Solid Waste Master Plan
The City has developed a new Solid Waste Master Plan, that was approved by Council in June 2024. The plan will guide how we manage solid waste over the next 30 years. As Ottawa grows and changes, we want to ensure our waste services evolve to meet new needs and challenges. This page will be your hub for updates and opportunities to provide feedback.
Managing solid waste is a shared responsibility, and every resident has a part to play. That’s why, we need meaningful conversations with you to help ensure the new Solid Waste Master Plan works for everyone.
If you require assistance or are experiencing technical problems with this page, please contact us at
The City has developed a new Solid Waste Master Plan, that was approved by Council in June 2024. The plan will guide how we manage solid waste over the next 30 years. As Ottawa grows and changes, we want to ensure our waste services evolve to meet new needs and challenges. This page will be your hub for updates and opportunities to provide feedback.
Managing solid waste is a shared responsibility, and every resident has a part to play. That’s why, we need meaningful conversations with you to help ensure the new Solid Waste Master Plan works for everyone.
If you require assistance or are experiencing technical problems with this page, please contact us at
Environmental Assessment Process for the Expansion of the Trail Waste Facility Landfill report now posted
Share Environmental Assessment Process for the Expansion of the Trail Waste Facility Landfill report now posted on Facebook Share Environmental Assessment Process for the Expansion of the Trail Waste Facility Landfill report now posted on Twitter Share Environmental Assessment Process for the Expansion of the Trail Waste Facility Landfill report now posted on Linkedin Email Environmental Assessment Process for the Expansion of the Trail Waste Facility Landfill report now posted linkAs noted during the technical briefing on the Draft Solid Waste Master Plan today, staff will be tabling a report alongside the Draft Solid Waste Master Plan to seek Council’s direction to initiate the development of the Terms of Reference for the environmental assessment process to expand the capacity of the Trail Waste Facility Landfill (TWFL) within its existing boundaries. This would kick off the Environmental Assessment which is needed in order to expand and if approved would provide the City with additional runway to implement the strategies outlined in the Solid Waste Master Plan.
The report is now available to the public, and the links to view the report and its support documents are posted below:
Key Dates for the Solid Waste Master Plan
Share Key Dates for the Solid Waste Master Plan on Facebook Share Key Dates for the Solid Waste Master Plan on Twitter Share Key Dates for the Solid Waste Master Plan on Linkedin Email Key Dates for the Solid Waste Master Plan linkWe are excited to share that we are approaching an exciting milestone for the development of the Solid Waste Master Plan! The key legislative dates for the tabling of the Draft Solid Waste Master Plan (SWMP) for Council’s information.
The dates are as follows:-
October 30th at 12:30pmTechnical briefing on City’s Youtube Channel + in person in Council Chambers
November 21st at 9:30amCommittee meeting on City’s Youtube Channel + in person in Champlain Room
December 6th at 10:00am
You are all welcome to tune in to watch or listen to meetings in progress or access the video or audio of past meetings on YouTube or access them on the agendas and minutes web portal.
A quick note that while the Technical Briefing will be live streamed for public access, questions are reserved for member of Councillors and the media only. Should you wish to speak at Committee, you must sign up as a delegation For more information on attending and/or being a delegation at the Committee meeting on November 21, please visit:
Next steps to finalize the Solid Waste Master Plan
Your engagement and feedback has been instrumental in developing the draft Waste Plan, and seeking your feedback is not complete. Following Council’s receipt of Draft SWMP, staff will embark on the third and final round of engagement for the Solid Waste Master Plan’s development – Engagement Series 3. This engagement series will focus on informing stakeholders and the public of what the Draft SWMP entails, how stakeholder feedback from Engagement Series 1 and 2 has been integrated into the SWMP’s development so far and will provide an opportunity for residents and stakeholders to ask questions of staff and provide comments and feedback on the Draft SWMP before the tabling of the Final Solid Waste Master Plan in Q2 2024.
Engagement Series 3 will begin with a stakeholder sounding board meeting following Council’s receipt of the Draft Solid Waste Master Plan and public engagement will then begin mid-January and into February. A series of in-person public open houses across the city as well as virtual sessions will take place. Staff will also meet individually with all members of Council to seek their feedback on behalf of their residents and the input will be considered in the Final SWMP.
