Open data platform "" transitioning into production
Hello Open Data Community,
Firstly, I would like to thank you for all the time and effort you have put in to share your thoughts on how we can improve our City’s Open Data offering. In April, we started our pilot on a new Open Data platform,, leveraging ESRI ArcGIS to make it easier for people to interact with their data. We received more than 50 ideas from the community on every aspect, ranging from recommended datasets to simplified URLS to formatting changes to make data more easily searchable. Many of these have been implemented or uploaded and we are continuing to work towards using your ideas to improve the City’s Open Data catalogue.
Going forward,, will be the source for the City’s Open Data. We have migrated all our data over from the old CKAN platform and in many cases improved or clarified the metadata associated with it to make it more consumable for residents. If there is any data set that you were previously working with on the old site that you either cannot find on the new site or is no longer working appropriately for your use, please let us know and we’ll work to get you what you need.
Open Data Team