What is the rationale behind the new model?

    Classifying rentals by Premium, Standard, and Minor categories will result in a simplified fee structure, consistent application and increased use of gymnasiums. The use of prime and non-prime times is a common way for municipalities to enhance service delivery. It improves community access and availability by optimizing use of space, encouraging off-peak usage, and simplifies planning and resource management.

    How does this new gymnasium rental model align with other City models?

    Arena ice, ball diamonds, and sports fields rentals rely on age and profit based categories of “Commercial,” “Adult,” and “Minor.” Those that are familiar with renting arena ice and artificial turf will also recognize “prime” and “non-prime” scheduling.  

    How does the City decide prime and non-prime times?

    The City determines prime and non-prime times for gymnasium rentals based on demand. Prime times are typically evenings and weekends, when most people are available. Non-prime times are during weekdays or off-peak hours. These times also align with our other sport amenities like arenas and artificial turf fields.  

    What if I am unsure about my rental classification?

    Once the new gymnasium rental model is finalized, definitions of categories and rates will be available on the ottawa.ca rental page.  

    When will the prices be finalized?

    The fees presented on this page have been calculated based on current gym rental usage and are revenue neutral. That means the prices reflect all rentals being shifted to the new model, without generating any additional revenues. The new rates are expected to be presented to the Community and Social Services Committee in April. The Committee will review the rates and make a recommendation to Council for approval.  

    Do birthday parties qualify for Minor Rental Rates?

    No. The Minor rate is designed to provide affordable access to gymnasium facilities for youth in the general public to engage in recreational activities. Special events and celebrations, such as children’s birthday parties, do not qualify for the Minor rate.  

    What category do activities for mixed-age participation fall into?

    To qualify for the Minor rate, the rental must primarily provide organized recreational, cultural, or developmental activities for participants aged 18 and under. Adult coaches, leaders, or instructors may be present and may participate as part of their leadership or supervision roles. Activities where adults and minors participate in roughly equal numbers, such as those run by youth-serving organizations, such as Scouts, Girl Guides and Big Brother Big Sister organizations, are also eligible. Rentals where adult participation exceeds minor participation, or where minors are only incidental participants, do not qualify for the Minor rate.