St.Luke's Park Basketball Court
What We Learned:
A second survey regarding the size of St.Luke’s Park basketball court was conducted on Engage Ottawa from 19 February – 33 March. Thank you to everyone that provided their input on the basketball options for the park. Option B: Adjusted court size (14.4m x 27m) received 66% of the votes and is the preferred option.
Construction of the court will recommence in the Spring.
The St.Luke’s Basketball Community has requested an adjustment in the length of the larger court that was previously selected through public consultation. Thus, the City is seeking input on the adjusted size of the new basketball court in St.Luke’s park.
Residents are invited to complete the survey on the updated size options:
Option A: Larger court size (15m X 28m). Court remains the larger size selected through the initial public consultation.
Option B: Adjusted court size (14.4m x 27m). Court size adjusted on the North/East sides of the court.
Please note: the size of the court is the only change open to consultation. No other elements such as lighting, benches, or surfacing treatments will be reconsidered.
The preferred option will be posted to this website upon completion of the public consultation.
Construction commencing November 4th for completion in Spring 2025.
The City of Ottawa is seeking input on concept plans prepared for the lifecycle replacement of the basketball court in St.Luke’s Park.
According to the Strategic Asset Management Plan (2017), the Ageing Assets Strategy states that “to maintain levels of service over time and to remain sustainable, not all assets should or can be replaced before reaching the end of their expected service life.”
The scope of the current lifecycle replacement project includes:
- replacement of the basketball court,
- two new basketball posts and nets,
- grading to support proper drainage.
Additional funding provided by Ward 14 for upgraded features including:
- lighting of the basketball court,
- acrylic coating or equivalent surfacing on the basketball court,
- a new accessible bench.
Two different concept plans outlining the different size options for the basketball court replacement are located in the Document Library on this page.
Residents are invited to complete the survey and provide comments on the concept. A summary of public comments and the preferred option will be posted to this website upon completion of the public consultation.
Construction to commence 2024, pending budget approval.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment on the concept plans. The public comment period has now closed. A summary of the comments will be posted back to engage Ottawa shortly.
What We Learned:
An online survey regarding the St.Luke’s Park basketball concept plans was conducted on Engage Ottawa from 19 October – 23 November. Thank you to everyone that provided their input on the basketball options for the park. Concept 1 for the larger court received 86% of the votes. Lighting also received a large amount of support with 88% of the votes. A summary of the comments, requests, and responses is provided below:
•Many comments received regarding the removal of trees and/or requests to keep the trees for shade. Tree branches will be pruned, but the trees will not be removed.
•Request for increased grade and/or surfacing treatments for the court are under consideration.
•Request for court drainage is included in the designs.
•Light fixtures to minimize light pollution will also be recommended for this location, with the timer matching the lighting at the Tennis Courts.
•Confirming that the FIBA line painting standard will be used and includes the 3-pt line.
•Request for the basketball uprights to be placed further back from the court is under review.
•Glass backboards are not recommended for a court in close proximity to a pool.
• Adjustable uprights with a maximum height of 10ft are under consideration. This will enable the City to adjust the height for a variety of different user groups.
• Request for flexible rims is under review.
• Bottle-filling station has been added to the scope.
• Location of the bench in the shade has been included in the project.
Following the completion of the public tender process, an update regarding the construction timeline will be posted to engage Ottawa.