1010 Somerset Community Hub Concept Plan
The Federal Government expressed the intention to dispose of the 1010 Somerset property in 2015.
City of Ottawa staff from Recreation, Cultural, and Facility Services (RCFS) and Corporate Real Estate Office (CREO), determined that the purchase of this property by the City of Ottawa would facilitate achieving clear, identifiable civic needs given:
- The strategic priorities of Council
- The Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan goals for parkland and recreation amenities
- The West Downtown Core Secondary Plan, Chapter 3, “Corso Italia Station District” policies
The negotiation process between City staff, Public Services Procurement Canada (PSPC) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) resulted in purchase and sale agreements that require the development of:
- Affordable housing (150 units) and Market-rate housing (150 units)
- A Collaborative Benefits Agreement (CBA) with the Algonquins of Ontario (AOO)
- Elements to support sustainability and greening strategy targets.
City Council approved funding for the purchase of the 1010 Somerset property in March 2021, and directed staff to develop a Master Concept Plan for the creation of a community hub on the site as well as the existing Plouffe Park and Plant Recreation Centre.
Project Update - February 2025
City Council has approved the 1010 Somerset concept plan on December 11, 2024 and directed staff to proceed with the next stages of planning for the site.
To advance this project, staff will conduct detailed planning work in 2025 and 2026, to 1) create the school site 2) create a framework to examine District Energy options, 3) prepare and apply for a Zoning by-law Amendment and Official Plan Amendment 4) identify the affordable housing opportunity, and 5) complete initial site works.
Planning work for City-owned elements, including the Plant Recreation Centre expansion, park development, and a new recreation and cultural facility will require engaging architects and engineers in 2025. This is the first stage in creating a design for the new City recreation and cultural facility. This work will focus on the planned uses and will include a needs assessment, and public engagement to determine the facility’s functional design.
Staff anticipate returning to Council with a comprehensive work plan to deliver the community hub envisioned for 930 and 1010 Somerset Street no later than Q1 2027. This will include a detailed funding strategy.
The Federal Government expressed the intention to dispose of the 1010 Somerset property in 2015.
City of Ottawa staff from Recreation, Cultural, and Facility Services (RCFS) and Corporate Real Estate Office (CREO), determined that the purchase of this property by the City of Ottawa would facilitate achieving clear, identifiable civic needs given:
- The strategic priorities of Council
- The Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan goals for parkland and recreation amenities
- The West Downtown Core Secondary Plan, Chapter 3, “Corso Italia Station District” policies
The negotiation process between City staff, Public Services Procurement Canada (PSPC) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) resulted in purchase and sale agreements that require the development of:
- Affordable housing (150 units) and Market-rate housing (150 units)
- A Collaborative Benefits Agreement (CBA) with the Algonquins of Ontario (AOO)
- Elements to support sustainability and greening strategy targets.
City Council approved funding for the purchase of the 1010 Somerset property in March 2021, and directed staff to develop a Master Concept Plan for the creation of a community hub on the site as well as the existing Plouffe Park and Plant Recreation Centre.
Project Update - February 2025
City Council has approved the 1010 Somerset concept plan on December 11, 2024 and directed staff to proceed with the next stages of planning for the site.
To advance this project, staff will conduct detailed planning work in 2025 and 2026, to 1) create the school site 2) create a framework to examine District Energy options, 3) prepare and apply for a Zoning by-law Amendment and Official Plan Amendment 4) identify the affordable housing opportunity, and 5) complete initial site works.
Planning work for City-owned elements, including the Plant Recreation Centre expansion, park development, and a new recreation and cultural facility will require engaging architects and engineers in 2025. This is the first stage in creating a design for the new City recreation and cultural facility. This work will focus on the planned uses and will include a needs assessment, and public engagement to determine the facility’s functional design.
Staff anticipate returning to Council with a comprehensive work plan to deliver the community hub envisioned for 930 and 1010 Somerset Street no later than Q1 2027. This will include a detailed funding strategy.
