Weslock Park

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Weslock Park construction is now complete!


Construction to commence April 22, 2024 for completion Summer 2024.


What We Heard

An online survey regarding the Weslock Park concept plan was conducted on Engage Ottawa from 15 February to 1 March 2023. Thank you to everyone that provided their input on the play equipment options for the park. Option B received 75% of the votes and is the preferred design. The summary of the public comments and responses is provided below:

  • Request for a playhouse has been added to the scope for design option B.
  • Request to have something for older kids to climb and or a slide. The two design options offered the choice of:
    1. Option A with two swings and a small play structure with slide
    2. Option B which provides more swings and sand play but lacks sufficient space to accommodate a larger climbing structure (such as a slide). Based on the feedback received during the public engagement, a small playhouse has been added to the scope for concept B.
  • Request to add 2 goal posts in soccer field is out of scope.
  • Request to have designated area for off-leash dogs with accompanying signage and enforcement due conflicts between dogs and park users. Signage designating ‘dogs on-leash’ will be added to the pathways. A dog park is out of scope for this project.
  • This lifecycle projects pertains only to the play elements, swings, and pathway extension within Westlock Park. Other amenities, such as the existing pathway system which extends through Weslock, Walden and Carr Cres, are under the purview of the public works department and have separate timelines for repairs and replacement. Please submit a service request to 3-1-1 for pathway repairs.
  • Request to augment natural features in the park through the addition of trees. Communities may submit tree planting requests to enhance city parks and streets by contacting 3-1-1.
  • All lifecycle replacement projects are required to meet AODA and the City’s Accessible Design Standards. Engineered wood fiber is the accessible safety surfacing. Ramps, accessible swings, an accessible sandbox, accessible benches, and a stone dust pathway connecting to the north path systems, all increase inclusive access to the park.

Following the completion of the public tender process, an update regarding the construction timeline will be posted to engage Ottawa.


The City of Ottawa is seeking input on concept plans prepared for the lifecycle replacement of the junior playground equipment in Weslock Park.

According to the Strategic Asset Management Plan (2017), the Ageing Assets Strategy states that “to maintain levels of service over time and to remain sustainable, not all assets should or can be replaced before reaching the end of their expected service life.”

Therefore, the scope of the current lifecycle replacement project is specific to; a pathway extension from the north park entrance to the play structure, a new park sign, and replacement of the junior play structure and swings. Engineered wood fiber is proposed as the protective surfacing material for the playground to meet accessibility requirements.

Two different concept plans with images of the proposed playground equipment options are located in the Document Library on this page. Option A provides a similar play structure to the current amenities. Option B was based on preliminary community consultation where more swings were requested.

Residents are invited to complete the survey and provide comments on the play equipment options.

A summary of public comments and the preferred option will be posted to this website upon completion of the public consultation.

Construction to commence 2023, pending budget approval.

Weslock Park construction is now complete!


Construction to commence April 22, 2024 for completion Summer 2024.


What We Heard

An online survey regarding the Weslock Park concept plan was conducted on Engage Ottawa from 15 February to 1 March 2023. Thank you to everyone that provided their input on the play equipment options for the park. Option B received 75% of the votes and is the preferred design. The summary of the public comments and responses is provided below:

  • Request for a playhouse has been added to the scope for design option B.
  • Request to have something for older kids to climb and or a slide. The two design options offered the choice of:
    1. Option A with two swings and a small play structure with slide
    2. Option B which provides more swings and sand play but lacks sufficient space to accommodate a larger climbing structure (such as a slide). Based on the feedback received during the public engagement, a small playhouse has been added to the scope for concept B.
  • Request to add 2 goal posts in soccer field is out of scope.
  • Request to have designated area for off-leash dogs with accompanying signage and enforcement due conflicts between dogs and park users. Signage designating ‘dogs on-leash’ will be added to the pathways. A dog park is out of scope for this project.
  • This lifecycle projects pertains only to the play elements, swings, and pathway extension within Westlock Park. Other amenities, such as the existing pathway system which extends through Weslock, Walden and Carr Cres, are under the purview of the public works department and have separate timelines for repairs and replacement. Please submit a service request to 3-1-1 for pathway repairs.
  • Request to augment natural features in the park through the addition of trees. Communities may submit tree planting requests to enhance city parks and streets by contacting 3-1-1.
  • All lifecycle replacement projects are required to meet AODA and the City’s Accessible Design Standards. Engineered wood fiber is the accessible safety surfacing. Ramps, accessible swings, an accessible sandbox, accessible benches, and a stone dust pathway connecting to the north path systems, all increase inclusive access to the park.

Following the completion of the public tender process, an update regarding the construction timeline will be posted to engage Ottawa.


The City of Ottawa is seeking input on concept plans prepared for the lifecycle replacement of the junior playground equipment in Weslock Park.

According to the Strategic Asset Management Plan (2017), the Ageing Assets Strategy states that “to maintain levels of service over time and to remain sustainable, not all assets should or can be replaced before reaching the end of their expected service life.”

Therefore, the scope of the current lifecycle replacement project is specific to; a pathway extension from the north park entrance to the play structure, a new park sign, and replacement of the junior play structure and swings. Engineered wood fiber is proposed as the protective surfacing material for the playground to meet accessibility requirements.

Two different concept plans with images of the proposed playground equipment options are located in the Document Library on this page. Option A provides a similar play structure to the current amenities. Option B was based on preliminary community consultation where more swings were requested.

Residents are invited to complete the survey and provide comments on the play equipment options.

A summary of public comments and the preferred option will be posted to this website upon completion of the public consultation.

Construction to commence 2023, pending budget approval.


Please note comments left in guestbook are public. Do not include personal information in the comments.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

My granddaughters call this “Grandma’s Park” since we always went to this park when they were little. They liked the swings but they loved playing in the sand and doing all the activities on the play structure. I think swinging on a swing is fun but it is not very creative. We used to have “tea parties” in the little building and they loved all the new skills they gained climbing, sliding, hanging upside down, etc.

MIT about 2 years ago

Would I be correct in understanding that using wood fibre (vs. sand) in the play area is part of the "package" of changes needed to support wheelchair access?

Neil Thomson about 2 years ago

This is a great opportunity to make our parks more inclusive. Unfortunately, after looking at both concepts, they exclude children in wheelchairs.


David Benay about 2 years ago

I don't recall the all-swing, no other "apparatus" option being discussed when I participated in an on-site walk-through (June 29, 2022).

I've photos from that on-site visit, which show there is space for both a four swing installation and additional play structures.

Link to pdf showing the existing play structure and swings

Neil Thomson about 2 years ago
Page last updated: 11 Jul 2024, 09:51 AM