Circular Economy Month: Repair Café
Share Circular Economy Month: Repair Café on Facebook Share Circular Economy Month: Repair Café on Twitter Share Circular Economy Month: Repair Café on Linkedin Email Circular Economy Month: Repair Café linkThrow it away? No way! In honour of Circular Economy Month, the City of Ottawa is sponsoring a free Repair Café on Saturday, October 14 at City Hall (Jean Pigott Place), 110 Laurier Avenue West. Repair Cafés are an international concept with the goal of reducing landfill waste, teaching new skills, and building community!
This event is hosted by the Ottawa Tool Library. Volunteers will be ready to help repair your items and share their expertise around everything from darning socks to re-wiring kettles.
Come and learn more about the Ottawa Tool Library and waste reduction, while saving an item from the landfill! Visit for more.
Curbside collections report and new green bin video
Share Curbside collections report and new green bin video on Facebook Share Curbside collections report and new green bin video on Twitter Share Curbside collections report and new green bin video on Linkedin Email Curbside collections report and new green bin video linkIn addition to discussing the 2026 Residential Curbside Collection Contract report, during this morning’s Environment and Climate Change Committee, our team had the pleasure of launching our new green bin video. The video can be found at, along with our recycling and garbage videos.
- NEW! Ottawa’s Green Bin Program & Composting Process Explained (3:39)
- What Happens to My Garbage? (5:05)
- What Happens to My Recycling? (4:58)
We hope you find these videos educational and that they inspire you to reduce waste whenever possible.
Welcome to the new Councillor Sponsors Group
Share Welcome to the new Councillor Sponsors Group on Facebook Share Welcome to the new Councillor Sponsors Group on Twitter Share Welcome to the new Councillor Sponsors Group on Linkedin Email Welcome to the new Councillor Sponsors Group linkThe Solid Waste Planning Council Sponsors Group (CSG) provides vital strategic input, feedback, advice, and guidance to staff in developing and implementing the Solid Waste Master Plan (Waste Plan), as well as other key Solid Waste planning files previously classified as component projects to the Waste Plan.
The CSG represents the public and ensures staff are aware of current thinking and concerns of the community as it pertains to Solid Waste planning projects in addition to acting as Council-experts on various Solid Waste planning files, advocating for the work being done to better Ottawa’s waste management system.Membership
The Solid Waste Planning Council Sponsors Group are made up of the following members:- Chair, Environment and Climate Change Committee; Councillor Menard
- Vice Chair, Environment and Climate Change Committee; Councillor Carr
- Councillor(s) able to provide rural, urban and suburban representation; Councillor Gower, Councillor Kelly, Councillor Johnson
A designate from the Mayor’s Office; Scott Moffat, Robyn Guest
The Councillor Sponsors Group is supported by Long-Term and Program Planning, Solid Waste Services, as well as City staff including City Manager’s office who facilitate meetings and lead work on key Solid Waste planning files.
Further background
On July 10, 2019, Council considered the staff report titled, “Solid Waste Master Plan Roadmap” and approved the establishment of a Council Sponsors Group to work with staff on the development of the Solid Waste Master Plan through each phase, as described in the report.
The Sponsors Group reviewed and provided input/feedback on the project plan and detailed timeline, on specific areas for inclusion in reports, on the draft consultation plan, on the draft vision statement, guiding principles, goals and targets prior to consultation, on the proposed options analysis prior to consultation, as well as on the draft and final recommended Plans.
The Public Works Department recommended the re-establishment of the Sponsors Group for this term of Council, to work with staff on the next steps in the Solid Waste Master Plan.
The motion was passed on June 14, 2023 with the first meeting of the re-established CSG on July 18, 2023 at the Trail Road Landfill.
Council approves new policy to divert waste from landfill
Share Council approves new policy to divert waste from landfill on Facebook Share Council approves new policy to divert waste from landfill on Twitter Share Council approves new policy to divert waste from landfill on Linkedin Email Council approves new policy to divert waste from landfill linkCity Council today approved a new policy to reduce unnecessary waste going to landfill, that will work towards meeting provincially mandated diversion targets and increasing participation in recycling and green bin programs.
The new policy will allow residents to put out three garbage items every two weeks
- A garbage item can be a garbage bag, a 140-litre container or bulky item. Households can put several smaller bags in containers up to 140 litres.
- There will continue to be no limit to how much residents can set out through curbside recycling and green bins.
Currently, 85 per cent of households are setting out three or fewer garbage items bi-weekly; this recommendation focuses on the remaining 15 per cent of Ottawa households and aims to drive up their diversion efforts.