Project Update - February 2025
Share Project Update - February 2025 on Facebook Share Project Update - February 2025 on Twitter Share Project Update - February 2025 on Linkedin Email Project Update - February 2025 linkCity Council has approved the 1010 Somerset concept plan on December 11, 2024 and directed staff to proceed with the next stages of planning for the site.
To advance this project, staff will conduct detailed planning work in 2025 and 2026, to 1) create the school site 2) create a framework to examine District Energy options, 3) prepare and apply for a Zoning by-law Amendment and Official Plan Amendment 4) identify the affordable housing opportunity, and 5) complete initial site works.
Planning work for City-owned elements, including the Plant Recreation Centre expansion, park development, and a new recreation and cultural facility will require engaging architects and engineers in 2025. This is the first stage in creating a design for the new City recreation and cultural facility. This work will focus on the planned uses and will include a needs assessment, and public engagement to determine the facility’s functional design.
Staff anticipate returning to Council with a comprehensive work plan to deliver the community hub envisioned for 930 and 1010 Somerset Street no later than Q1 2027. This will include a detailed funding strategy.
Project Update – What We Learned Reports
Share Project Update – What We Learned Reports on Facebook Share Project Update – What We Learned Reports on Twitter Share Project Update – What We Learned Reports on Linkedin Email Project Update – What We Learned Reports linkThe 1010 Somerset project team has compiled the response received on the proposed concept plan into two What We Learned Reports.
These reports summarize the engagement activities, the main themes of the responses received, and how the project team responded to that feedback.
Please access the reports here:
What We Learned Report, June-October 2023 (link)
What We Learned Report, May-August 2024 (link)
The 1010 Somerset project team would like to thank everyone again for taking the time to provide their feedback.
Concept Plan - public engagement close
Share Concept Plan - public engagement close on Facebook Share Concept Plan - public engagement close on Twitter Share Concept Plan - public engagement close on Linkedin Email Concept Plan - public engagement close linkThe project team would like to thank those who participated in this phase of public consultation for the 1010 Somerset community hub. Consultations for the concept plan phase is now complete.
For this phase of engagement, the project’s Engage Ottawa page received over 12,300 visits, 1260 survey responses, and hundreds of public comments and feedback.
A virtual meeting was conducted via Zoom on June 26, 2024 to allow members of the public to provide feedback.
The project team held direct meetings with key stakeholders to inform and allow the project team to receive direct feedback.
The project team also conducted drop-in sessions to receive feedback from users of the Plant recreation facility as a means of engaging with impacted residents who otherwise may not have provided feedback via Engage Ottawa, Zoom, or email.
The Staff report and final concept plan will be considered by committee and at City Council.
Future public engagement relating to the design, development of the City facilities will be conducted once Council has approved the development of a recreation project.
Please use the Stay Informed feature to receive updates regarding future phases of this project.
Thank you for your feedback.
Project Update - Virtual Consultation
Share Project Update - Virtual Consultation on Facebook Share Project Update - Virtual Consultation on Twitter Share Project Update - Virtual Consultation on Linkedin Email Project Update - Virtual Consultation linkOn behalf of the project team, we are writing to provide you with an important update regarding the 1010 Somerset engagement.
The City will host a virtual consultation session to review the proposed Final Concept Plan for 1010 Somerset with the general public on Wednesday, June 26 2024. Please send any questions in advance of the session to 1010somerset@ottawa.ca (External link)
You will need to register in advance of the session. Please use this link to register.
Virtual Consultation Session
Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: Zoom (External link)
*Note that registration for each session will be limited to 100 participants. If registrations exceed this maximum, a waitlist will be held.
Project Update - Final Concept Plan
Share Project Update - Final Concept Plan on Facebook Share Project Update - Final Concept Plan on Twitter Share Project Update - Final Concept Plan on Linkedin Email Project Update - Final Concept Plan linkOverview and Final Concept Plan
The project team has completed a thorough review of the 1010 Somerset site, in consideration of the feedback received during the first phase of the public engagement.
