Options for new special event regulations
The City of Ottawa is considering updates to how we regulate and support outdoor special events, including a review of both the Special Events on City Streets By-law (No.2001-260) and the Special Events on Private and Public Property By-law (No. 2013-232). These regulate outdoor special events that occur on City roadways or that have expected attendance of 500 or more people at a time. Indoor special events are not regulated through these by-laws.
For the past few months we have been meeting with interested parties, including festival and event organizers, community associations, the business community, and federal and provincial agencies.
We have also conducted 5 public surveys on the following topics:
General public input
Creating accessible, safe and inclusive events
Waste reduction and environmental sustainability
Events on City Streets
After considering all of the input thus far, staff are now looking for comments from the public on some specific recommendations under consideration. Your input will help to determine which recommendations will be presented to Council for approval, which need more consideration, and which should not be included. This survey should take between five to ten minutes to complete.
Collection of Information
All information provided is completely optional and voluntary. Information collected through this survey will be used to inform policy options and development throughout this by-law review project. Individual survey responses will be kept confidential pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Only aggregate results will be reported publicly. If you have questions about how information will be collected and used for this project, please contact BylawReviews@ottawa.ca or the Public Policy Development Service at 613-580-2424, ext. 29529.
If you need assistance to complete this survey, require an accessible format, or have general questions or comments about this project, please contact us at the coordinates noted above.