High Performance Development Standard

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The High Performance Development Standard is a collection of voluntary and required standards that raise the performance of new building projects to achieve sustainable and resilient design. The High Performance Development Standard consists of three tiers of performance. The standards, also known as ‘metrics’ in Tier one are mandatory. Tiers two and three contain higher level voluntary standards.

Sustainable and resilient design in new development supports public health and safety, environmental protection and responds to climate change, all of which are priorities within Ottawa’s new Official Plan. Over the last two decades, many municipalities across Ontario have instituted what are commonly referred to as "green development standards". These have proven to be an effective tool in building capacity within the industry to advance the sustainability and resiliency in new developments.

Using the authority set out under the Planning Act, the City will phase in minimum performance measures for new developments that require site plan and plan of subdivision approval. This will begin when the new Official Plan comes into effect.

We welcome you to explore this page to learn more about the High Performance Development Standard and its measures.

If you would like to receive updates on the High Performance Development Standard and other climate change news subscribe to the climate change e-newsletter.

The High Performance Development Standard is a collection of voluntary and required standards that raise the performance of new building projects to achieve sustainable and resilient design. The High Performance Development Standard consists of three tiers of performance. The standards, also known as ‘metrics’ in Tier one are mandatory. Tiers two and three contain higher level voluntary standards.

Sustainable and resilient design in new development supports public health and safety, environmental protection and responds to climate change, all of which are priorities within Ottawa’s new Official Plan. Over the last two decades, many municipalities across Ontario have instituted what are commonly referred to as "green development standards". These have proven to be an effective tool in building capacity within the industry to advance the sustainability and resiliency in new developments.

Using the authority set out under the Planning Act, the City will phase in minimum performance measures for new developments that require site plan and plan of subdivision approval. This will begin when the new Official Plan comes into effect.

We welcome you to explore this page to learn more about the High Performance Development Standard and its measures.

If you would like to receive updates on the High Performance Development Standard and other climate change news subscribe to the climate change e-newsletter.

  • HPDS Project Update June 2023

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    The High Performance Development Standard was referred back to staff, and staff have been directed to bring forward an updated report to Committee following the release of the Ontario government’s guidance on this issue, expected in the Summer of 2023 with recommendations for revised phasing timelines, resource requirements and associated amendments to the Site Plan Control By-law by no later than Q1 2024. This direction was approved by Council on May 10.

    The High Performance Development Standard final report and supporting documents are available to download from the Council and Committee Meeting portal.

    You can watch Committee and Council on YouTube.

    More information on the High Performance Development Standard Metrics is available here.

Page last updated: 24 Jul 2024, 09:53 AM