Residents overwhelmingly agreed that Plouffe park should remain, and that a school should be built to meet the needs of the community.
Various concept plans were developed and reviewed to determine any potential engineering, transportation and planning issues. Following the review of numerous iterations, the project team is pleased to share the Final Concept Plan (downloadable file).
This plan will maintain a concentration of the building elements in the north half of the site along Somerset street. The project team determined that the placement of the school in the south half of the site and establishing a lane from Somerset to Oak Street will resolve the transportation and site operational issues identified by staff.
This plan requires that the project team seek an Official Plan Amendment (OPA). The amendments will result in a plan that meets the following objectives:
- Plouffe Park is preserved with additional new park space allocated on the site.
- Active transportation is facilitated through the site and to the transitway.
- A recreation and cultural facility is built to answer the needs of the growing community and provide an opportunity for more cultural programming.
- A school is built on site with a drop-off area for parents that minimizes traffic impacts in the area.
- A child care facility is built on site.
Understanding the community’s significant interest in this project, more information is available below on:
- The public engagement process
- The revisions of various concept plans
- The Official Plan Amendment
- The next steps for the project
Once again, we thank you for your patience. We look forward to hearing your feedback during our virtual consultation session, planned in the coming weeks. Please subscribe to our project updates to receive notification when a date has been set.
Public Engagement
The 1010 Somerset project team analyzed all feedback received from the first phase of public engagement by the community. In total, the project team has received 1260 survey responses and more than 100 emails.
Most significantly, respondents agreed that the preservation of Plouffe park was a top priority. The project team also heard from the community that the presence of an elementary school was of high importance.
Additional feedback was received on the need for affordable housing, the planned recreation and cultural complex and other proposed amenities.
A virtual consultation session will be planned in the coming weeks to hear your feedback on this final concept plan. New site signage to announce the virtual consultation will be provided, which will include notices within Plant Recreation Centre directing the public to this Engage Ottawa page.
Evolution of the Concept Plan
Since the end of the first phase of public engagement, the project team has worked to develop various iterations of the concept plan to address the concerns received and meet requirements of the site.
Subject matter experts from transportation, planning and engineering services reviewed concept plan iterations against the technical requirements for the site. These technical requirements determine the operational feasibility of:
- Access and exits to the site, given the volume of uses
- Access for emergency vehicles
- Site servicing (examples: water, sewer, and solid waste)
Every attempted draft iteration caused insurmountable functional and operational issues with placing all buildings in the north half of the site to preserve the park corridor in the southern half.
The project team determined that placing the school in the southern half of the site and establishing a lane from Somerset street to Oak street could resolve the above issues.
Following this decision, the project team developed the Final Concept Plan (downloadable file). This concept plan ensures that:
- Plouffe park is preserved, and new park space is added.
- Active transportation is facilitated through the site and to the transitway.
- A recreation and cultural facility is built to answer the needs of the growing community and provide an opportunity for more cultural programming.
- An elementary school is built on site with an operationally feasible drop-off area for parents that minimizes traffic impacts in the area.
- A child care facility is built on site.
- The requirements per the purchase and sale agreements with the Federal Government are met.
Proposal – Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
The City will be seeking an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) to the Area-Specific Policy of the Corso Italia Station district in the West Downtown Core Secondary Plan.
Seeking an OPA will allow the following to be achieved at the 1010 Somerset site:
- The strategic goals of the West Downtown Secondary Plan.
- Meeting the requirements per the purchase and sale agreements with the Federal Government.
- Meeting the community needs in a densifying area.
- Maintaining its commitment to demonstrating all the proposed elements in the first concept plan.
- The needs identified by the community are balanced in the most optimal form.
The OPA will aim to meet the essence of the Secondary Plan, which states the need to:
- Expand the opportunities for active transportation.
