Infrastructure Master Plan

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A growth-focused plan for Ottawa’s water resource systems

The Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) is a strategic document that sets growth-related goals, objectives, and priorities for municipal infrastructure related to water purification and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, and stormwater management, supporting the City’s New Official Plan project. The Official Plan provides a vision for the future growth of the City and a policy framework to guide the City’s physical development.

A key focus of the updated IMP will include developing strategies and programs aimed at managing infrastructure capacity to support increasing rates of intensification. Projects will be identified in order to achieve expected levels of service for community infrastructure while being socially, environmentally, and economically conscious of our water resources and assisting to implement the City’s climate change strategy. Infrastructure needs and cost forecasts to the year 2046 will also be identified, in keeping with the Official Plan’s horizon.

Preparation of the plan will follow City Council’s adoption of the Official Plan and will be coordinated with the Long Range Financial Plan, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review, the Comprehensive Asset Management (CAM) and the Wet Weather Infrastructure Management Plan.

A growth-focused plan for Ottawa’s water resource systems

The Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) is a strategic document that sets growth-related goals, objectives, and priorities for municipal infrastructure related to water purification and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, and stormwater management, supporting the City’s New Official Plan project. The Official Plan provides a vision for the future growth of the City and a policy framework to guide the City’s physical development.

A key focus of the updated IMP will include developing strategies and programs aimed at managing infrastructure capacity to support increasing rates of intensification. Projects will be identified in order to achieve expected levels of service for community infrastructure while being socially, environmentally, and economically conscious of our water resources and assisting to implement the City’s climate change strategy. Infrastructure needs and cost forecasts to the year 2046 will also be identified, in keeping with the Official Plan’s horizon.

Preparation of the plan will follow City Council’s adoption of the Official Plan and will be coordinated with the Long Range Financial Plan, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review, the Comprehensive Asset Management (CAM) and the Wet Weather Infrastructure Management Plan.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 09 Aug 2024, 10:59 AM