Survey 4: Events on City Streets
Thank you for your interest in the review of special events regulations in the City of Ottawa.
Our first survey, conducted in March, asked general questions about special events in Ottawa. The second survey considered the safety and inclusivity of special events. A third survey concentrated on sustainable environmental practices at special events. This fourth survey focuses on special events that take place on city streets. It should take between three to five minutes to complete. Additional surveys on specific topics related to special events will follow in the coming months.
Just as a reminder, this survey is regarding outdoor events that occur on City roadways and sidewalks. It does not include indoor events.
Collection of Information
Information collected through this survey will be used to inform policy options and development throughout this by-law review project. Individual survey responses will be kept confidential pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Only aggregate results will be reported publicly. If you have questions about how information will be collected and used for this project, please contact By-lawReviews@ottawa.ca or the Public Policy Development Service at 613-580-2424, ext. 29529.
If you need assistance to complete this survey, require an accessible format, or have general questions or comments about this project, please contact us at the coordinates noted above.