Survey 3 Results: Our first impressions

Review of special event by-laws: Environmental issues

Our first impressions

The survey’s findings indicate a high level of personal commitment in environmentally conscious behavior among special event attendees. Eighty-four per cent of respondents indicated they actively avoid single-use plastics and reusable products are also prevalent, with 77 per cent intending to use reusable water bottles and 72 per cent preferring food vendors offering compostable or reusable cutlery and plates. Approximately 70 per cent of respondents expressed a willingness to pick up litter and 90 per cent of respondents prefer to use mobile/digital tickets when the option is available.

Responses indicated a significant demand for sustainable options, as 96 per cent of respondents reported using appropriate bins for waste, recycling, and compost at special events. Notably, 97 per cent believe that recycling stations should be mandatory at special events, and 88 per cent think that composting bins should also be mandatory. These findings highlight the importance of responsible waste disposal. In terms of environmental impact, 42 per cent of respondents believe that special events should offset their carbon emissions. Additionally, 55 per cent advocate for the mandatory use of reusable cups and utensils.

Regarding transportation choices, 51 per cent of respondents are likely to use public transit (OC Transpo), while only 42 per cent would walk or cycle to events. Event organizers should consider promoting sustainable transportation options further, as collaboration with public transit and cycling infrastructure could encourage sustainable transportation choices.

Financial considerations also come into play, as 45 per cent of respondents are willing to pay higher prices for sustainable service items like compostable cutlery. Overall, 67 per cent emphasize minimizing environmental impact, and 75 per cent consider environmental concerns when attending special events.

In summary, respondents believe that event organizers should prioritize waste management, encourage reusable practices, and consider environmental impact when planning special events.

Unfortunately, the small number of residents that opted to participate in this survey suggests that the views expressed by participants do not reflect the broader community. While the survey shows there are opportunities to encourage more sustainable practices at events, it also shows that more effort will be needed to raise awareness about the importance of good environmental stewardship by event organizers and participants.


This survey ran on Engage Ottawa from May 1, 2024 to May 31, 2024. Seventy-six residents responded to this survey. The total number of responses for each question is reported beside the question. For convenience, individual responses are reported as both a total and a percentage.

Responses to open-ended questions have been reported above in summary format. Individual responses have been cataloged and made anonymous for sharing with the project team and other City departments where appropriate.

Survey Three results

In May we asked residents to share their thoughts on waste reduction and environmental protection. Our goal was to assess a range of issues, including the reduction of waste, the availability of greener options and the environmental impact of special events more widely.

Q1: How likely are you to practice the following environmentally responsible practices while

attending special events? (76 responses)

Picking up litter:

  • I don’t know: 1 respondent or 1.3 per cent
  • Unlikely: 7 respondents or 9.2 per cent
  • Somewhat unlikely: 15 respondents or 19.7 per cent
  • Somewhat likely: 22 respondents or 28.9 per cent
  • Very likely: 31 respondents or 40.7 per cent

Avoiding single-use plastics:

  • I don’t know: 0 respondents or 0 per cent
  • Unlikely: 4 respondents or 5.2 per cent
  • Somewhat unlikely: 8 respondents or 10.5 per cent
  • Somewhat likely: 33 respondents or 43.4 per cent
  • Very likely: 31 respondents or 40.7 per cent

Choosing OC Transpo/ParaTranspo:

  • I don’t know: 2 respondents or 2.6 per cent
  • Unlikely: 26 respondents or 34.2 per cent
  • Somewhat unlikely: 9 respondents or 11.8 per cent
  • Somewhat likely: 22 respondents or 28.9 per cent
  • Very likely: 17 respondents or 22.3 per cent

Cycling or walking to/from the event:

  • I don’t know: 2 respondents or 2.6 per cent
  • Unlikely: 22 respondents or 28.9 per cent
  • Somewhat unlikely: 10 respondents or 13.1 per cent
  • Somewhat likely: 19 respondents or 25 per cent
  • Very likely: 23 respondents or 30.2 per cent

Using reusable water bottles:

  • I don’t know: 0 respondents or 0 per cent
  • Unlikely: 6 respondents or 7.8 per cent
  • Somewhat unlikely: 3 respondents or 3.9 per cent
  • Somewhat likely: 8 respondents or 10.5 per cent
  • Very likely: 59 respondents or 77.6 per cent

Using the appropriate bins available (garbage, recycle, compost):

