Neighbourhood plan for South Stittsville

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South Stittsville

This page will be your hub for all documents, opportunities to engage and other information related to the neighbourhood plan for South Stittsville.

South Stittsville is identified as W-4 on the map below, located in west of the City as a continuation of the Stittsville area. It is roughly 80 hectares (195 acres). Main features to be considered in the planning of this neighbourhood are interface with the existing neighbourhood, the hydro right of way crossing the site and the significant wood lots.

The area outlined in red is subject to this planning process.

See the right side for a list of documents and related materials. Stay tuned for opportunities to engage including an open house in early 2024.

Q3 2023 - Kickoff and background studies underway

Q1 2024 - First public open house and other engagement opportunities-- Scheduled for February 29th -- the the right side for more information!

Q2 2024 – Summary of engagement and next steps

South Stittsville

This page will be your hub for all documents, opportunities to engage and other information related to the neighbourhood plan for South Stittsville.

South Stittsville is identified as W-4 on the map below, located in west of the City as a continuation of the Stittsville area. It is roughly 80 hectares (195 acres). Main features to be considered in the planning of this neighbourhood are interface with the existing neighbourhood, the hydro right of way crossing the site and the significant wood lots.

The area outlined in red is subject to this planning process.

See the right side for a list of documents and related materials. Stay tuned for opportunities to engage including an open house in early 2024.

Q3 2023 - Kickoff and background studies underway

Q1 2024 - First public open house and other engagement opportunities-- Scheduled for February 29th -- the the right side for more information!

Q2 2024 – Summary of engagement and next steps

Page last updated: 07 Mar 2024, 02:13 PM