Concept Plan - public engagement close
The project team would like to thank those who participated in this phase of public consultation for the 1010 Somerset community hub. Consultations for the concept plan phase is now complete.
For this phase of engagement, the project’s Engage Ottawa page received over 12,300 visits, 1260 survey responses, and hundreds of public comments and feedback.
A virtual meeting was conducted via Zoom on June 26, 2024 to allow members of the public to provide feedback.
The project team held direct meetings with key stakeholders to inform and allow the project team to receive direct feedback.
The project team also conducted drop-in sessions to receive feedback from users of the Plant recreation facility as a means of engaging with impacted residents who otherwise may not have provided feedback via Engage Ottawa, Zoom, or email.
The Staff report and final concept plan will be considered by committee and at City Council.
Future public engagement relating to the design, development of the City facilities will be conducted once Council has approved the development of a recreation project.
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Thank you for your feedback.

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