S2 - Barrhaven South - East of Greenbank - Future Neighbourhood

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S2 Barrhaven South – Phase 4

This page will be your hub for all documents, opportunities to engage and other information related to the neighbourhood plan for Barrhaven South – Phase 4.

Phase 4 is identified in red on the map below, located as a continuation of the Barrhaven area. It is roughly 74 hectares (181 acres). Main features to be considered in the planning of this neighbourhood are its integration into the existing Barrhaven neighbourhood, and consideration of some wood lots.

See the right side for a list of documents and related materials. Stay tuned for opportunities to engage including an open house in early 2024.

Project timeline for right column

Q3 2023 - Kickoff and background studies underway

Q1 2024 - First public open house and other engagement opportunities-- Scheduled for March 7th -- see the right side for more information!

Q1 2025 - Second public open house - Scheduled for February 12th -- see the right side for more information!

Q2 2024 – Summary of engagement and next steps



Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Master Plan for Barrhaven South Phase 4 Future Neighbourhood (S2 Lands)

The Study

The City of Ottawa has initiated a secondary planning process for the development of Barrhaven South Phase 4 (also referred to as the “S2 Lands”), composed of a group of properties identified for urban expansion in the City of Ottawa Official Plan (2022). Along with satisfying the necessary prerequisites established in the Official Plan, a Master Plan will be prepared in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Act.

The EA Master Plan

The EA Master Plan will identify the recommended transportation, water, sanitary, and stormwater infrastructure required to service the new community. The Master Plan approval under the Environmental Assessment Act will be integrated with Planning Act approvals for future development of the land to allow for coordination of land use and infrastructure planning. The approval process will proceed under Approach 2 of the Environmental Assessment Act, which fulfills Phase 1 (Problem or Opportunity) and Phase 2 (Alternative Solutions).

Public Consultation and Second Public Open House

Consultation with the public is a key component of this study. You are invited to attend a public open house to present the study process, including the EA Master Plan process, the existing environmental, infrastructure, transportation, and planning conditions, and the problems and opportunities to be addressed.

Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (drop-in format, with a brief introductory presentation at 6:00 PM)
Location: Walter Baker Sports Centre, Food Court, 100 Malvern Drive, Ottawa, ON, K2J 2G5

How to Participate

There will be an opportunity for the public to review the final Master Plan at the conclusion of the study during a 30-day review period.

If you have comments or questions about the planning process, or wish to be added to the study mailing list to receive future project updates, please visit engage.ottawa.ca/s2-barrhaven-south-phase-4 or contact the project team:

Robin van de Lande

Senior Urban Planner

City of Ottawa


For more information regarding the City’s Urban Expansion in Future Neighbourhoods, please visit engage.ottawa.ca/urban-expansion-in-future-neighbourhoods

Comments will be maintained for reference throughout the project and will become part of the public record. Under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) and the Environmental Assessment Act, any personal information such as name, address and telephone number included in a submission will become part of the public record unless the commenter specifically requests that such personal details not be included in the public record.

This Notice is issued February 3, 2025.

S2 Barrhaven South – Phase 4

This page will be your hub for all documents, opportunities to engage and other information related to the neighbourhood plan for Barrhaven South – Phase 4.

Phase 4 is identified in red on the map below, located as a continuation of the Barrhaven area. It is roughly 74 hectares (181 acres). Main features to be considered in the planning of this neighbourhood are its integration into the existing Barrhaven neighbourhood, and consideration of some wood lots.

See the right side for a list of documents and related materials. Stay tuned for opportunities to engage including an open house in early 2024.

Project timeline for right column

Q3 2023 - Kickoff and background studies underway

Q1 2024 - First public open house and other engagement opportunities-- Scheduled for March 7th -- see the right side for more information!

Q1 2025 - Second public open house - Scheduled for February 12th -- see the right side for more information!

Q2 2024 – Summary of engagement and next steps



Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Master Plan for Barrhaven South Phase 4 Future Neighbourhood (S2 Lands)

The Study

The City of Ottawa has initiated a secondary planning process for the development of Barrhaven South Phase 4 (also referred to as the “S2 Lands”), composed of a group of properties identified for urban expansion in the City of Ottawa Official Plan (2022). Along with satisfying the necessary prerequisites established in the Official Plan, a Master Plan will be prepared in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Act.

The EA Master Plan

The EA Master Plan will identify the recommended transportation, water, sanitary, and stormwater infrastructure required to service the new community. The Master Plan approval under the Environmental Assessment Act will be integrated with Planning Act approvals for future development of the land to allow for coordination of land use and infrastructure planning. The approval process will proceed under Approach 2 of the Environmental Assessment Act, which fulfills Phase 1 (Problem or Opportunity) and Phase 2 (Alternative Solutions).

Public Consultation and Second Public Open House

Consultation with the public is a key component of this study. You are invited to attend a public open house to present the study process, including the EA Master Plan process, the existing environmental, infrastructure, transportation, and planning conditions, and the problems and opportunities to be addressed.

Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (drop-in format, with a brief introductory presentation at 6:00 PM)
Location: Walter Baker Sports Centre, Food Court, 100 Malvern Drive, Ottawa, ON, K2J 2G5

How to Participate

There will be an opportunity for the public to review the final Master Plan at the conclusion of the study during a 30-day review period.

If you have comments or questions about the planning process, or wish to be added to the study mailing list to receive future project updates, please visit engage.ottawa.ca/s2-barrhaven-south-phase-4 or contact the project team:

Robin van de Lande

Senior Urban Planner

City of Ottawa


For more information regarding the City’s Urban Expansion in Future Neighbourhoods, please visit engage.ottawa.ca/urban-expansion-in-future-neighbourhoods

Comments will be maintained for reference throughout the project and will become part of the public record. Under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) and the Environmental Assessment Act, any personal information such as name, address and telephone number included in a submission will become part of the public record unless the commenter specifically requests that such personal details not be included in the public record.

This Notice is issued February 3, 2025.

Page last updated: 27 Feb 2025, 11:53 AM