Longleaf Park

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The City is looking for your feedback on two concepts for new play equipment in Longleaf Park. The existing junior play structure and equipment have surpassed their intended service life. The equipment provides does not comply with the City’s accessible requirements. The park is in need of upgrading to cater to the play needs of neighboring residents. Other park amenities will be untouched.

You can download and review the Concept Plans in the ‘Document Library’ (located to the right) which shows the proposed design and more information on the proposed park amenities. Please be aware that the final park plan may differ from the concept being presented as a result of the public consultation responses, technical detailing, and supply and/or financial constraints.

Take the survey below to share your feedback and let us know your priorities . Please note that the survey can only be taken once per account.

Option A Option B

Update: Final Concept Plan

Based on the feedback received from the survey, option B was the preferred design option. You can access the final concept plan and images of the proposed playground equipment in the Document Library on the right side of the page.

What We Heard

An online survey regarding the Long Leaf play structure replacement concept plan was conducted on Engage Ottawa from August 29 to September 12, 2022 Thank you to everyone that provided their input on the play equipment options for the park. Option B received 60% of the votes and the project team will proceed with the preferred option. No public comments were provided.

Following the completion of the public tender process, an update regarding the construction timeline will be provided to the Councillor and posted to engage Ottawa. Construction is anticipated in Spring 2023.

The City is looking for your feedback on two concepts for new play equipment in Longleaf Park. The existing junior play structure and equipment have surpassed their intended service life. The equipment provides does not comply with the City’s accessible requirements. The park is in need of upgrading to cater to the play needs of neighboring residents. Other park amenities will be untouched.

You can download and review the Concept Plans in the ‘Document Library’ (located to the right) which shows the proposed design and more information on the proposed park amenities. Please be aware that the final park plan may differ from the concept being presented as a result of the public consultation responses, technical detailing, and supply and/or financial constraints.

Take the survey below to share your feedback and let us know your priorities . Please note that the survey can only be taken once per account.

Option A Option B

Update: Final Concept Plan

Based on the feedback received from the survey, option B was the preferred design option. You can access the final concept plan and images of the proposed playground equipment in the Document Library on the right side of the page.

What We Heard

An online survey regarding the Long Leaf play structure replacement concept plan was conducted on Engage Ottawa from August 29 to September 12, 2022 Thank you to everyone that provided their input on the play equipment options for the park. Option B received 60% of the votes and the project team will proceed with the preferred option. No public comments were provided.

Following the completion of the public tender process, an update regarding the construction timeline will be provided to the Councillor and posted to engage Ottawa. Construction is anticipated in Spring 2023.

Any other comments?

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As a child I grew up on this park and allthough this park is becoming old it is so fun to play on and instead of taking it down like i am aware you have started to do why not make it a bit safer instead of taking it down for it to become a fisher price plastic 2 foot tall toy structure. Please DO NOT change the other park i have grew up on these parks as many other children in my neiboorhood and we would all be deply disapointed if you continue these dull changes

chapelhillresident 11 months ago
Page last updated: 02 Oct 2023, 03:57 PM