Round 2 Consultation: Seeking feedback on the Draft Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan
The Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan looks at the City’s current parks and recreation facilities and makes recommendations for what parks and recreation facilities will be required to serve the needs of the city’s residents to 2031 as Ottawa communities grow.
Based on feedback, in the final report, gymnasiums will be included as its own needs assessment, a discussion of field houses under community buildings and of the variation in sizes of recreation complexes will be included.
Please keep in mind that the recommendations in this draft plan are based on Environics Analytics population numbers in 2021 and 2031, which do not reflect the growth projections of the new Official Plan. All the numbers in the draft document will be updated with the Official Plan population numbers and projections when they are available this summer, which is expected to change the 2031 recommendations.
What we need to hear from you is:
- Do you feel the recommendations are sufficient to meet population needs?
- Is there missing data or information you would like the project team to consider?
This survey will ask your level of agreement for each park and facility type per thousands of residents (example: 1 playground for every 1,400 residents). Each question will have the current number of each type by thousands of residents, and the recommended level in 2031. Here is an example of how the survey questions are structured:
“Currently, there are 145 Splash Pads, 1 per 7,300 residents. The recommendation is to set this level at 1 per 7,500 residents. This means 54 new Splash Pads will be needed by 2031. (see page 90-95 for details)”
- If you think that this is the right number, then you would answer “Agree with the recommendation”.
- If you think that there should be more, then you would answer “there should be more than the recommendation”.
- If you think that there should be fewer, then you would answer “there should be fewer than the recommendation”.
- There is also an option to answer, “No opinion”.
You will have an opportunity in the survey to provide more detail about your answers as well as give feedback about existing parkland and facilities