  • I don’t know: 0 respondents or 0 per cent
  • Unlikely: 0 respondents or 0 per cent
  • Somewhat unlikely: 0 respondents or 0 per cent
  • Somewhat likely: 3 respondents or 3.9 per cent
  • Very likely: 73 respondents or 96.1 per cent

Using mobile/digital tickets versus printed versions, where applicable:

  • I don’t know: 0 respondents or 0 per cent
  • Unlikely: 5 respondents or 6.6 per cent
  • Somewhat unlikely: 5 respondents or 6.6 per cent
  • Somewhat likely: 11 respondents or 14.5 per cent
  • Very likely: 57 respondents or 75 per cent

Select a food vendor who offers reusable or compostable containers and cutlery:

  • I don’t know: 5 respondents or 6.5 per cent
  • Unlikely: 6 respondents or 7.9 per cent
  • Somewhat unlikely: 10 respondents or 13.1 per cent
  • Somewhat likely: 30 respondents or 39.4 per cent
  • Very likely: 25 respondents or 32.9 per cent

Q2: Which of the following practices do you think should be required at special events? (Select all that apply) (76 responses)

  • Reduce water use/waste: 46 respondents or 60.5 per cent
  • Use reusable cups and utensils: 42 respondents or 55.3 per cent
  • Provide recycling stations: 74 respondents or 97.4 per cent
  • Provide composting bins: 67 respondents or 88.2 per cent
  • Reduce or offset carbon emissions: 32 respondents or 42.1 per cent

Q3: Would you be willing to pay slightly higher prices for food and beverages offered with sustainable service items, like reusable or compostable dishes and utensils? (76 responses)

  • Yes: 34 respondents or 44.7 per cent
  • No: 15 respondents or 19.7 per cent
  • Maybe/uncertain: 27 respondents or 35.5 per cent

Q4: How important is it for event organizers to minimize environmental impacts? (76 responses)

  • Uncertain/no opinion: 1 respondent or 1.3 per cent
  • Not important: 4 respondents or 5.3 per cent
  • Somewhat important: 20 respondents or 26.3 per cent
  • Very important: 51 respondents or 67.1 per cent

Q5: How do environmental concerns influence your decisions about participating in special events? (76 responses)

  • Uncertain/no opinion: 5 respondents or 6.6 per cent
  • Not important: 14 respondents or 18.4 per cent
  • Somewhat important: 40 respondents or 52.6 per cent
  • Very important: 17 respondents or 22.4 per cent

Q6: Do you have any suggestions for making special events more environmentally friendly? (4000 character maximum) (37 responses)

In response to this question, staff received several suggestions for making special events more environmentally friendly:

  • Reduce waste: This includes using reusable or biodegradable containers and utensils, composting food scraps, and providing recycling bins.
  • Encourage sustainable transportation: This includes providing bike parking, offering discounts for using public transportation, and running shuttle buses.
  • Conserve water: This includes providing water bottle filling stations and encouraging people to bring reusable water bottles.
  • Reduce noise pollution: This includes lowering sound levels at events.
  • Educate attendees: This includes providing clear information about what can be recycled or composted and encouraging people to be mindful of their environmental impact.
  • Partner with sustainable vendors: This includes encouraging vendors to use eco-friendly products and packaging.
  • Offset carbon emissions: This could involve planting trees or investing in renewable energy.

Q7: In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles to reducing the environmental impact of special events? (4000 character maximum) (50 responses)

Several key challenges emerged from this question on reducing the environmental impact of special events. Cost was a notable worry, with respondents expressing concern that organizers would struggle to afford sustainable practices and that attendees would be unwilling to pay more for them. Waste generation was another significant obstacle, with reported concerns highlighting the sheer volume produced, attendee carelessness, and the lack of proper infrastructure for sorting recyclables and compostables.

Convenience also played a role in resident responses as some attendees report prioritizing ease over sustainability and thus they may not be willing to take the extra steps required for recycling, composting, or choosing reusable items. Public awareness and education were seen as lacking, with attendees unsure about proper waste disposal practices at events. Logistical challenges included managing large crowds, ensuring sufficient and appropriate waste bins, and limited access to public transportation for attendees.

Finally, some responses pointed to a need for stronger regulations or enforcement to hold organizers accountable for sustainable practices, while others emphasized the importance of collaboration between organizers, vendors, and the city to achieve environmental goals.

