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The City of Ottawa is creating a Newcomer Reception System to respond to the significant increase in asylum seekers and migrants to our city. There are currently around 600 single adult newcomers in the shelter system. This accounts for 60 per cent of clients, placing considerable strain on resources.

Our goal is to provide newcomers with a welcoming environment where they receive the essential on-site services needed to transition smoothly to more permanent housing. 

The City of Ottawa is proposing up to two potential locations for newcomer reception centres. Construction will take place at the primary site, 1645 Woodroffe Ave., on the federally owned Nepean Sportsplex property. The secondary site at 40 Hearst Way, on part of the Eagleson Park and Ride, is dependent on funding and other factors.

Reception centres are not the only solution that the City is pursuing to provide temporary shelter for newcomers. The centres are part of a broader strategy that includes using brick and mortar buildings as transitional housing. 

These centres are new to our community and may bring uncertainty. We are listening carefully and appreciate feedback on the experiences migrants and asylum seekers may have at these facilities, as well as any potential impact on the surrounding neighbourhoods.

We are looking for your perspective on what the City can do to make the newcomer reception centres work in the community. 

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