Rediscovering the library after Covid

Before the pandemic, visiting the library was a regular occurrence for our family, just as it was for me growing up. But after the COVID restrictions were implemented and for many years after, we just stopped using the library. It fell off as part of our routine.

Then in early 2023 one day when my daughter (then 11) was bored I offered to take her to the library for something to do. She was quite literally AMAZED when she remembered this beautiful resource existed, and better yet, it was free. I think she signed out a dozen books that day and now we visit at least a couple of times a month. Everytime we go she tells me how great the library is and I have to agree. How lucky are we as a society to be able to learn and access knowledge at no cost.

I am so grateful for our city libraries. They are a common good of the highest order and I am so grateful it they once again have a prominent place in my family's life.

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