Boothfield Park - Skateboard Facility Addition

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The City is looking for your feedback on a community level skateboard facility addition to Boothfield Park at 660 Boothfield Street in Ward 22 - Riverside South - Findley Creek. The skateboard facility will be constructed in the open space near the north end of the outdoor rink and connected to the existing asphalt pathway. Community-level skateboard facilities serve local residential communities and are generally smaller in scale and range of activity elements and are geared for beginner to intermediate level users.

Boothfield Park is a 2.4-hectare neighbourhood park in a newer subdivision located east of Limebank Road and south of Spratt Road in Riverside South. Current active recreation amenities include a permanent outdoor rink with four (4) basketball nets, an intermediate size sports field, a splash pad, a gazebo, a playground, swings, benches with BenchFit signage, and asphalt pathways.

The concept plans presented below are available in the document library on the right. Please take the survey below to share your feedback.

Image of Skateboard Facility Option A

Image of Skateboard Facility Option B

The City is looking for your feedback on a community level skateboard facility addition to Boothfield Park at 660 Boothfield Street in Ward 22 - Riverside South - Findley Creek. The skateboard facility will be constructed in the open space near the north end of the outdoor rink and connected to the existing asphalt pathway. Community-level skateboard facilities serve local residential communities and are generally smaller in scale and range of activity elements and are geared for beginner to intermediate level users.

Boothfield Park is a 2.4-hectare neighbourhood park in a newer subdivision located east of Limebank Road and south of Spratt Road in Riverside South. Current active recreation amenities include a permanent outdoor rink with four (4) basketball nets, an intermediate size sports field, a splash pad, a gazebo, a playground, swings, benches with BenchFit signage, and asphalt pathways.

The concept plans presented below are available in the document library on the right. Please take the survey below to share your feedback.

Image of Skateboard Facility Option A

Image of Skateboard Facility Option B

  • Please select your preference from the two skateboard facility options presented.

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Page published: 26 Jul 2024, 03:23 PM