Q4 2024 – New Zoning By-law Review Status Update
The new Zoning By-law review project is submitting an IPD to the December 04, 2024 Planning and Housing Committee. The IPD provides updates on key issues identified during public consultations on the draft Zoning By-law and presents options to address them. Staff have developed several options that could help resolve each key issue identified. Further details concerning the issues and associated options will be formally presented to Council as part of the release of the second draft of the new Zoning By-law in March 2025. The six key issues identified to-date include concerns about:
- removing minimum parking rates in villages
- carrying forward maximum driveway width provisions in the rural transect
- setting an 8.5-metre building height in all N1 and N2 zones in all transects
- converting the R4 zone to N4 zone and the potential for unanticipated density increases
- determining proposed zoning based on existing zoning without enough consideration for Official Plan policies
- achieving appropriate building-height transitions
The memo also summarizes comments received during the virtual open houses conducted in August and September, as well as outlines next steps for the project.

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