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The City is proposing to preserve the ruins of the former HintonburgPumphouse,enhance public amenities and facilities, and restore areas of natural vegetation and shoreline. The site is located on the Ottawa River at 5 Onigam Street between the Ottawa River Parkway and the bridge that accesses Lemieux Island. The 1899 City-owned, heritage-designated building was destroyed by fire in 1989 and has remained in ruins. Accessible from the Ottawa River Parkway and by multiuse pathways, the pumphouse public space complements other civic experiences including the Chief William Commanda Bridge multi-use pathway, the nearby Bayview Innovation Centre and the renewed Laroche Park.
Through these web pages and the virtual open house, we are sharing what we have learned, what we have heard, our recommended design solutions, and a path forward to reach the goal of strategic site improvements and preservation of these ruins for public use and enjoyment at the river’s edge.
This project has been guided by focus groups made up of representatives from the community and technical agencies who have provided advice throughout the preparation of these initial site development concepts and plans.
The web pages include opportunities for you to learn about this project and to provide suggestions and comment to the project team.
The City is proposing to preserve the ruins of the former HintonburgPumphouse,enhance public amenities and facilities, and restore areas of natural vegetation and shoreline. The site is located on the Ottawa River at 5 Onigam Street between the Ottawa River Parkway and the bridge that accesses Lemieux Island. The 1899 City-owned, heritage-designated building was destroyed by fire in 1989 and has remained in ruins. Accessible from the Ottawa River Parkway and by multiuse pathways, the pumphouse public space complements other civic experiences including the Chief William Commanda Bridge multi-use pathway, the nearby Bayview Innovation Centre and the renewed Laroche Park.
Through these web pages and the virtual open house, we are sharing what we have learned, what we have heard, our recommended design solutions, and a path forward to reach the goal of strategic site improvements and preservation of these ruins for public use and enjoyment at the river’s edge.
This project has been guided by focus groups made up of representatives from the community and technical agencies who have provided advice throughout the preparation of these initial site development concepts and plans.
The web pages include opportunities for you to learn about this project and to provide suggestions and comment to the project team.
Please take a few minutes to provide us with your thoughts on the Hintonburh Pumphouse. Thank you.
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Preliminary Environmental and Background Studies completed (environmental, archaeological and Species-at-Risk)
Indigenous Community Engagement initiated, and briefings provided
Conceptual Design Drafts
Community and technical focus groups created and engaged
Conceptual Design proposals and refinement
Concept presented to the Built Heritage Subcommittee
Part 2: Elaboration
Hintonburg Pumphouse has finished this stage
During this stage draft concepts for the design of the site and heritage preservation options were explored and interpretation opportunities for the site werenoted
Refinements to Conceptual Design
Community and technical focus groups engaged in concept refinements