Infrastructure Master Plan
A growth-focused plan for Ottawa’s water resource systems
The Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) is a strategic document that sets growth-related goals, objectives, and priorities for municipal infrastructure related to water purification and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, and stormwater management, supporting the City’s New Official Plan project. The Official Plan provides a vision for the future growth of the City and a policy framework to guide the City’s physical development.
A key focus of the updated IMP will include developing strategies and programs aimed at managing infrastructure capacity to support increasing rates of intensification. Projects will be identified in order to achieve expected levels of service for community infrastructure while being socially, environmentally, and economically conscious of our water resources and assisting to implement the City’s climate change strategy. Infrastructure needs and cost forecasts to the year 2046 will also be identified, in keeping with the Official Plan’s horizon.
Preparation of the plan will follow City Council’s adoption of the Official Plan and will be coordinated with the Long Range Financial Plan, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review, the Comprehensive Asset Management (CAM) and the Wet Weather Infrastructure Management Plan.
A growth-focused plan for Ottawa’s water resource systems
The Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) is a strategic document that sets growth-related goals, objectives, and priorities for municipal infrastructure related to water purification and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, and stormwater management, supporting the City’s New Official Plan project. The Official Plan provides a vision for the future growth of the City and a policy framework to guide the City’s physical development.
A key focus of the updated IMP will include developing strategies and programs aimed at managing infrastructure capacity to support increasing rates of intensification. Projects will be identified in order to achieve expected levels of service for community infrastructure while being socially, environmentally, and economically conscious of our water resources and assisting to implement the City’s climate change strategy. Infrastructure needs and cost forecasts to the year 2046 will also be identified, in keeping with the Official Plan’s horizon.
Preparation of the plan will follow City Council’s adoption of the Official Plan and will be coordinated with the Long Range Financial Plan, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review, the Comprehensive Asset Management (CAM) and the Wet Weather Infrastructure Management Plan.
Infrastructure Master Plan approved
Share Infrastructure Master Plan approved on Facebook Share Infrastructure Master Plan approved on Twitter Share Infrastructure Master Plan approved on Linkedin Email Infrastructure Master Plan approved linkThe City of Ottawa has concluded the 30-day public review on the Infrastructure Master Plan and has responded to comments received. There are no amendments required to the Infrastructure Master Plan as approved by Council on June 25.
The final Infrastructure Master Plan is now available on the City’s main website.
Public Consultation 30-Day Public Review
Share Public Consultation 30-Day Public Review on Facebook Share Public Consultation 30-Day Public Review on Twitter Share Public Consultation 30-Day Public Review on Linkedin Email Public Consultation 30-Day Public Review linkThe City of Ottawa 2024 Infrastructure Master Plan was approved by Ottawa City Council on June 25, 2024. In accordance with the provincial Class Environmental Assessment process, the City has published a Notice of Master Plan on July 27, 2024, to initiate a 30-day public review period. As described in the Notice, written comments on the Infrastructure Master Plan may be submitted to the Plan’s project manager at until August 26, 2024.
Infrastructure Master Plan Update (report to Committee and Council)
Share Infrastructure Master Plan Update (report to Committee and Council) on Facebook Share Infrastructure Master Plan Update (report to Committee and Council) on Twitter Share Infrastructure Master Plan Update (report to Committee and Council) on Linkedin Email Infrastructure Master Plan Update (report to Committee and Council) linkThe draft Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) has been updated following the Province’s removal of urban expansion lands from the City’s Official Plan in December 2023. With the recent passing of Bill 162, the City’s Official Plan is now final. A new set of display boards has been prepared to summarize the changes to the IMP since the June 2023 public consultation period.
A Special Joint Meeting of the Planning and Housing Committee and the Environment and Climate Change Committee will be held on June 20, 2024 to consider a staff report on the final draft of the Infrastructure Master Plan and will be considered by Council on June 26, 2024. The report and all documentation related to the Infrastructure Master Plan will be made available on the City's agendas and minutes web portal(External link) on June 11, 2024.
Once the Infrastructure Master Plan receives Council approval, the City will publish a Notice of Master Plan to initiate a 30-day public review period. Following the 30-day public review period, receipt and resolution of any comments received, the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment requirements for Master Plans will have been satisfied and the IMP will be considered final.
Postponed - Infrastructure Master Plan (report to Committee and Council)
Share Postponed - Infrastructure Master Plan (report to Committee and Council) on Facebook Share Postponed - Infrastructure Master Plan (report to Committee and Council) on Twitter Share Postponed - Infrastructure Master Plan (report to Committee and Council) on Linkedin Email Postponed - Infrastructure Master Plan (report to Committee and Council) linkPlease be advised that the Special Joint Planning and Housing and Environment and Climate Change Committees Meeting that was rescheduled to Thursday, November 23, at 9:30 am has been postponed. This meeting will be rescheduled to a date to be determined in 2024.
A revised Special Meeting notice with a new meeting date will be communicated to as soon as it is confirmed.
Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) - As We Heard It Report and Benefits to Existing (BTE) document release
Share Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) - As We Heard It Report and Benefits to Existing (BTE) document release on Facebook Share Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) - As We Heard It Report and Benefits to Existing (BTE) document release on Twitter Share Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) - As We Heard It Report and Benefits to Existing (BTE) document release on Linkedin Email Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) - As We Heard It Report and Benefits to Existing (BTE) document release linkThe IMP project team is pleased to publish the As We Heard It (AWHI) report and Benefits to Existing (BTE) document.
