- Attend public events
- Sign-up to the project’s email list to receive updates on the planning study’s progress and invites to public events
- Visit this webpage to stay up-to-date about upcoming events and current information
- Email tewin@ottawa.ca at any time during the process to request information or submit feedback.
- Visit the Tewin page to learn more about the project
- General public
- Business owners
- Community Associations
- Tewin Community Advisory Committee (TCAC).
- Conservation Authorities
- Indigenous Communities
- Various Federal and Provincial Agencies, including National Capital Commission (NCC) and the Ministry of Transportation (MTO)
- School Boards
- Algonquins of Ontario
What is a Community Design Plan?
Community Design Plans (CDPs) are intended to guide change in areas of Ottawa targeted for growth as directed by the Official Plan, including urban expansion areas. Their purpose is to adapt and implement the overall planning approach of the Official Plan to a more detailed community scale. A CDP provides guidance on urban design, land use, transportation, infrastructure (including water, sanitary sewer and stormwater), preservation of natural features, public spaces and implementation strategies.
The private sector typically leads and finances CDPs for urban expansion areas in accordance with City requirements and in collaboration with City staff. In the spirit of collaborative community building, they are prepared through an open and public process. Once Council approves a CDP, the plan becomes Council’s policy for public and private development in the planning area. CDPs are non-statutory documents and are implemented and given legal effect by the adoption of a Secondary Plan.
What is a Secondary Plan?
The City of Ottawa’s Official Plan provides a vision for the future growth of the city and a policy framework to guide the City's physical development. Secondary Plans form part of the Official Plan and establish more detailed policies to guide growth by translating applicable principles and policies of the Community Design Plan (CDP), for specific areas, into a statutory policy document approved under the Planning Act.
Proposed development that is not in keeping with the policies of Secondary Plans would require an application to amend the Official Plan.
How can I get involved?
There are several ways you can stay informed and engaged throughout the study process:
Who is involved in this Study?
Many stakeholders are involved in this planning study: