Infrastructure Master Plan Update (report to Committee and Council)
The draft Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) has been updated following the Province’s removal of urban expansion lands from the City’s Official Plan in December 2023. With the recent passing of Bill 162, the City’s Official Plan is now final. A new set of display boards has been prepared to summarize the changes to the IMP since the June 2023 public consultation period.
A Special Joint Meeting of the Planning and Housing Committee and the Environment and Climate Change Committee will be held on June 20, 2024 to consider a staff report on the final draft of the Infrastructure Master Plan and will be considered by Council on June 26, 2024. The report and all documentation related to the Infrastructure Master Plan will be made available on the City's agendas and minutes web portal(External link) on June 11, 2024.
Once the Infrastructure Master Plan receives Council approval, the City will publish a Notice of Master Plan to initiate a 30-day public review period. Following the 30-day public review period, receipt and resolution of any comments received, the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment requirements for Master Plans will have been satisfied and the IMP will be considered final.