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Rural Summit 2024

The Rural Summit 2024 was initiated and is led by the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee (ARAC). It is designed to address issues that are of specific interest to rural residents, rural businesses, and other rural stakeholders. 

This survey will inform ward-specific workshops, helping to guide discussions on local challenges and opportunities, scheduled for this spring. The outcomes from these workshops will contribute to the development of the agenda for the Rural Summit 2024 in November.


Demographic information provided will be used to better address the challenges of each rural ward. Age group and identifiable connections to rural Ottawa will provide valuable insight that will all be taken into consideration throughout the Rural Summit 2024 planning process.

Select option


Age Group


What is your current residential or organizational status in relation to the city’s rural communities? Please select all that apply to your situation.

Ward Workshops

The Rural Summit 2024 is committed to addressing the challenges faced by rural residents of Ottawa. The Rural Summit team has already organized workshops in each rural ward to facilitate inclusive participation and identify local priorities and challenges. The insights gathered from these workshops will inform the agenda for the Rural Summit 2024 in November.


Are you interested in receiving information on the "As We Heard It" Report from your rural workshop and the upcoming Rural Summit?

Opinion Statements

The following opinion statements will be used to gauge public interest and perspective on various topics to identify priority themes for the Ward Workshops.

Please rate your agreement with the following statements (1 being strongly disagree, 5 being strongly agree). 

Rural villages have the necessary housing, business, and transportation to create a livable community.
City-wide policies and plans consider the diverse characteristics and challenges of my community.
The city should consider the needs of rural communities before implementing environmental initiatives.
Customized planning for rural projects like building or renovating barns is vital for local development and land upkeep, avoiding a one-size-fits-all approach.
Economic development opportunities, including small businesses and farms, face challenges related to owning and operating in my community.
Senior programming adequately addresses the needs of seniors in my rural community.
After-school programs, encompassing sports and recreational activities, are available for local youth in my community.
I feel confident in the effectiveness of the fire services in my community.
Family health teams, mental health services, and community resource centres are accessible and responsive to the needs of my community.
I am satisfied with the responsiveness of police in my community.
City services, such as Service Ottawa and 3-1-1, should be resources to cater to my community's needs.
I feel safe in my community.
The residents in my rural community are aware and educated on common outdoor activities such as hunting and fishing.
The city should respect the unique character, interests, and history of my community.
Infrastructure development, including roads, is a priority in my community.
The City should direct available resources to support rural ditch and drain initiatives in my community.
The condition and maintenance of roads and shoulders in my community needs to be a higher priority for the city.
Rural areas should be the primary location for wind turbines, waste management, solar farms and battery storage.
Active transportation options, such as walking, skidooing, 4-wheeling, biking and boating, are well-supported and safe in my community.
I am satisfied with the intersection visibility in my community.
The City should plan alternative truck routes in my community.

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters



Your survey responses will be compiled by City staff and included in the "As We Heard It" report.


I consent to share my survey results with both my local Councillor and the Resident Working Group.

* required