COVID-19: Vaccines

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Ottawa Public Health has a new COVID-19 Vaccine page at which has information on the situation in Ottawa, how the vaccines work and considerations for residents. The City of Ottawa's COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force continues work on a plan for vaccine distribution in Ottawa:

It will take many months before large amounts of the population are vaccinated. It is important that Ottawans continue to do what works to reduce the spread of the virus: maintain a two-metre distance from others outside their own household, wear a mask, stay home when sick and wash their hands. In Ottawa, a large amount of spread is happening in private social gatherings such as parties and large family get-togethers. Limiting close contacts is very important in reducing the spread of COVID-19 in the community.

All COVID-19 engagement surveys are currently closed. Please check back regularly as we will update this page to seek ongoing feedback as we continue to navigate next steps.

For the latest information on COVID-19 in Ottawa, visit For information about municipal service changes and updates, please visit


Ottawa Public Health has a new COVID-19 Vaccine page at which has information on the situation in Ottawa, how the vaccines work and considerations for residents. The City of Ottawa's COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force continues work on a plan for vaccine distribution in Ottawa:

It will take many months before large amounts of the population are vaccinated. It is important that Ottawans continue to do what works to reduce the spread of the virus: maintain a two-metre distance from others outside their own household, wear a mask, stay home when sick and wash their hands. In Ottawa, a large amount of spread is happening in private social gatherings such as parties and large family get-togethers. Limiting close contacts is very important in reducing the spread of COVID-19 in the community.

All COVID-19 engagement surveys are currently closed. Please check back regularly as we will update this page to seek ongoing feedback as we continue to navigate next steps.

For the latest information on COVID-19 in Ottawa, visit For information about municipal service changes and updates, please visit

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    On Friday, July 17 Ontario entered into Stage 3 of the Framework for Reopening Our Province. Nearly all businesses and public spaces will be able to gradually reopen in Stage 3, with public health and workplace safety requirements in place. Indoor gathering limits will be increased to 50 people and outdoor gathering limits to 100 people. Physical distancing remains a requirement for all people who are not from the same household or social circle of up to 10 people.

    We have made great progress as a community, but we know that this is not over. As measures are scaled back to promote recovery efforts, it is very important that we continue to stay safe and maintain our progress in flattening the curve.  The best way to reduce transmission of COVID-19 is to continue to be COVIDWise:

    W – Wear a mask especially when you are in indoor public spaces

    I – Isolate yourself from others when you are sick (and get tested promptly if you have COVID-like symptoms).

    S – Stay two metres (six feet) apart from those outside your household.

    E – Exercise proper hand hygiene; wash your hands regularly or use sanitizer especially before touching your face.

    For the latest information on COVID-19 in Ottawa, visit

    For information about municipal service changes and updates, please visit

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  • CLOSED: The survey is now closed.

    For accessible survey formats or communications supports (paper, large font, audio, Braille, phone survey, sign language interpretation), please contact or (613) 580-2424 ext. 12752. 

    This survey will close July 23, 2020 at 11:59pm.  

    To request condensed paper copies of this survey, including a return envelope with prepaid postage please click HERE. The condensed paper survey is available in English, French, Simplified Chinese, Arabic and Inuktitut.

    We are now in Stage 2 of the gradual re-opening of businesses, services and public spaces. While the Province has started to ease some of the restrictions, there is still a risk of contracting or spreading the virus. Over 95 per cent of the population remains vulnerable to COVID-19. You can continue to reduce your chances of being infected or spreading COVID-19 by taking some precautions:  

    • Stay at home if you are unwell or experiencing symptoms such as a cough, a headache, or a mild fever, until you feel better.
    • Practice physical distancing when in public by staying two metres or six feet apart. 
    • Wear a cloth mask or disposal mask when physical distancing is difficult.
    • Wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 
    • Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.
    • Clean your phone and frequently touched surfaces regularly (e.g. counter tops, door handles, light switches) 
    • If you think you have COVID-19 or may have been exposed to the virus, go to an assessment centre or care clinic and get tested
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    CLOSED: The survey is now closed

    The City and Ottawa Public Health are exploring how to safely reopen the city in a gradual, phased approach that aligns with the Province of Ontario’s framework for reopening the province.

    We want to hear about the changes you have made to protect yourself and your loved ones from COVID-19, how easy it has been for you to get and understand information from different levels of government, what kinds of supports you have accessed, your ideas on how to maintain physical distancing and more.

    Your feedback will help us develop a recovery plan that meets the needs and expectations of our community. 

    For accessible survey formats or communications supports (paper, large font, audio, Braille, phone survey), please contact or (613) 580-2424 ext. 12752.

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Page last updated: 18 Mar 2021, 01:25 PM