Community Planning Permit (CPP) Study – Kanata North Economic District

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Community planning permit pilot study

The City of Ottawa has initiated a pilot study to introduce and test the community planning permit (CPP) system

The community planning permit system is a land use planning tool that Ontario municipalities can use when planning for the future of their communities. It is a tool that combines three development processes by addressing zoning, minor variance and site plan control under one planning permit application. One combined process provides a complete picture of a proposed development, rather than looking at only one component at a time. Review of a permit application is based on

Community planning permit pilot study

The City of Ottawa has initiated a pilot study to introduce and test the community planning permit (CPP) system

The community planning permit system is a land use planning tool that Ontario municipalities can use when planning for the future of their communities. It is a tool that combines three development processes by addressing zoning, minor variance and site plan control under one planning permit application. One combined process provides a complete picture of a proposed development, rather than looking at only one component at a time. Review of a permit application is based on a CPP by-law that incorporates policies, objectives, land use regulations, as well as urban design requirements that are created to reflect a local shared vision. Approval timelines are shortened from 90 days to 45 days, with most permits granted through staff delegated authority. Subdivisions, severances and building permits are not covered under this system.

See the Discussion Paper that outlines the differences between traditional planning and CPP systems, and between their different development application approval processes.

See the Commercial Development Scenarios showing the difference between traditional development and CPP application approval processes..

Comments and questions are welcome and should be sent to the Community Planning Permit (CPP) - Permis de planification communautaire (PPC) email:

Study area

The Kanata North Economic District has been selected for the CPP pilot study as it complements the proposed designation of the area as a Special Economic District in the City’s new Official Plan and builds on the momentum that has been created in the past few years by the landowners and the Kanata North Business Association (KNBA). The Kanata North Economic District Concept Plan and the policies in the new Official Plan propose to evolve the Park from a 1970’s business park into a globally-significant, state-of-the-art 21st-Century special economic and mixed-use district that attracts talent, supports creative interactions and a culture of innovation where people live, work, learn, connect and play.

The redevelopment of Kanata North Economic District under the CPP system will enable opportunities for economic growth in an enviable, livable and connected community.

Project Overview

The City will work closely with the Kanata North Economic District landowners and businesses to create a shared vision for how the suburban business park will transform. The Kanata North Economic District concept plan and OP policies will form the starting points for this study with opportunities for stakeholders to participate in the plan and design for areas within the park. The overall goals for the transformation of the tech park into a 21st Century innovation district may be found in the Kanata North Economic District Urban Design Framework and Guidelines.

The CPP process, resulting in a Kanata North Economic District-specific CPP By-law, will contain detailed policies, objectives and regulations for areas and sub-areas within the park, including March Road and Legget Drive. The Planning Act also enables municipalities to regulate site alteration, including the placement of fill and grading and landscaping, including protecting and preserving vegetation and trees within the CPP By-law. The process provides flexibility in design and land use by relaxing some traditional zoning regulations while focusing on those regulations that will achieve the vision and ensure that natural environmental areas and features are protected.

CPP benefits in the planning process:

  • Front-ending the community planning process with stakeholder involvement
  • Detailed visioning with stakeholders is intended to create a more stable community vision with clear policies, objectives and rules
  • A shorter planning process with more predictable outcomes
  • More flexibility for land uses and development standards
  • Enhanced ability for the City to protect the environment and create healthy communities
  • With minor built-in variations allowed, development must conform to reflect the CPP By-law, making it more difficult to obtain permit approval for projects that are out of scope with the shared vision
  • Once the shared vision has been developed, with policies and regulations created and approved in the CPP By-law, third-party appeals are not permitted in the permit approval process
  • One combined permit approval process will reduce the number of appeals

Project phases

The pilot study consists of five phases:

  1. Phase 1 - Project Initiation (August 2020 to October 2021)
    High-level Official Plan CPP System policies, geographical scoping, project charter, creation of working groups and CPP-related research.

  2. Phase 2 - CPP By-law Strategy (October 2021 to December 2023)
    Visioning Exercises through local stakeholder engagement, with shared vision created and urban design framework developed.

    Discussion Paper on the use and value of piloting the Community Planning Permit system uploaded to webpage with request for comments.

  3. Phase 3 - CPP By-law (December 2023 to March 2025)
    Strategy Paper is prepared that details the policies, guidelines, regulation and conditions that could be included in the CPP By-law that will be uploaded to webpage with request for comments.

    Draft CPP By-law is drafted and circulated to working groups and stakeholders. CPP application processes and procedure are developed.

  4. Phase 4 - Adoption of Pilot CPP By-law (September 2025)
    Formal Open House, formal public meeting, finalization of CPP application process

  5. Post-Adoption (September 2025 to November 2027)
    Possible CPP By-law appeals, two-year monitoring period, planning report on monitoring results and recommendations on future of CPP System in study area and in other areas of the City

Next Steps

City staff have been working with local stakeholders and will continue to do so. They are also developing engagement plans for both local and city-wide stakeholder groups and meetings will be scheduled.


Elizabeth (Beth) Desmarais, M.C.I.P., R.P.P.
Planner/Project Lead
Planning, Development and Building Services
613-580-2424, ext. 13503

Location map of Kanata North Technology Park

  • Kanata North Urban Design Guidelines

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    City Council approved the KNED Urban Design Guidelines at its meeting of September 18, 2024. They may be viewed here.

