Electric Vehicles

Moving away from gas and diesel vehicles is one of the most important actions that residents can take towards achieving Ottawa’s greenhouse gas reduction targets. Electric vehicles are one key way to do this. The City is developing a personal electric vehicle strategy to support the uptake of personal electric vehicles in Ottawa.
Have your say on the personal electric vehicle strategy
We want to hear from you! Complete the personal electric vehicle strategy survey by September 10.
The responses to this survey will help us:
- Make it easier for residents of Ottawa to transition to an electric vehicle
- Prioritize the actions needed to overcome barriers to electric vehicle adoption in Ottawa
- Prioritize the number, location and type of charging stations to be installed
The results of the survey will be used to inform the personal electric vehicle strategy that will be considered at Environment and Climate Change Committee.
Personal vehicles represent just one part of the transportation system, the personal electric vehicle strategy is focused on this one segment. The Transportation Master Plan is the City’s plan for mobility generally in Ottawa. The Transportation Master Plan is being updated to ensure it meets the mobility needs of our growing city, addresses climate change, creates a healthy and equitable transportation system and responds to emerging technologies and trends.
Previous engagement opportunities
- Suggestions for electric vehicle charging station locations
- On-street electric vehicle charging stations
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