Women and Gender Equity Strategy Phase 2

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In April 2021, the first Women and Gender Equity Strategy (WGES) was approved by Ottawa City Council. The strategy guides the City’s actions to advance women and gender equity through inclusive strategies and services.

Phase 1 of the strategy is underway and focuses on:

  • Introducing women and gender-sensitive policy changes internally in City’s plans, strategies and services,
  • Raising awareness of staff on women and gender equity, and
  • Integrating a gender lens in City data system.

As directed by Council, Phase 2 of WGES aims to implement meaningful change by working alongside community organizations. Phase 2 plans include the development of a strong internal and external strategic framework (2023-2025), which builds on the successes laid out by Phase 1 strategic framework (2021-2023).

The purpose of the Phase 2 engagement was to collect feedback from residents, community stakeholders and City staff on women and gender gaps and service needs, with a focus on the disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women, gender diverse persons, and non-binary persons.

For more information contact womengenderequity@ottawa.ca.

Phase 2 Engagement Findings

The purpose of the Phase Two engagement was to collect feedback from residents, community stakeholders and City of Ottawa staff on new women and gender gaps and service needs focusing on those caused by the pandemic. 

Priorities identified for Phase Two include:

  • Policy change for women and gender equity
  • Safety
  • Equitable representation of women
  • Gender inclusivity
  • Supporting men’s engagement and allyship
  • Effective engagement of Black and racialized communities

How to get involved:

In April 2021, the first Women and Gender Equity Strategy (WGES) was approved by Ottawa City Council. The strategy guides the City’s actions to advance women and gender equity through inclusive strategies and services.

Phase 1 of the strategy is underway and focuses on:

  • Introducing women and gender-sensitive policy changes internally in City’s plans, strategies and services,
  • Raising awareness of staff on women and gender equity, and
  • Integrating a gender lens in City data system.

As directed by Council, Phase 2 of WGES aims to implement meaningful change by working alongside community organizations. Phase 2 plans include the development of a strong internal and external strategic framework (2023-2025), which builds on the successes laid out by Phase 1 strategic framework (2021-2023).

The purpose of the Phase 2 engagement was to collect feedback from residents, community stakeholders and City staff on women and gender gaps and service needs, with a focus on the disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women, gender diverse persons, and non-binary persons.

For more information contact womengenderequity@ottawa.ca.

Phase 2 Engagement Findings

The purpose of the Phase Two engagement was to collect feedback from residents, community stakeholders and City of Ottawa staff on new women and gender gaps and service needs focusing on those caused by the pandemic. 

Priorities identified for Phase Two include:

  • Policy change for women and gender equity
  • Safety
  • Equitable representation of women
  • Gender inclusivity
  • Supporting men’s engagement and allyship
  • Effective engagement of Black and racialized communities

How to get involved:

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Help us continue to develop the Women & Gender Equity Strategy by providing your input.

    The purpose of the Phase 2 engagement is to collect feedback from residents, community stakeholders and City staff on women and gender gaps and service needs, with a focus on  the disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women, gender diverse persons, and non-binary persons.

    The survey will take between 10-15 minutes to complete.

    Share Women and Gender Equity Strategy Survey (Phase 2) on Facebook Share Women and Gender Equity Strategy Survey (Phase 2) on Twitter Share Women and Gender Equity Strategy Survey (Phase 2) on Linkedin Email Women and Gender Equity Strategy Survey (Phase 2) link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The City is embarking on its first Women & Gender Equity Strategy and is seeking input from residents to help build a strategy that is reflective of the needs of our city.

    The survey consists of four background questions and six content questions. It will take between 10-15 minutes to complete.

    The information collected in this survey will help us understand who is participating in the survey and what matters to Ottawa residents with respect to women and gender equity and the city.

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Page last updated: 24 Jan 2024, 10:12 AM