Engaging with You

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Welcome to Engaging with You!

Engaging With You is our one-stop shop for discussing the engagement experience and how we can improve it. This page will hold various opportunities to share your thoughts on all things public engagement with the city.

We’ve published a new engagement survey to learn about your experiences when it comes participating in city consultations – whether they’re surveys, workshops, virtual meetings or more. You can find it in the survey section right on this page, or here: Your Experiences Engaging with Us.

Remember our Engage Ottawa Feedback Survey is still running! Thank you to everyone who has filled it out.

If you have questions or ideas that don't fit into the survey, you can share those through email at PublicEngagement@ottawa.ca.

We’ll use feedback and the results of our surveys to identify gaps and opportunities to improve moving forward.

We look forward to hearing from you.

What is Public Engagement?

Public engagement refers to a range of activities that facilitate and support the contribution of ideas and insights from you. Your input will allow us to make decisions that are informed and reflective of your concerns and needs. This can take different forms: surveys, brainstorming, workshops, town halls, public meetings, and more. But the underlying reason is the same: to learn about your experiences and your ideas to help us make better decisions.

Welcome to Engaging with You!

Engaging With You is our one-stop shop for discussing the engagement experience and how we can improve it. This page will hold various opportunities to share your thoughts on all things public engagement with the city.

We’ve published a new engagement survey to learn about your experiences when it comes participating in city consultations – whether they’re surveys, workshops, virtual meetings or more. You can find it in the survey section right on this page, or here: Your Experiences Engaging with Us.

Remember our Engage Ottawa Feedback Survey is still running! Thank you to everyone who has filled it out.

If you have questions or ideas that don't fit into the survey, you can share those through email at PublicEngagement@ottawa.ca.

We’ll use feedback and the results of our surveys to identify gaps and opportunities to improve moving forward.

We look forward to hearing from you.

What is Public Engagement?

Public engagement refers to a range of activities that facilitate and support the contribution of ideas and insights from you. Your input will allow us to make decisions that are informed and reflective of your concerns and needs. This can take different forms: surveys, brainstorming, workshops, town halls, public meetings, and more. But the underlying reason is the same: to learn about your experiences and your ideas to help us make better decisions.

  • Updates + new survey!

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    Hi folks,

    Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on how we can improve Engage Ottawa. This survey will remain open as we want to make sure you have a space to share your thoughts at any point.

    We’ve received great comments and ideas from all of you so far. Here’s what you’ve shared that is important to you about the engagement experience on Engage Ottawa:

    • Easier to understand information that is less complex
    • Updates on how the feedback was factored into next steps
    • Regular notices from the city on new and upcoming engagement opportunities

    Based on this, here are some things that we’re working on:

    • Developing Plain Language Guides for City staff to help simplify complex topics.
    • Continuing with the “This Month on Engage Ottawa” newsletter so you can get a look ahead on engagement opportunities. If you haven’t signed up, you can get these newsletters by registering on Engage Ottawa.
    • Finding more ways to share engagement updates with interested residents.
  • Update

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    If you’re reading this, thank you for taking the time to stop by and share your thoughts on how we can improve how we engage with you. So far we’ve heard from 30 of you on your experiences using Engage Ottawa.

    This project page is going to be your main stop to discuss engagement and consultations here at the city. In the coming weeks, you’ll see more opportunities to participate on other related subjects!

    We know that life gets busy and it helps to get an update when new opportunities to participate come up. On this project page you’ll see a “Stay Informed” button where you can submit your email address, which will let us notify you of project updates. If you’d like to be informed of upcoming engagements on this page, submit your email and keep an eye out for us in your inbox.

Page last updated: 03 Feb 2025, 11:22 AM