Munster Community Park

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What We Learned

An online survey regarding the Munster Community Park concept plan was conducted on Engage Ottawa from 15 September – 29 September. Thank you to everyone that provided their input on the play equipment options for the park. Option 1 received 60% of the votes and is the preferred design. The summary of the public comments and responses is provided below:

  • The preferred design includes a bridge which was well loved by the community
  • Request to add a splash pad is out of scope for this project
  • Climbing options for older children were appreciated.
  • Several requests to increase the accessibility for low mobility, low vision and sensory needs were received.
  • The engineered wood fiber raised concerns for those with limited accessibility.

Councilor Brown has approved additional funding to the project to improve accessibility and enjoyment of the park. The following elements will be included and funded through the Councilor’s office.

  • Metal ramp, connecting the play structure to the paved pathway. The sides of the ramp will include accessible play panels.
  • A generational swing (adult and child can swing together) and saucer swing will be added which will complement the bucket swing and belt swings.

Following the completion of the public tender process, an update regarding the construction timeline will be posted to engage Ottawa.

The City of Ottawa is seeking input on concept plans prepared for the lifecycle replacement of the junior playground equipment in Munster Community Park.

According to the Strategic Asset Management Plan (2017), the Ageing Assets Strategy states that “to maintain levels of service over time and to remain sustainable, not all assets should or can be replaced before reaching the end of their expected service life.”

Therefore, the scope of the current lifecycle replacement project is specific to; upgrading the senior play structure and swings. Engineered wood fiber is proposed as the protective surfacing material for the playground to meet accessibility requirements, an accessible pathway will connect the parking lot to the play area. The gazebo and junior play structure are to remain.

Two different concept plans with images of the proposed playground equipment options are located in the Document Library on this page. Residents are invited to complete the following survey and provide comments on the playground equipment options.

A summary of public comments and the preferred option will be posted to this website upon completion of the public consultation.

Construction to commence 2024, pending budget approval.

What We Learned

An online survey regarding the Munster Community Park concept plan was conducted on Engage Ottawa from 15 September – 29 September. Thank you to everyone that provided their input on the play equipment options for the park. Option 1 received 60% of the votes and is the preferred design. The summary of the public comments and responses is provided below:

  • The preferred design includes a bridge which was well loved by the community
  • Request to add a splash pad is out of scope for this project
  • Climbing options for older children were appreciated.
  • Several requests to increase the accessibility for low mobility, low vision and sensory needs were received.
  • The engineered wood fiber raised concerns for those with limited accessibility.

Councilor Brown has approved additional funding to the project to improve accessibility and enjoyment of the park. The following elements will be included and funded through the Councilor’s office.

  • Metal ramp, connecting the play structure to the paved pathway. The sides of the ramp will include accessible play panels.
  • A generational swing (adult and child can swing together) and saucer swing will be added which will complement the bucket swing and belt swings.

Following the completion of the public tender process, an update regarding the construction timeline will be posted to engage Ottawa.

The City of Ottawa is seeking input on concept plans prepared for the lifecycle replacement of the junior playground equipment in Munster Community Park.

According to the Strategic Asset Management Plan (2017), the Ageing Assets Strategy states that “to maintain levels of service over time and to remain sustainable, not all assets should or can be replaced before reaching the end of their expected service life.”

Therefore, the scope of the current lifecycle replacement project is specific to; upgrading the senior play structure and swings. Engineered wood fiber is proposed as the protective surfacing material for the playground to meet accessibility requirements, an accessible pathway will connect the parking lot to the play area. The gazebo and junior play structure are to remain.

Two different concept plans with images of the proposed playground equipment options are located in the Document Library on this page. Residents are invited to complete the following survey and provide comments on the playground equipment options.

A summary of public comments and the preferred option will be posted to this website upon completion of the public consultation.

Construction to commence 2024, pending budget approval.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 22 Nov 2023, 02:39 PM