This AWHI report embodies the project team's commitment to gathering, analyzing, and integrating comprehensive feedback from community groups, residents and industry experts. The report summarizes feedback from the June public engagement on the summary of the draft IMP.
We also share the draft Benefits to Existing (BTE) document, which explains the basis for attributing IMP project costs to existing ratepayers. The balance of project costs would be covered by the development industry.
Public engagement period closed
Share Public engagement period closed on Facebook Share Public engagement period closed on Twitter Share Public engagement period closed on Linkedin Email Public engagement period closed linkThe City of Ottawa would like to thank all the residents and stakeholders who have participated in Engagement sessions.
We heard from many key stakeholders through public surveys, engagement sessions, and meetings. The feedback will be used to develop the draft Infrastructure Master Plan, which will be presented to Committee and Council.
There continue to be several ways you can stay informed and engaged throughout the study process:
- Sign-up to the project’s email list to receive updates on the planning study’s progress and notification of all public events (
- Visit this webpage to stay up-to-date about upcoming events and current information
- Contact the Project Team during the process to request information, ask questions, submit feedback or meet in-person
Your participation is vital in shaping our city's infrastructure future. Please take the opportunity to explore the updated policies, the informative display boards and share your feedback via the survey!
Have your say!
Share Have your say! on Facebook Share Have your say! on Twitter Share Have your say! on Linkedin Email Have your say! linkUpdated Policies
We have posted the revised policies that shape the IMP's strategic direction and objectives. These policies provide valuable insights into our city's infrastructure planning and development. Take a moment to explore these updates and gain a deeper understanding of our goals and priorities.
Display Boards
We have also added display boards. These boards provide a summary of the draft IMP which will be presented for Council approval this fall. They provide an easy-to-understand overview of how the IMP addresses growth needs through proposed new infrastructure projects and programs, considering greenfield development, intensification, climate change, infrastructure sustainability, and funding sources.
Share Your Feedback
Complete the survey to provide your feedback on the IMP. We recommend waiting until you have reviewed the policies and display boards, or after attending our upcoming engagement session on June 14 to complete the survey.
Let's work together to build a sustainable and resilient future for our city's infrastructure. Thank you for your ongoing interest and involvement in the IMP.
Virtual open house and online consultation
Share Virtual open house and online consultation on Facebook Share Virtual open house and online consultation on Twitter Share Virtual open house and online consultation on Linkedin Email Virtual open house and online consultation linkJoin the City of Ottawa on June 14, 2023, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm for a virtual open house on the draft Infrastructure Master Plan. The meeting will include a presentation of the outcomes from work completed following the consultations from summer 2022 and will allow the opportunity for the public to provide comments and ask questions of the study team.
This public consultation will also provide the following:
- A review of the study objectives and environmental assessment (EA) process as a Master Plan
- An overview of feedback on and edits to draft infrastructure policies
- A presentation of draft recommended infrastructure projects
- A presentation on recommended programs to support intensification
- A look at next steps
Register in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Comments throughout the Infrastructure Master Plan Study can also be provided by emailing The Study is being conducted per the requirements of Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, which is an approved process under the Environmental Assessment Act. Any comments received will be collected under the Act and, with the exception of personal information, will become part of the public record.
Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. The City makes every effort to consider accessibility issues in its EA studies and encourages the participation of disability group representatives in consultations. Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. Please get in touch with the City of Ottawa’s Project Manager if you require accessibility-related accommodations.
For further information or to provide comments, please contact:
Chris Rogers, P.Eng.
Program Manager, Infrastructure Planning
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th floor
Ottawa ON K1P 1J1
613-580-2424, ext. 27785 -
As we heard it report
Share As we heard it report on Facebook Share As we heard it report on Twitter Share As we heard it report on Linkedin Email As we heard it report linkThank you to everyone who participated in the consultations on the Preliminary Policies and Program Recommendations of the Infrastructure Master Plan (May to July 2022). The IMP Team have reviewed and responded to the feedback received. The following document provides summaries of those comments:
There will be another opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed IMP in late Spring 2023. More details will soon follow on Engage Ottawa!
Infrastructure Master Plan Schedule
Share Infrastructure Master Plan Schedule on Facebook Share Infrastructure Master Plan Schedule on Twitter Share Infrastructure Master Plan Schedule on Linkedin Email Infrastructure Master Plan Schedule linkThe following are the project’s key milestones and anticipated dates:
- City of Ottawa Council adoption of New Official Plan ─ October 2021
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Approval of New Official Plan – November 2022
- Infrastructure Master Plan Public Engagement Event ─ Q2 2023
- City of Ottawa Planning Committee to consider Infrastructure Master Plan ─ Q3 2023
Who's listening
Phone 613-580-2424 x27785 Email -
Phone 613-580-2424 x43011 Email
Document Library
Notice_of_Commencement (431 KB) (pdf)
IMP As We Heard It (354 KB) (pdf)
Display Boards for Online Engagement - June 14 (6.62 MB) (pdf)
Infrastructure Policies (718 KB) (pdf)
Benefit to Existing Calculations (BTE) (176 KB) (pdf)
As We Heard It Report: June 14-July 7, 2023 Consultation Period (197 KB) (pdf)
Changes to Spring 2023 Draft IMP (2.14 MB) (pdf)