  • Kanata North Economic District Official Plan Amendment

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    Kanata North Economic District Official Plan Amendment 33

    The Kanata North Economic District policies were updated through Official Plan Amendment No. 33, approved by Council on September 18th, 2024 and now in effect.

    Official Plan Amendment 33 results in the following changes to the Official Plan:

    • Aligning the maximum heights along March Road outside of the Activity Centres with the maximum heights for high-rise buildings permitted on Mainstreet Corridors
    • Reflecting March Road as a Mainstreet Corridor on Schedule C7-A (Design Priority Area – Urban) for consistency with Schedule B5 (Suburban West Transect)
    • Removing the Evolving Neighbourhood Overlay on Schedule B5
    • Changing minimum height required on March Rd to four storeys
    • Applying the minimum height of four storeys required in the Activity Centres to all buildings, and not only residential and mixed-use buildings.

    The Kanata North Economic District policies were approved by Council as part of the new Official Plan in October 2021. Several general policy changes were made to the Official Plan applying to areas outside of the special District. This has resulted in less permissiveness inside the special District, where development should be most encouraged. Further, several updates to other schedules and policies of the Official Plan are proposed to ensure that the uniqueness of the special District is reflected.

    This report will recommend the following changes:

    • Aligning the maximum heights along March Road outside of the Activity Centres with the maximum heights for high-rise buildings permitted on Mainstreet Corridors
    • Reflecting March Road as a Mainstreet Corridor on Schedule C7-A (Design Priority Area – Urban) for consistency with Schedule B5 (Suburban West Transect)
    • Removing the Evolving Neighbourhood Overlay on Schedule B5
    • Changing minimum height required on March Rd to four storeys
    • Clarifying that the minimum height in the Outer areas (outside of the Activity Centres and March and Legget Drive Corridors) must be ‘generally’ a minimum of two storeys to allow for land uses that are typically one storey.
    • Applying the minimum height of four storeys required in the Activity Centres to all buildings, and not only residential and mixed-use buildings

    The target date the Official Plan Amendment application will be considered by the City’s Planning and Housing Committee, is September 11, 2024

  • Upcoming Public Information Session - August 6th, 2024

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    Residents and businesses across Kanata and in surrounding Wards are invited to a virtual Public Information Session, at which City staff will speak about the CPP System and the City - Initiated Official Plan Amendment.

    When: August 6, 2024

    What Time: 7:00 p.m.

    Where: Please register in advance for this meeting:

    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

    The Kanata North Economic District policies were approved by Council as part of the new Official Plan in October 2021. Several general policy changes were made to the Official Plan applying to areas outside of the special District. This has resulted in less permissiveness inside the special District, where development should be most encouraged. Further, several updates to other schedules and policies of the Official Plan are proposed to ensure that the uniqueness of the special District is reflected.

    This report will recommend the following changes:

    • Aligning the maximum heights along March Road outside of the Activity Centres with the maximum heights for high-rise buildings permitted on Mainstreet Corridors
    • Reflecting March Road as a Mainstreet Corridor on Schedule C7-A (Design Priority Area – Urban) for consistency with Schedule B5 (Suburban West Transect)
    • Removing the Evolving Neighbourhood Overlay on Schedule B5
    • Changing minimum height required on March Rd to four storeys
    • Clarifying that the minimum height in the Outer areas (outside of the Activity Centres and March and Legget Drive Corridors) must be ‘generally’ a minimum of two storeys to allow for land uses that are typically one storey.
    • Applying the minimum height of four storeys required in the Activity Centres to all buildings, and not only residential and mixed-use buildings

    The target date the Official Plan Amendment application will be considered by the City’s Planning and Housing Committee, is September 11, 2024.

    For more information please visit the project website Community Planning Permit (CPP) Study – Kanata North Economic District | Engage Ottawa or send an email to

  • Public Information Session - December 7th, 2023

    Share Public Information Session - December 7th, 2023 on Facebook Share Public Information Session - December 7th, 2023 on Twitter Share Public Information Session - December 7th, 2023 on Linkedin Email Public Information Session - December 7th, 2023 link

    Residents and businesses across Kanata and in surrounding Wards are invited to a virtual Public Information Session, at which City staff will speak about the CPP System and the Pilot Study and the consultants will present a draft urban design framework for stakeholder consideration and feedback.

    When: December 7, 2023

    What Time: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 pm

    Where: Please register in advance for this meeting:

    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

    A Stakeholders Working Group, consisting of participants from surrounding neighbourhood community associations, the Kanata North Business Association, landowners, businesses, post-secondary institutions running programs in the District, and interest groups, has been working with the City of Ottawa and consultants to create an urban design framework for how the District should develop over the next 25 years, based on the new Official Plan that designates the Kanata North tech park as a special Economic District.

    The Official Plan establishes the overall policy framework for how the park will be transformed into a 21st Century innovation district that will remain competitive on national and international levels and continue to attract as well as retain talent over the next 25 years. The District will evolve to become a vibrant place where people live, work, learn and play; where businesses will have some flexibility that will allow them to grow and adapt over time to changing technologies and where creative collisions and collaboration between businesses will abound. The area will develop as a complete 15-minute neighbourhood, with a broad mix of land uses permitted in order to support employees and residents, while ensuring that the prime purpose of the District is retained for knowledge-based industries. For more information please visit the project website Community Planning Permit (CPP) Study – Kanata North Economic District | Engage Ottawa or send an email to

Page last updated: 19 Mar 2025, 04:03 PM