Gilbey Park, play equipment replacement

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The playground replacement construction works are planned for the beginning of September 2023. We apologize in advance for any disturbances it may cause.


Thank you to all for your contribution and your comments on the concept plan options for the Gilbey Park play equipment replacement.

Most respondents indicated a preference for the concept plan Option 2. In response to the comments posted to the guestbook through the survey and comments provided by email, please find below the following:

  • A fireman’s pole can be included in the chosen play equipment option.
  • The new swing set already includes three swing seats, therefore, one more compared to the current swing that has two swing seats.
  • The three existing benches are all being replaced with composite wood benches, as per City Standards. One of the benches will be accessible.
  • The project does not involve the addition of a basketball court and/or key.

The chosen concept will now go to the detailed design stage, with construction anticipated in the fall of 2023 or spring/summer of 2024.


The City of Ottawa is looking for your feedback on two concepts for the new play equipment in Gilbey Park. The existing junior play structure and equipment have surpassed their intended service life. The playground needs upgrading to comply with the City’s accessibility requirements and to respond to the play needs of the neighboring residents.

You can download and review the Concept Plans in the “Documentary Library” (located to the right) which shows the proposed design and more information on the proposed park amenities. Please be aware that the final park plan may differ from the concept being presented as a result of the public consultation responses, technical detailing, supply availability and/or financial constraints.

Both Concept Plans options envision a three places swing including one bird-nest swing. The two options differ in terms of play structure equipment.

Please take the survey below to share your feedback and let us know your priorities. Please note the survey can only be taken once per account.

The playground replacement construction works are planned for the beginning of September 2023. We apologize in advance for any disturbances it may cause.


Thank you to all for your contribution and your comments on the concept plan options for the Gilbey Park play equipment replacement.

Most respondents indicated a preference for the concept plan Option 2. In response to the comments posted to the guestbook through the survey and comments provided by email, please find below the following:

  • A fireman’s pole can be included in the chosen play equipment option.
  • The new swing set already includes three swing seats, therefore, one more compared to the current swing that has two swing seats.
  • The three existing benches are all being replaced with composite wood benches, as per City Standards. One of the benches will be accessible.
  • The project does not involve the addition of a basketball court and/or key.

The chosen concept will now go to the detailed design stage, with construction anticipated in the fall of 2023 or spring/summer of 2024.


The City of Ottawa is looking for your feedback on two concepts for the new play equipment in Gilbey Park. The existing junior play structure and equipment have surpassed their intended service life. The playground needs upgrading to comply with the City’s accessibility requirements and to respond to the play needs of the neighboring residents.

You can download and review the Concept Plans in the “Documentary Library” (located to the right) which shows the proposed design and more information on the proposed park amenities. Please be aware that the final park plan may differ from the concept being presented as a result of the public consultation responses, technical detailing, supply availability and/or financial constraints.

Both Concept Plans options envision a three places swing including one bird-nest swing. The two options differ in terms of play structure equipment.

Please take the survey below to share your feedback and let us know your priorities. Please note the survey can only be taken once per account.

Any other comments?

Comments left in the guestbook are public. Please do not include personal information in the comments.  

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Since you are removing one bench (from the middle of the play structure area) would it be possible to add it back in adjacent to the remaining bench so that two people could sit at right angles to each other? That way two people would not have to share a bench; this configuration also fosters conversation. Also would the park sign still be present in Option 2 as it is missing from the diagram above?

peabodc about 2 years ago

Since you are removing one bench near the play structure, would it be possible to add it at right angles to the other bench that is remaining (but being covered with composite wood). That way two people could sit at right angles to each other and chat rather than having two people share one bench. Also will the park sign also be included in Option 2 as it is not shown in the diagram above?

peabodc about 2 years ago

Given the limited information provided, option 2 seems to have more climbing variety. The spherical green thing in Option 1 seems to have no climbing option, just a stringy thing to try to walk on. Several of us tried to persuade the city to hold a proper open house so we could comment more knowledgably, but the city refused.

Doug Yonson about 2 years ago

Any chance a fireman's pole could be included? We love the one at the current Gilbey Park. And they are becoming very hard to find!

alipeaks about 2 years ago
Page last updated: 30 Aug 2023, 10:39 AM