Right-of-Way Patio By-law and Guideline Review
The Right-of-Way Patio By-law Review will propose permanent amendments to relevant by-laws in advance of the 2023 Patio Season. These amendments will be based on a review of the temporary changes made through the Patio Innovation Program which was first introduced in 2020.
The proposed Urban Design Guidelines for Commercial Patios is a new document that will provide guidance on how to create vibrant and accessible outdoor commercial patio spaces. The Guidelines will encourage commercial patios to be designed to support local economic growth, animate the public realm, foster social connections, and be accessible to everyone.
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the more the merrier
Hi there,
I'm wondering what the guidelines are for patios regarding accessibility? Do all summer patios need to be accessible? I know that in the recent past there have been many of the temporary seasonal patios that were not accessible due to one or two (or more) steps to access them. Last summer I noticed in the Byward Market that many of the patios were accessible with a ramp instead of a step, which seemed to be a great improvement from pre-covid times. If there is a patio with a step to access is it going against bylaw regulation and is it reportable?
Also wondering if you can clarify what the bylaw is around sidewalk space? This would be useful information to have for when we are talking to businesses about having a ramp built. Our ramps are removable and can be put out and taken in as needed. But it would be awesome to have them out all the time so that those who need them don't have to ask for assistance. What are the rules about how much space they can take up on a sidewalk? Or am I not asking at the right place?
Thank you,
Kenzie McCurdy
(StopGap Ottawa)
Are sidewalk patios allowed on Elgin Street for the 2023 season?
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