Staff will look into leveraging its existing Yellow Bag Program to permit residential properties receiving curbside collection flexibility to purchase and set out additional bags. Council also approved a third-party review of its waste-diversion data to ensure staff has the best possible information to support decisions for its Solid Waste Master Plan.
This policy is part of a multi-pronged approach to reduce the amount of waste requiring disposal and extend the life of the Trail Waste Facility landfill, which could reach capacity in 13 to 15 years. The City will consider medium- and long-term options, including alternative technologies, as part of the draft Solid Waste Master Plan this fall.
Staff will report back to Council with an implementation and communication plan before the new program begins, no later than Q2 2024. This report will include strategies to address challenges and mitigate risks, and a comprehensive plan to guide residents through the change.
Council received an update on the transition to the new Provincial Blue Box Program, in which producers will be responsible for collecting and processing recyclable materials from eligible sources. The City will transition to the new program beginning on July 1, 2023, with the transition period ending on December 31, 2025. The City has negotiated an agreement with Circular Materials Ontario to continue collecting recyclables on producers’ behalf throughout the transition period and residents will see no change to their usual curbside recycling service.
New garbage policy to be decided by Council
Share New garbage policy to be decided by Council on Facebook Share New garbage policy to be decided by Council on Twitter Share New garbage policy to be decided by Council on Linkedin Email New garbage policy to be decided by Council linkA new policy to reduce unnecessary waste going to landfill, meet provincially mandated diversion targets and increase participation in recycling and green bin programs will rise to City Council for decision on June 14.
The City’s Environment and Climate Change Committee considered the new policy, which would change curbside garbage collection in Ottawa to a partial pay-as-you-throw program, beginning in Q2 2024. Residents can watch the staff presentation outlining the new policy on the City’s Youtube channel.
The Committee received an update on the transition to the new Provincial Blue Box Program, in which producers will be responsible for collecting and processing recyclable materials from eligible sources. The City will transition to the new program beginning on July 1, 2023, with the transition period ending on December 31, 2025.
The City has negotiated an agreement with Circular Materials Ontario to continue collecting recyclables on producers’ behalf throughout the transition period. As a result, residents will see no change to their usual curbside recycling service during the transition. The City will provide status quo collection on the current schedule and continue to handle customer service inquiries.
Staff propose extending the existing curbside collection contract with the current service providers for the transition period. After the transition period, the contracts for organics and waste collection would be extended a further three months, to minimize potential impacts to service and operations.
Items considered at this meeting will rise to Council on Wednesday, June 14.
For more information on City programs and services, visit, call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401) or 613-580-2400 to contact the City using Canada Video Relay Service. You can also connect with us through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Curbside Waste Diversion Policy report now posted
Share Curbside Waste Diversion Policy report now posted on Facebook Share Curbside Waste Diversion Policy report now posted on Twitter Share Curbside Waste Diversion Policy report now posted on Linkedin Email Curbside Waste Diversion Policy report now posted linkToday staff held a technical briefing to share the Curbside Waste Diversion Policy report recommendations with Council ahead of the report going to the Environment and Climate Change Committee on June 5, 2023 and Council on June 14, 2023.
The report is now available to the public, here are the links to view the report and its supporting documents:- Curbside Waste Diversion Policy report (English)
- Curbside Waste Diversion Policy report (French)
- Supporting document / appendix 1/A
- Supporting document / appendix 2/B
We would like to take this opportunity to thank residents of Ottawa for your feedback on curbside garbage collection options! As you will see in the report, the feedback received played an important role in shaping the recommendations being presented for Committee and Council consideration.
Where are we at?
Share Where are we at? on Facebook Share Where are we at? on Twitter Share Where are we at? on Linkedin Email Where are we at? linkResults from Engagement Series 2 and further analyses on the impacts of the various Waste Plan actions are being incorporated into the draft plan. The plan will lay out when each of the 57 actions could be implemented and their potential impacts on the goals of the plan.
A ‘What We Learned Report’ will be posted to Engage Ottawa soon that presents feedback from Engagement Series 2 and details how the feedback was used to adapt the draft plan.
The draft plan will be tabled in Q3 2023 and a final engagement round (Engagement Series 3) will take place in Q4 2023 to obtain input on the draft. Council will consider the final Solid Waste Master Plan that incorporates all the feedback we collected in Q1 2024.
Engagement Series 2 (“ES2”) has now closed!
