Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to some of your frequently asked questions here.

What is a Solid Waste Master Plan?

A City’s Solid Waste Master Plan helps us anticipate and respond to future waste-management needs. It ensures the City operates a fiscally responsible, socially accepted and environmentally conscious waste-management system.

Why do we need a Solid Waste Master Plan in Ottawa?

Over the next 30 years, Ottawa’s population will grow by almost 50 percent, an increase of an estimated 400,000. Ottawa’s plan will ensure that waste is managed in the most sustainable way possible. It will give our residents and businesses the options and alternatives they need to make better waste-management choices.

What will be in the Solid Waste Master Plan?

The plan will outline approaches to increase both curbside and multi-residential waste diversion. It will cover a variety of waste-management policies and include strategies for:

  • waste prevention and reuse
  • regulation of the waste industry
  • resource recovery
  • residual management

The plan will also consider the City’s role within the wider context of what’s happening provincially, federally and globally on such issues as:

  • the shift to a circular economy
  • individual producer responsibility for products and packaging
  • reliance on single-use plastics

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