Survey 5 – Review of special event by-laws: Demonstrations
As Canada’s capital city, Ottawa is host to the federal government and 128 diplomatic missions. We are also a place for special events, parades, marches and demonstrations.
The right to demonstrate
Demonstrations are a fundamental aspect of democratic societies, allowing citizens to voice their concerns and advocate for change. Their impact on a city offers both challenges and opportunities.
Demonstrations are a reality in the City of Ottawa and it is recognized that this is a sensitive subject for many.
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees certain rights and fundamental freedoms. This includes the freedoms of opinion, expression and peaceful assembly. But it also recognizes that applicable federal laws, provincial statutes and municipal by-laws must be respected.
By-law review
The City’s Special Events on City Streets By-law (No.2001-260) describes the City’s regulations on events on City streets, including demonstrations. The City of Ottawa is reviewing this By-law. This review will explore potential changes to the City’s By-law. Our goal is to make sure the By-law allows for peaceful demonstrations and protects safety, while making sure that the City can still provide services to all residents, in alignment with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and all applicable laws.
Getting your perspective
City staff are consulting with a variety of people and groups to find opportunities to improve City services associated with demonstrations.
The consultation process includes several surveys on a variety of topics. To date, they have focused on:
General questions about special events (March 2024)
Safety and inclusivity of events (April 2024)
Sustainable environmental practices (May 2024)
Special events that take place on City streets (June 2024)
We want to hear from you
The current survey is focused on demonstrations held in the City of Ottawa. This survey aims to strike a balance between the individual’s experience as a citizen and the democratic right to peacefully protest. The survey includes questions that may prompt an emotional response for some individuals.
This survey should take between five to seven minutes to complete.
Collection of Information
All information provided is completely optional and voluntary. Information collected through this survey will be used to inform policy options and development throughout this by-law review project. Individual survey responses will be kept confidential pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Only aggregate results will be reported publicly. If you have questions about how information will be collected and used for this project, please contact BylawReviews@ottawa.ca or the Public Policy Development Service at 613-580-2424, ext. 29529.
If you need assistance to complete this survey, require an accessible format, or have general questions or comments about this project, please contact us at the coordinates noted above.