August 2020 → October 2021

Phase 1 - Project Initiation

High-level Official Plan CPP System policies, geographical scoping, project charter and creation of working groups

November 2021 → December 2023

Phase 2 - CPP By-law Strategy

Visioning Exercises through local stakeholder engagement, with shared vision created and urban design framework developed Discussion Paper on the use and value of piloting the Community Planning Permit system uploaded to webpage with request for comments.

December 2023 → December 2024

Phase 3 - CPP By-law and Agreement

Strategy Paper is prepared that details the policies, guidelines, regulation and conditions that could be included in the CPP By-law that will be uploaded to webpage with request for comments.

April 2025

Phase 4 - Adoption of Pilot CPP By-law

Formal Open House, formal public meeting, finalization of CPP application process

May 2025 → November 2027


CPP By-law appeals, monitoring period, planning report on monitoring results and recommendations on future of CPP System in study area and in other areas of the City