Lansdowne 2.0 Project Update - April 30, 2024

The City’s Lansdowne 2.0 project addresses the need to reinvest in the site with more housing, better public spaces, and more destination retail. In particular, the project addresses the functionally obsolete TD Place North Side Stadium Stands and TD Arena. TD Arena is one of the City’s most energy inefficient buildings, and both arena and north side stands are reaching the end of their functional lives.


In November 2023, City Council granted approval to proceed to the next stage of planning for Lansdowne 2.0 through the approval of the fourth report on Lansdowne, entitled the 2023 Lansdowne Partnership Plan – Authorization to Proceed to the Next Steps in the Redevelopment Report.

The report, on the basis of the due diligence efforts, put forward a revised Concept Plan incorporating sentiments for reduced complexity in construction, reduced residential density and intensification, and improvements in the public realm space. As a result, the primary changes were the reduction of the number of proposed residential towers from 3 to 2, thus a reduction in the number of residential units and residential parking spaces.

The revised proposal also recommended that the retail podium be developed as a two-story built form, with a reduction in the amount of space for commercial uses from 108,000 to 49,000 square feet, but an increase of 8,000 square feet compared to the current retail podium (J block).

New public realm space, as well as a dedicated number of Event Centre parking spaces were added to the project. Additional key changes to the Partnership Agreement were proposed, such as extending the life of the agreement to 2066 and elevating the City within the “waterfall” so the City will be receiving cash disbursements earlier, some portion of which is guaranteed. In this revised waterfall framework, the City is benefiting much more from the partnership than previously, and the risk allocation is more balanced.

The estimated cost to the City for the construction of this project was $419.1M as outlined in the approved report. The project was approved to be funded from the disposal of air rights, debentures premiums, capital budget, expected funding from senior levels of government and long-term debt. The long-term debt will be repaid in part by various revenue sources including a portion of the property tax uplift and payments from the closed financial system.

To learn more about the proposal, please visit the Lansdowne 2.0 Engage Ottawa page here.

Project update

On November 24, 2023, City Council passed both the Zoning By-law (By-law 2023-510) and Official Plan Amendment (OPA 19) and granted approval to proceed to the next stage of planning for Lansdowne 2.0. Council also directed staff to assess the benefits and drawbacks of each proposed procurement model for the delivery of the new Event Centre and new North Side Stands. This is to ensure Council and the public is informed of the value and risks of each option. (Recommendation #7 of 2023 Lansdowne Partnership Plan – Authorization to Proceed to the Next Steps in the Redevelopment Report)

In the latest staff report (Lansdowne 2.0 Procurement Options Analysis and Recommendations), staff is recommending that the Design-Bid-Build model, with the continuation of the project architects, as it is the most advantageous model for Council to proceed with. This delivery procurement model provides timeline advantages, as well as project knowledge advantages.

Council directed staff to develop a social procurement framework with OSEG to increase supply chain diversity and increase opportunities for those experiencing economic disadvantage and within equity-deserving communities in the construction and development of Lansdowne 2.0. Progress on the social procurement framework is being reported back to Council as part of the procurement delivery method analysis, and the ongoing results of the social procurement framework will continue to be reported back through the annual Lansdowne Report. Lastly the development of a framework of Request for Offer (RFO) criteria that will support the air rights disposal process is being presented to Council. Based on the staff recommended procurement model of Design-Bid-Build (with the current project architects) and the associated design and construction schedule, the reasonable time to initiate the Request for Offer (RFO) process will be Q1 2025.This is the sixth report City Council will consider for the continued evolution of Lansdowne Park, more commonly referred to as Lansdowne 2.0.

Event Centre and Site Plan Control application

Since Council granted approval to proceed with the next steps, staff has also been working toward bringing forward a site plan control application for the Event Centre and new North Side Stands.

Having received an appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT), the Zoning By-law amendment and Official Plan Amendment will be considered by the OLT.

An OLT hearing will be scheduled according to the next available date on the Tribunal’s calendar with the City’s legal staff advocating for a date at the Tribunal’s earliest availability. Work on the future site plan can still proceed during an appeal but without the Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments in effect, a building permit for the new Event Centre and new North Side Stands cannot be issued, nor can a site plan control application be formally deemed complete and circulated, nor receive final approval.

The first phase of site plan approvals is the new Event Centre. The Event Centre site plan application will be supported by plans and studies, including engineering (civil, geotechnical, transportation), urban / planning design, landscape design, architecture, environmental, and heritage components of the project.

The site plan control application for the new Event Centre and new North Side Stands will be phased in two separate approvals, beginning with the Event Centre site plan work in Q2 to Q3 2024. Below is a conceptual timeline that will be presented to Council for consideration.

Public engagement

Since the launch of the Lansdowne 2.0 Project, City staff have worked to ensure a robust public engagement process has taken place. This has included a dedicated project website for residents to review information, a dedicated email address for residents to send in questions and concerns, four public information sessions, multiple surveys, weekly coffee chats, pop-up events, and weekly meetings with the Ward Councillor.

Should City Council approve the recommendations in this report and continue with the project, there will be many more opportunities to engage with staff and the City on the site plan, detailed design work, and the public realm.

Public engagement during the pre-application stages of the Site Plan application is aimed to both inform and seek input from the public on matters such as:

o Event Centre and integration with public realm

o LEED / sustainability elements

o Heritage

o Accessibility (through the Accessibility Advisory Committee)

Stay tuned for key dates and upcoming public information sessions.

Committee and Council

The City will be considering Lansdowne 2.0 Procurement Options Analysis and Recommendations and recommendations at:

• April 2, 2024 - Finance and Corporate Services Committee

• April 17, 2024 - City Council

Residents interested in speaking as a delegate at the Committee should contact the City Clerk’s office to register.

Next Steps

Should the OLT appeal be resolved in the City’s favour by end of Q4 2024, the site plan application will be able to proceed through a formal submission and circulation process.

The project will also be able to proceed with a Request for Offer of the Air Rights in Q1 2025, based upon the framework of criteria and based upon the progression of the design of the north side stands.

Progressing site plan and detailed design will afford the opportunity for the submission of a building permit submission on the Event Centre and north side stands by end of Q4 2024 to start of Q1 2025.

For more information, please visit the project webpage

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please send us an email at

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