Community Safety and Well-Being Plan - News and Updates
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Great News!
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our CSWB website. We encourage you to visit our page frequently as we move into the next phases of the Plan.
Residents and stakeholders can also sign up for the CSWB newsletter to stay informed.
The Community Safety and Well-Being Plan addresses local risks to safety and well-being at the community level in six priority areas: simplifying and integrating systems,strategies to address discrimination, marginalization and racism, financial security and poverty reduction, housing, mental well-being, and gender-based violence and violence against women.
Engagement with residents and stakeholders played a major role in shaping the priorities of the plan. Feedback from the consultation with residents and stakeholders in 2020 and 2021 was analyzed and summarized in “What We Heard” reports below. We wish to thank you all for your invaluable commitment to this project.
Our plan’s proposed actions will require consistent and ongoing collaboration with all levelsof government, internal and external stakeholders, community groupsand agencies and residentsto mitigate risks and challengesassociated with the approved priorities. Next steps will include developing detailed actions, a governance structure, a financial strategy, and an evaluation framework.
Great News!
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our CSWB website. We encourage you to visit our page frequently as we move into the next phases of the Plan.
Residents and stakeholders can also sign up for the CSWB newsletter to stay informed.
The Community Safety and Well-Being Plan addresses local risks to safety and well-being at the community level in six priority areas: simplifying and integrating systems,strategies to address discrimination, marginalization and racism, financial security and poverty reduction, housing, mental well-being, and gender-based violence and violence against women.
Engagement with residents and stakeholders played a major role in shaping the priorities of the plan. Feedback from the consultation with residents and stakeholders in 2020 and 2021 was analyzed and summarized in “What We Heard” reports below. We wish to thank you all for your invaluable commitment to this project.
Our plan’s proposed actions will require consistent and ongoing collaboration with all levelsof government, internal and external stakeholders, community groupsand agencies and residentsto mitigate risks and challengesassociated with the approved priorities. Next steps will include developing detailed actions, a governance structure, a financial strategy, and an evaluation framework.
Thank you for your interest in attending a
Community Safety and Well-Being community conversation meeting. Please provide
the following information in order to register. We will send you a confirmation e-mail
once you register.
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Community Safety and Well-Being Plan - News and Updates has finished this stage
February to June 2020 - This engagement phase is now closed. Multi-modal engagement activities included in person and virtual meetings, online feedback, survey and correspondence. All input will be included for analysis.
Data Analysis
Community Safety and Well-Being Plan - News and Updates has finished this stage
Summer/Early Fall - Feedback from priority setting phase of engagement was analyzed and is summarized in a “What We Heard” report.
Interim Report to Committee and Council
Community Safety and Well-Being Plan - News and Updates has finished this stage
October 15 2020 - CSWB Interim Report to Community & Protective Services Committee with draft priorities for consideration, based on feedback received from the engagement activities, and environmental scan. Report approved by Council on October 28, 2020.
Resident and Stakeholder Engagement - Actions and Strategies
Community Safety and Well-Being Plan - News and Updates has finished this stage
January 18 to March 5 - Resident and Stakeholder engagement to develop actions and strategies.
Partnership Development with Stakeholders
Community Safety and Well-Being Plan - News and Updates has finished this stage
2021 (Spring) - Working with stakeholders to develop the action plan.
Final Report to Committee and Council
Community Safety and Well-Being Plan - News and Updates has finished this stage
Fall 2021 - Committee and Council will consider recommendations for the CSWB Plan. Following adoption by Council, the Plan will be submitted to the Ministry of the Solicitor General.
CSWB Plan is approved
Community Safety and Well-Being Plan - News and Updates is currently at this stage
October 27thOttawa City Council approves Community Safety and Well-Being Plan. Thank you again for the invaluable role you all played in the development of this work. Please continue to stay informed and engaged with us as we move into the next phases.