Q8: Do you have any additional comments concerning the environmental impact of special events? (4000 character maximum) (20 responses)

Special events can have a significant environmental impact. Survey respondents highlighted several key areas for improvement in response to this question:

  • Waste Management: Many comments highlighted the issue of waste generation at events. People want to see:
  1. More compostable and recyclable options for food containers, utensils, and cups.
  2. A sufficient number of clearly marked recycling and compost bins.
  3. Less reliance on single-use plastics.
  4. Efforts to educate attendees about proper waste sorting.
  • Event Organization: Some responses pointed to the responsibility of event organizers, including:
  1. Holding organizers accountable for preventing damage to event sites.
  2. Ensuring a good supply of recycling and compost bins.
  • Transportation: A few comments addressed transportation concerns with suggestions like:
  1. Offering free or improved public transport options like shuttles to reduce traffic congestion and emissions.
  2. Reopening parkways to car traffic after Sunday morning bike days to avoid idling vehicles.
  • Other Considerations:
  1. The environmental impact extends beyond the event site itself.
  2. Importance of offering healthy food options in sustainable packaging.
  3. Encouraging a cultural shift to make sustainability practices more appealing.

Overall, the responses show a strong desire for special events to be more environmentally friendly. Respondents want to see a combination of efforts from organizers, vendors, and attendees to reduce waste, promote sustainable practices, and minimize the environmental footprint of these events.

Q9: Would you like to help us by answering some questions about yourself? (74 responses)

  • No: 22 responses or 29.7 per cent
  • Yes: 52 responses or 70.3 per cent

Q10: In a typical year, what types of special events do you participate in? (52 responses)

  • Music festivals: 28 respondents or 53.8 per cent
  • Food festivals: 37 respondents or 71.2 per cent
  • Ethno-cultural events: 21 respondents or 40.4 per cent
  • Fairs: 42 respondents or 80.8 per cent
  • Community events: 15 respondents or 28.8 per cent
  • Block parties: 12 respondents or 23.1 per cent
  • Events at City beaches: 17 respondents or 32.7 per cent
  • Running/cycling events: 18 respondents or 34.6 per cent
  • Parades: 18 respondents or 34.6 per cent
  • Other: 5 respondents or 9.6 per cent

Q11: How do you identify or express your gender? (Select all that apply) (52 responses)

  • Man: 17 respondents or 32.7 per cent
  • Woman: 35 respondents or 67.3 per cent
  • Transgender: 0 respondents or 0 per cent
  • Non-binary: 0 respondents or 0 per cent

Q12: Are you an Aboriginal/Indigenous person? (Select all that apply) (52 responses)

  • I am Inuit: 0 respondents or 0 per cent
  • I am Métis: 0 respondents or 0 per cent
  • I am First Nations: 0 respondents or 0.0 per cent
  • No: 52 respondents or 100 per cent

Q13. Are you a member of a visible minority group? (52 responses)

  • Yes: 8 respondents or 15.4 per cent
  • No: 44 respondents or 84.6 per cent

Q14. Are you a person with one or more disabilities? (52 responses)

  • Yes: 9 respondents or 17.3 per cent
  • No: 43 respondents or 82.7 per cent

Q15. Are you a member of the 2SLGBTQQIA+ community? (Two-spirited, Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans, Queer, Questioning Intersex, Asexual plus) (52 responses)

  • Yes: 8 respondents or 15.4 per cent
  • No: 44 respondents or 84.6 per cent

Q16. Which of the following describes you: (52 responses)

  • Not born in Canada and have lived in Canada for less than 5 years: 0 respondents or 0 per cent
  • Not born in Canada and have lived in Canada for over 10 years: 7 respondents or 13.5 per cent
  • Not born in Canada and have lived in Canada for 5 to 10 years: 1 respondent or 1.9 per cent
  • Born in Canada: 44 respondents or 84.6 per cent

Q17. Please indicate your age from the categories below: (52 responses)

  • Under 18: 0 respondents or 0 per cent
  • 18-34: 10 respondents or 19.2 per cent
  • 35-54: 23 respondents or 44.2 per cent
  • 55 to 69: 14 respondents or 26.9 per cent
  • 70 or older: 5 respondents or 9.6 per cent

Next Steps

A detailed analysis of survey results will occur over the coming months. This will include analysis through an equity, diversity, and inclusion lens that will utilize demographic data collected through the survey’s “Tell us about yourself” section. Full analysis will be provided when the project team reports to Committee and Council in early 2025.


If you have questions or comments about the survey results, please contact By-law Reviews at or 613-580-2424 ext. 29529.

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