Rental Accommodations Study

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Consultation has concluded

A "For Rent" Sign on a lawn.

The City of Ottawa is considering new rules to address municipal and community concerns regarding rental accommodations. These concerns include:

  • The quality, availability, and affordability of rental housing, including the community impacts of problem addresses
  • The impact of short-term rental (STR) activity on housing and communities
  • Problem hotel/motel operators.

The City has conducted a thorough investigation of these issues in two previous phases described in the life cycle to the right. For phase three, staff are now preparing to offer recommendations on possible regulatory approaches through a survey for the consideration of Council in a staff report later in 2019.

The City of Ottawa is considering new rules to address municipal and community concerns regarding rental accommodations. These concerns include:

  • The quality, availability, and affordability of rental housing, including the community impacts of problem addresses
  • The impact of short-term rental (STR) activity on housing and communities
  • Problem hotel/motel operators.

The City has conducted a thorough investigation of these issues in two previous phases described in the life cycle to the right. For phase three, staff are now preparing to offer recommendations on possible regulatory approaches through a survey for the consideration of Council in a staff report later in 2019.

Guest Book

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Consultation has concluded
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I too had difficulty finding the survey online. I registered and did not find it. It is very good that another small landlord left this comment. Go to Search Rental Accommodations Survey Register Complete the survey and take the time to write additional comments. Owners and Landlords need to be heard...

Katie Daniels over 5 years ago

I too had difficulty finding the survey on line.
Go to
Search Rental Accommodations Survey
Complete the survey and take the time to write additional comments.
Owners and Landlords need to be heard...

Small Landlord over 5 years ago

I just found out about this survey & study today! I am a short-term rental property owner/landlord. We own a few properties and consider ourselves a "small landlord". I am concerned that the voice of other "small landlords" may not be heard, due to poor outreach.

Why not have sent information with the property tax or water and sewer bill???

Small Landlord over 5 years ago

There are many references to Short Term rentals but I do not recall "short" being defined. I know that Condo rentals in Florida cannot be shorter than a month with heavy fines for offenders.
Edward J

Edward Exton over 5 years ago

The survey is not on-line and the email address on the website is not operational.

Home over 5 years ago


Parking issue is one of major issue for short term rental. For example, a double garages single house has four cars parking on street instead of driveway and most of them do not follow the city's parking time limit bylaw.



KW over 5 years ago

Hello. I too am unable to find the survey. Would like to participate. Is there a problem? Ms. Forbes

Ms Forbes over 5 years ago

Hello - I am trying to find the Rental Accommodations Survey but can't find it. Is there a problem with your website? LizBJ

LizBJ over 5 years ago