New! FAQ - Professional and Contractor PINs

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

Professional and Contractor PINs

Q: How do I access the new online system?

A: To access the new Planning, Building and Land Development online system, a My ServiceOttawa account must be created. Once within your account, select the “Planning, Building and Land Development” service widget to register for the new online system.

Q. How do I add and link my PIN to my Building Code services online Customer account:

A: An instructional guide has been created to help with the process on the My ServiceOttawa Help page.

**All users must first have a My ServiceOttawa account in order to access the new online system and link the PIN to an account. An instructional guide has been created to help with the process on the My ServiceOttawa Help page.

You will be required to enter a one-time Customer PIN to associate your existing Customer account to the new one. Once complete, select the “Professional/Contractor” tab where you can then associate your Contractor PIN.

Accessible, instructional PDF guides have been developed to further assist in this process and can be found in the My ServiceOttawa Help page.

Q: Why didn’t I receive an online Customer or Contractor PIN?

A: Only the Main active contact for each Company was sent a PIN, it is their responsibility to manage distribution of the PIN to other employees. Building Code services will not issue PINs to other individuals. Professional and contractor accounts include builders, developers, architects, designers, etc.

Q: How do I receive a PIN like others in my organization?

A: Only one individual per contractors account will receive a PIN. If you have not received a PIN it can mean that you are not listed as the main contact for an application/permit. Please connect with others in your organization to determine the owner of the PIN.

Q: Why does one Professional Contractor/Company receive multiple PINs?

A: If you have received multiple emails containing different PINs you must associate all PINs in order to view all existing permits. Multiple PINs exist as a result of there being multiple contacts in our previous MAP system, that have submitted permits.

Q: We received multiple PINs but would prefer one account for simplicity. Can they be combined to ensure we keep all Footprints required?

A: Yes. Multiple PINs are provided when different individuals submitted permits/applications, resulting in multiple contacts. PINs can be merged with the help of City Staff. To merge your PINs, please send an email to and provide details on the applications/permits to be merged such as, permit numbers, contact name, business names etc.

Q: How to associate a permit and/or pending application with a new Contractor account?

A: To associate an existing or pending application, a unique PIN number must be associated to the account. PINs have been sent out by the City of Ottawa to various contractors who have existing applications. You must have a My ServiceOttawa account in order to access the new online system. Various guides have been created including, Account Creation and Linking PINs on the My ServiceOttawa Help page to guide you through the process.

If you feel you should have received a PIN but didn’t, please send us an email to with the application number and we will investigate the request.

Q: PINs assigned are defaulted to giving full manager access, how do I modify this?

A: When PINs are first associated the individual becomes the owner/manager of the PIN and receives full permissions. The individual can share the PIN with the appropriate owner/manager and provide them with the “Manage” permission. Once the owner/manager associates their account, the existing permissions can be removed or edited as required. Instructional guides have been created to help with the process in the My My ServiceOttawa Help page.

The various permission roles must be reviewed internally by the company or contractor in order to grant or remove permissions.

**Please note that within the next few weeks this process will be adjusted to a default of no permissions being granted at set up. This will mean the user will have more control over what permissions are granted and to whom from the beginning.

Q: Where in the system can I request a new PIN?

A: A new PIN can be created on the Building Code Services main Dashboard page by selecting the “Professionals/Contractors” tab. An instructional guide has been created to help with the process in the My My ServiceOttawa Help page.

Q: I need to book an inspection; how do I receive a PIN for that?

A: There are no unique Inspection PINs. The Contractor PIN can be used to associate existing applications/permits to your account. For those applications where inspections can be scheduled, the “Request an Inspection” button on the main Dashboard can be used to make a booking.

Q: Not all applications are being shown. When calling inspections, the PIN is only displaying some of the applications, how/when will the others be linked?

A: If you are not seeing all applications, it is possible that those applications are linked to a different PIN. Multiple PINs occur when different individuals for one business, submit applications as the main contact. Businesses are encouraged to connect with their staff internally and share PINs tied to different applications.

Q: Are there different PINs for different types of Professionals? I.e. Designer, Architect etc.

A: No, PINs are not unique to any professional designation and can be shared between all parties involved in a permit or application.

Please contact the LMS Project Team at for any questions or concerns. We are experiencing a higher than usual call volume and a member of our project team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we transition to our new technology.

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