Share Engagement Series 2 (“ES2”) has now closed! on Facebook Share Engagement Series 2 (“ES2”) has now closed! on Twitter Share Engagement Series 2 (“ES2”) has now closed! on Linkedin Email Engagement Series 2 (“ES2”) has now closed! linkThe City of Ottawa would like to thank all the residents and stakeholders who participated in Engagement Series 2. We heard from over 4,500 residents through the public survey, online dialogue sessions, and focus groups. The feedback received will be used to develop the draft Waste Plan, which will be presented to Committee and Council in Q3 of 2023.
STAY TUNED: A “What We Learned Report” outlining the results from this round of engagement will be posted this upcoming fall. If the draft Waste Plan is approved by Council, the next round of engagement (ES3) will begin in Q4 of 2023.
STAY ENGAGED: Subscribe here to get future notifications related to the Solid Waste Master Plan.
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Who's Listening
Acting Program Manager, Long Term Planning, Solid Waste Services, Public Works Department
City of Ottawa
Public Outreach and Communications Coordinator, Long Term Planning, Solid Waste Services, Public Works Department
City of Ottawa
Solid Waste Master Plan
Solid Waste Master Plan.pdf (3.67 MB) (pdf)
Solid Waste Master Plan French.pdf (4.17 MB) (pdf)
SWMP Executive Summary.pdf (8.88 MB) (pdf)
SWMP Executive Summary French.pdf (9.02 MB) (pdf)
SWMP Legislative Report.pdf (891 KB) (pdf)
SWMP Legislative Report French.pdf (663 KB) (pdf)
SWMP Long Range Financial Plan Legislative Report.pdf (375 KB) (pdf)
Action Suites and Actions.pdf (1.41 MB) (pdf)
SWMP Action Descriptions.pdf (827 KB) (pdf)
SWMP Action Descriptions French.pdf (870 KB) (pdf)
ES3 What We Learned Report.pdf (992 KB) (pdf)
ES3 What We Learned Report French.pdf (1.08 MB) (pdf)
Summary of SWMP Financial Analyses.pdf (403 KB) (pdf)
Summary of SWMP Financial Analyses French.pdf (750 KB) (pdf)
Summary of SWMP GHG analyses.pdf (526 KB) (pdf)
Summary of SWMP GHG Analyses French.pdf (497 KB) (pdf)
Solid Waste Master Plan Engagement Series 3
SWMP 50 Action Descriptions - ENGLISH.pdf (700 KB) (pdf)
Draft SWMP Executive Summary-AODA_.pdf (8.93 MB) (pdf)
English SWMP FAQs.pdf (649 KB) (pdf)
SWMP FAQs-French.pdf (646 KB) (pdf)
(English) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (84.9 KB) (pdf)
(French) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (89.4 KB) (pdf)
(Spanish) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (87.6 KB) (pdf)
(Arabic) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (869 KB) (pdf)
(Anishinaabemowin) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (87.3 KB) (pdf)
(Inuktitut) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (108 KB) (pdf)
(Turkish) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (89.3 KB) (pdf)
(Chinese) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (2.11 MB) (pdf)
(Somali) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (88.6 KB) (pdf)
(Farsi) Two-pager_Solid Waste Master Plan FINAL-ua.pdf (2.04 MB) (pdf)
Phase 3 Report and Draft Solid Waste Master Plan
Draft Solid Waste Master Plan (Phase 3) Report (English) (621 KB) (pdf)
Draft Solid Waste Master Plan (Phase 3) Report (French) (689 KB) (pdf)
Document 1: Draft Solid Waste Master Plan (English) (3.46 MB) (pdf)
Document 1: Draft Solid Waste Master Plan (French) (3.64 MB) (pdf)
Document 2 Draft SWMP What We Learned Report Engagement Series 2 Feedback_EN.pdf (8.21 MB) (pdf)
Document 2 Draft SWMP What We Learned Report Engagement Series 2 Feedback_FR.pdf (8.27 MB) (pdf)
Document 3 Draft SWMP GHG Technical Memorandum_EN.pdf (1.09 MB) (pdf)
Document 4: Draft Solid Waste Master Plan System Action Suites_EN (900 KB) (pdf)
Document 4: Draft Solid Waste Master Plan System Action Suites_FR.pdf (1.77 MB) (pdf)
SWMP - What We Learned Report - Final.pdf (8.21 MB) (pdf)