- Improve the amount, types and quality of spaces available for the neighbourhood to balance the increased numbers of people living and visiting the district.
- Concentrate the most dense and tallest buildings along the O-Train corridor to support transit use for new residents.
- Re-establish vacant or underutilized lots, across the district, with a strong urban form and design to support and enhance a high-quality public realm.
- Nurture the arts community and other diverse, small-scale activity generators to support a resilient local culture and economy for all members of society.
- Target the achievement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in new development through the planning, design and development of alternative renewable energy solutions.
Next Steps and Resources
The release of the Final Concept Plan is now available here: link (downloadable file)
The project team will hold a virtual engagement session to review the new plan. The dates and registration information will be posted as soon as the information is available.
Like any property owner seeking an Official Plan Amendment (OPA), the 1010 Somerset project team will need to make the appropriate applications and follow the Council-approved processes.
We will continue to update the community through targeted communications and Engage Ottawa updates to ensure that residents are informed during each step of the process.
Please stay use the ‘Stay Informed’ feature on this Engage Ottawa page for information and updates. The project team is also available through the project email.
Project Update
Share Project Update on Facebook Share Project Update on Twitter Share Project Update on Linkedin Email Project Update linkThe 1010 Somerset Project Team thanks you for your patience as we continue our review of technical and transportation options for the 1010 Somerset site.
We take this step very seriously and are assessing the proposed concept plan in consideration of the feedback received from the survey, the project email, and through meetings with stakeholders.
An update on the next steps – project updates and virtual consultations – will be communicated as soon as practicable.
Please use the ‘Stay Informed’ feature to receive notification of any updates to this project.
Thank you.
Project Update
Share Project Update on Facebook Share Project Update on Twitter Share Project Update on Linkedin Email Project Update linkThe 1010 Somerset project team would like to thank everyone for taking the time to provide their feedback on the concept plan.
Feedback was received and recorded through the survey and our project email.
1260 responses were received through the survey. The project team is currently working on following up on the ideas and feedback that have come forward through various channels and will be shared in a “What We Learned” report, to be posted on this page along with a list of the key themes.
As the responses to date have revealed several issues from residents concerned about the project, the next phase of the public engagement will be scheduled once a full review of the concept plan has been made, with these concerns taken in consideration.
Please subscribe here to receive project updates. We look forward to your continued participation.
1010 Somerset Project Team
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Email 1010somerset@ottawa.ca
Project Documents
Follow Project
- Why did the City of Ottawa purchase 1010 Somerset?
- What are the proposed concept plan elements?
- How were the elements of the concept plan compiled?
- Why did it take the project team several months to develop a new concept plan?
- Why is the school footprint placed in what is demonstrated to be park space in the Secondary Plan?
- Why do you need a lane from Somerset to Oak? Who will have access?
- What is the Official Plan?
- What is an Official Plan Amendment (OPA)?
- How will the public be involved in the Official Plan Amendment process?
- Does the school footprint reduce the park space as demonstrated in the Secondary Plan?
- Why is more of the site not greenspace given the need for land and the targets in the Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan (PRFMP) and the demonstrated park space in the West Downtown Core Secondary Plan?
- How long before the new parkland is available?
- What is the impact of the proposed development on the stormwater attenuation function of Plouffe park?
- Why are you building gymnasium spaces in the recreation facility?
- What other uses will the Recreation Facility serve?
- Who will be served by the Recreation Facility?
- What is the time frame for the development of the proposed school?
- How will the increased traffic in the area be managed
- Why does the concept plan include residential units?
- What are the timelines for the development of the various elements of the concept plan (Example: school, park, housing)?
- What are the next steps after the conclusion of the public engagement for the Concept Plan?
- How will the public be informed on this project?
- How will this proposed concept plan align with the city's claim to actively fight climate change and reduce the heat island effect?
- What is District Energy?
- What is the intention of using District Energy for this project?
- How will this proposed development apply the City’s Bird Safe Design Guidelines?