Have your say and help us re-imagine an equitable future
Women and gender equity are key to building vibrant and inclusive communities and creating an equitable city for all residents.
In April 2021, Ottawa’s first Women and Gender Equity Strategy (WGES) was approved by City Council. The Strategy aims to ensure that the City of Ottawa’s services, strategies, and plans integrate a women and gender lens and promote women and gender equity.
From May to June 2022, the City of Ottawa is hosting a number of engagement sessions for residents, community organizations, and City staff, as well as an online survey on Engage Ottawa so that we can hear directly from Ottawa residents and community organizations on how we can improve and transform municipal services and programming towards equity and equality.
To participate in a one-hour engagement session with residents, REGISTER HERE.
Through your engagement, we can examine the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Ottawa residents with a particular focus on women and gender diverse persons to build on the four strategic outcomes of the Women and Gender Equity Strategy for 2021-2025:
- Policy changes to facilitate equitable access to services and resources,
- Safety and freedom from all forms of gender-based violence,
- Equitable representation of women in the City’s workforce, and
- Gender inclusivity so that City offices and facilities are welcoming and safe environments for all genders.
Your feedback will directly inform what’s next for the City's Women and Gender Equity Strategy, specifically through the next Strategic Framework for 2023-2025.
For more information, contact womengenderequity@ottawa.ca
Thank you for your time and engagement!