City Budget 2025
Draft Budget 2025 Magazine and Explorer
With a complex budget, the City has introduced new supports like the Draft Budget 2025 Magazine and the Draft Budget 2025 Explorer to make understanding and engaging in the budget process easier.
The Budget Magazine provides insight into how the budget is created, what elements make up the budget, some of the key financials, an update on service reviews as well as highlights from over 100 lines of services that are advancing Council’s strategic priorities.
The Budget Explorer offers user-friendly interactive charts, graphs and tables to enhance financial literacy and transparency.
Draft Budget 2025 Magazine
Draft Budget 2025 Explorer
Opportunities for participation in the budget process
It’s your city, your budget, and we want to hear from you! The City of Ottawa engages with residents each year to gather ideas and feedback as it drafts the budget for City Council’s consideration. You have many opportunities to provide your input on items reflected in the budget year-round through your Councillor’s office, committee meetings, social media, contacting 3-1-1 and scheduled engagement opportunities during the budget process.
Your feedback helps shape the City’s budget priorities and contributes to decisions about investing in a sustainable, secure, and prosperous city for all.
- Submit your ideas to your Ward Councillor.
- Watch, attend or participate in committee and Council meetings to learn more about important decisions at City Hall.
- Provide input on public engagement opportunities that matter to you through Engage Ottawa.
- Follow and communicate with us on Facebook and X @ottawacity, using the hashtag #OttBudget
- Call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401). Rural residents call 613-580-2400
Drafting the budget:
- Participate in the budget poll from August 6 to September 13. Your responses on the city’s priorities will help shape the development of the draft budget.
- Participate in Councillor-led public consultations. Check back regularly on this page or as dates will be added as soon as they are available. Consultations will focus on how the budget is developed, what is within and outside the City’s control when it comes to drafting the budget, and to hear your feedback.
Feedback on the Draft Budget:
- The draft budget will be tabled at Council on November 13.
- Following tabling residents can provide feedback on the draft budget in the following ways:
- Ask questions through the City’s Engage Ottawa webpage. Question submissions will be open for the public between November 13 and December 9.
- Join us at a standing committee meeting. All City Council and standing committee meetings are open to the public and your attendance is welcomed and encouraged. Members of the public may provide either written or oral submissions (or both) to committee meetings related to items on the Committee’s agenda. Check back regularly on this page or on to stay current with the standing committee dates for budget considerations.
- You can live stream meetings and access past recordings on the Ottawa City Council YouTube Channel. Regular City Council meetings are broadcast live on RogersTV Cable 22 and live streamed on the RogersTV website.
- Ask questions through the City’s Engage Ottawa webpage. Question submissions will be open for the public between November 13 and December 9.
Budget adoption:
- Council will approve the 2025 budget on December 11. The adopted budget books will be updated and posted the 2025 Budget webpage Q2 2025.
For more budget information, visit Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.