Vanier: Culture in Action

Vanier is at a key moment in its history.
The City is collaborating with local residents, artists and organizations to create a plan to improve the artistic and cultural life of Vanier residents. Cities around the world have revitalized neighbourhoods by leveraging the artistic and cultural strengths of local communities. Learn how other cities created similar plans by reading the Study of Eight Cities in the document library.
To develop the strategy, we want your:
- Ideas for how we can revitalize arts, culture, and heritage in Vanier and, opinions on ideas from other residents
- Favourite places and activities to experience arts, culture and heritage in Vanier
- Survey feedback about the types of recreation program and services you would like to see in Vanier
Your Vanier
Identify the following places on the map. They’ll be shared with the public.
- Where do you participate in arts, cultural or heritage activities?
- Where are your favourite places to eat?
- Where do you like to walk?
- Where do you play sports or exercise?
- Where do you attend shows, exhibitions, readings and musical or dance performances?
- Where do you,
produce, rehearse, practice or create art or cultural activities?
- Where do you buy or borrow books?
If the activity is outdoors, like in a park or on the street, use the green icon.
If the activity is indoors, use the blue icon.