Waste Plan Information Session_ENFR.pdf (643 KB) (pdf)
2022 05 03_MultiResidentialProperites_Presentaton.pdf (728 KB) (pdf)
2022-05-05_Residual Waste_ENFR.pdf (861 KB) (pdf)
Solid Waste Master Plan Short-listed Options.pdf (317 KB) (pdf)
Conversation Kit
Curbside sorting
Which-bin_Curbside_EN_PRINT FINAL.pdf (10.6 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_FR_PRINT FINAL.pdf (11.3 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_Spanish_PRINT FINAL.pdf (10.6 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_Arabic_PRINT FINAL.pdf (9.41 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_Chinese_PRINT FINAL.pdf (9.44 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_Inuktitut_PRINT FINAL.pdf (9.11 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_Nepali_PRINT FINAL.pdf (10.4 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_Somali_PRINT FINAL.pdf (10.6 MB) (pdf)