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October 22, 2024:
The City of Ottawa is seeking input on concept plans prepared for a new park to be constructed at 1017 Green Jacket Crescent in the Village of Greely (Ward 20 - Osgoode).
A site plan and two concept plans with images of the proposed playground equipment options are available in the 'Documents' section on this page. Please be aware that the final park plan may differ from the concepts being presented as a result of the public consultation responses, technical detailing, and supply and/or financial constraints.
Please take a moment to provide your feedback by voting for one of the following options through the survey below:
Option 1:
Option 2:
A summary of public comments and the preferred playground option will be posted to this website upon completion of the public consultation.
Construction is expected to commence in 2025, pending budget approval.
October 22, 2024:
The City of Ottawa is seeking input on concept plans prepared for a new park to be constructed at 1017 Green Jacket Crescent in the Village of Greely (Ward 20 - Osgoode).
A site plan and two concept plans with images of the proposed playground equipment options are available in the 'Documents' section on this page. Please be aware that the final park plan may differ from the concepts being presented as a result of the public consultation responses, technical detailing, and supply and/or financial constraints.
Please take a moment to provide your feedback by voting for one of the following options through the survey below:
Option 1:
Option 2:
A summary of public comments and the preferred playground option will be posted to this website upon completion of the public consultation.
Construction is expected to commence in 2025, pending budget approval.
Please select your preference of the two new playground options.
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