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The City is looking for your feedback on two concepts for new play equipment in Meadowbrook Park, in North Gower. The existing junior play structure and equipment have surpassed their intended service life. The park is in need of upgrading to cater to the play needs of neighboring residents. An accessible pathway will also be added to the site. Other park amenities will be untouched.
You can download and review the two Concept Plans in the ‘Document Library’ (located to the right) which shows the proposed design and more information on the proposed park amenities. Please be aware that the final park plan may differ from the concept being presented as a result of the public consultation responses, technical detailing, and supply and/or financial constraints.
Update November 22, 2022
Following a successful consultation, a majority of respondents indicated a preference for play structure and pathway option A.
In response to comments provided in the guestbook, I offer the following:
The protect does not involve the addition of any parking spaces nor works to the skating rink. The facility replacement project has been designed to limit impact on other exiting features or amenities in the park.
Update March 30, 2023
Play structure replacement and site works are anticipated to take approximately 6 weeks, starting in late August or early September.
Update August 28th, 2023
Site works related to the replacement of the play structure are anticipated to start the week of September 5th. Users will continue to be able to access the surrounding portions of the park.
The City is looking for your feedback on two concepts for new play equipment in Meadowbrook Park, in North Gower. The existing junior play structure and equipment have surpassed their intended service life. The park is in need of upgrading to cater to the play needs of neighboring residents. An accessible pathway will also be added to the site. Other park amenities will be untouched.
You can download and review the two Concept Plans in the ‘Document Library’ (located to the right) which shows the proposed design and more information on the proposed park amenities. Please be aware that the final park plan may differ from the concept being presented as a result of the public consultation responses, technical detailing, and supply and/or financial constraints.
Update November 22, 2022
Following a successful consultation, a majority of respondents indicated a preference for play structure and pathway option A.
In response to comments provided in the guestbook, I offer the following:
The protect does not involve the addition of any parking spaces nor works to the skating rink. The facility replacement project has been designed to limit impact on other exiting features or amenities in the park.
Update March 30, 2023
Play structure replacement and site works are anticipated to take approximately 6 weeks, starting in late August or early September.
Update August 28th, 2023
Site works related to the replacement of the play structure are anticipated to start the week of September 5th. Users will continue to be able to access the surrounding portions of the park.
Let us know your thoughts about the pathway placement options provided
Let us know your thoughts about the pathway placement options provided
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
I agree with the comments by Joelle Cooper re the location of the path, and for the same reasons. I have no strong preference re swings (kids too old).
Mike Baggott
over 2 years ago
I see that there is a permanent rink on the concept plans. Does this mean the rink will be paved? As one of the few volunteers who waters the rink in the winter, this would be a most welcome addition. Also, the path in Concept A seems to be better for accessibility to the rink shelter, rink and play structure. There aren’t any parking spaces next to the mailbox, but there is a small space where a vehicle could park where the path begins on Concept A. For the swing set, perhaps it should be oriented it north-south sonthat the saucer is closer to the accessible path. And it would be better to have 2 regular swings + 1 baby swing + saucer swing. This will eliminate having to wait for/fight over the one swing.
I agree with the comments by Joelle Cooper re the location of the path, and for the same reasons. I have no strong preference re swings (kids too old).
I see that there is a permanent rink on the concept plans. Does this mean the rink will be paved? As one of the few volunteers who waters the rink in the winter, this would be a most welcome addition. Also, the path in Concept A seems to be better for accessibility to the rink shelter, rink and play structure. There aren’t any parking spaces next to the mailbox, but there is a small space where a vehicle could park where the path begins on Concept A. For the swing set, perhaps it should be oriented it north-south sonthat the saucer is closer to the accessible path. And it would be better to have 2 regular swings + 1 baby swing + saucer swing. This will eliminate having to wait for/fight over the one swing.