GHG Inventory Memo - Final.pdf (1.09 MB) (pdf)
Environmental Assessment Process for the Expansion of the Trail Waste Facility Landfill
Environmental Assessment Process for the Expansion of the Trail Waste Facility Landfill_EN Report.pdf (444 KB) (pdf)
Environmental Assessment Process for the Expansion of the Trail Waste Facility Landfill_FR Report.pdf (413 KB) (pdf)
Document 1: Feasibility Review of Onsite Expansion Options at Trail Waste (EN) (2.48 MB) (pdf)
Document 2: Process and Timelines for Individual Environmental Assessment Approvals (EN) (317 KB) (pdf)
Curbside Garbage Collection Options
Technical Memorandums
Technical Memorandums
Current State System Summary (4.27 MB) (pdf)
Current State System Summary - Appendices (2.68 MB) (pdf)
Legislative Review (2.19 MB) (pdf)
Comparative Scan of Municipal Strategies, Practices and Initiatives (1.88 MB) (pdf)
Review of Policies and Trends (2.22 MB) (pdf)
Waste Management Technologies and Approaches (1.96 MB) (pdf)
Long-Term Waste Management Needs (5.06 MB) (pdf)
High Level Long List of Options (7.82 MB) (pdf)
Evaluation Process (1.74 MB) (pdf)
Phase 1 Report
Technical Memorandums - Executive summaries
Technical Memorandums – Executive Summaries
Current State System Summary – Executive Summary (504 KB) (pdf)
Legislative Review – Executive Summary (373 KB) (pdf)
Comparative Scan of Municipal Strategies, Practices and Initiatives - Executive Summary (364 KB) (pdf)
Review of Policies and Trends - Executive Summary (380 KB) (pdf)
Waste Management Technologies and Approaches - Executive Summary (377 KB) (pdf)
Technical Memorandums
Why is the Waste Plan needed and what are the key considerations? (181 KB) (pdf)
What will be included and how will the Waste Plan be developed? (198 KB) (pdf)
Bioplastics and their management (207 KB) (pdf)
Current Waste Management System (317 KB) (pdf)
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (169 KB) (pdf)
Key Challenges for Multi-Residential Waste Management (570 KB) (pdf)
New and emerging technologies in waste management (159 KB) (pdf)
Plastics and their Management (184 KB) (pdf)
The Circular Economy and Extended Producer Responsibility (176 KB) (pdf)
The Role of the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments (297 KB) (pdf)
Waste Management Trends and Challenges (238 KB) (pdf)
Waste Processing and End Market Challenges (201 KB) (pdf)
Glossary.pdf (163 KB) (pdf)
Arabic (772 KB) (pdf)
ES2 Documents
French (674 KB) (pdf)
Somali (656 KB) (pdf)
Spanish (653 KB) (pdf)
Chinese (712 KB) (pdf)
Nepali (766 KB) (pdf)
Farsi (788 KB) (pdf)
Anishinaabemowin (671 KB) (pdf)
Inuktitut (725 KB) (pdf)
English (731 KB) (pdf)
Survey_InformationSheet_EN.pdf (129 KB) (pdf)
2021 03 21_SWMPEngagement_InformationSession_ENFR.pdf (640 KB) (pdf)
2022-03-24_TakingtheLead_ENFR.pdf (535 KB) (pdf)
2022-03-28_BeyondCurbsideCollection_ENFR.pdf (548 KB) (pdf)
2022-04-07_Out in the public_ENFR (676 KB) (pdf)
2022-04-11_Reducing GHG Emissions_ENFR.pdf (782 KB) (pdf)
2022-04-13_Waste Plan Information Session_ENFR.pdf (643 KB) (pdf)
2022 05 03_MultiResidentialProperites_Presentaton.pdf (728 KB) (pdf)
2022-05-05_Residual Waste_ENFR.pdf (861 KB) (pdf)
Solid Waste Master Plan Short-listed Options.pdf (317 KB) (pdf)
Conversation Kit
Curbside sorting
Which-bin_Curbside_EN_PRINT FINAL.pdf (10.6 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_FR_PRINT FINAL.pdf (11.3 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_Spanish_PRINT FINAL.pdf (10.6 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_Arabic_PRINT FINAL.pdf (9.41 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_Chinese_PRINT FINAL.pdf (9.44 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_Inuktitut_PRINT FINAL.pdf (9.11 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_Nepali_PRINT FINAL.pdf (10.4 MB) (pdf)
Which-bin_Curbside_Somali_PRINT FINAL.pdf (10.6 MB) (pdf)