Where we are at and how engagement feedback will be used
In 2021 Council approved the plans vision, guiding principles and goals. A long list of options was also developed in 2021 to meet the needs and gaps of the City’s current waste management system. That long list was then evaluated using an approach that looked at the environmental, social and financial considerations of each option. We are now engaging on the resulting short list of options.
Which Options Made It to the Short List?
We started with a Long List of Options which were evaluated using a triple bottom line evaluation tool and short-listed. To see which options made it through, and which ones didn't, see Table 4 in the Evaluation Memo.
How will feedback be used?
Feedback from the public will be used to help develop a “system” of options that will be included in the draft Waste Plan. This feedback will be considered alongside:
- input from internal stakeholders at the City.
- the results of a financial analysis of the options. This will explore how affordable the options are and what the impact could be to Ottawa residents.
We will also need to consider:
- any changes to provincial and federal government legislation that could have an impact on how we implement some of the options (for example, the federal government’s single-use plastics ban)
- any lasting impacts on the waste generation habits of Ottawa’s residents due to COVID-19.
- the implementation timing of some options may not be as flexible due to contract restrictions, approval process, construction timelines etc.
Next steps
- A “What We Learned” report will be developed to outline what was learned through Engagement Series 2 and how feedback will be used.
- In Q1 2023, staff plan on tabling the draft Waste Plan for Committee and Council’s receipt.
- Once complete, staff will undertake the third and final Engagement Series for the project, which will include consulting with Councillors, residents and key stakeholders on the proposed final Waste Plan before it is presented to Committee and Council for consideration in Q2 2023.