Trail Waste Facility Optimization - Environmental Assessment

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Trail Waste Facility

The City of Ottawa (the City) is beginning an environmental assessment under the Environmental Assessment Act for a short-term expansion of the Trail Waste Facility (TWF) landfill in Ottawa. The TWF is a key City asset, located at 4475 Trail Road, Ottawa in the southwest end of the City with an approved landfilling capacity of 16.9 million cubic metres. The TWF began receiving waste in 1980 and was initially expected to receive waste for 20 years (i.e., until 2000). While the TWF landfill primarily accepts curbside residential waste, it also accepts some waste from publicly run facilities, multi-residential buildings and public drop off. It is currently estimated that the TWF landfill could reach capacity in 2034; this estimate is based on status quo disposal and diversion efforts.

Through the City’s approved Solid Waste Management Plan (approved by Council on June 26, 2024), the proposed strategy to manage residual waste includes a short term action of expanding the TWF landfill within its existing property limits, banning commercial waste from the TWF, and redirecting a portion of the waste to private landfills in the area. This Environmental Assessment process pertains to the expansion of the TWF landfill. For the proposed expansion, the target additional airspace is 5.5 million cubic metres over a corresponding target extended operating period of 15 years (2034 through 2048).

The Process

This study will be carried out according to the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act. The first step of the process is the preparation of a terms of reference. The terms of reference will set out the City’s framework and work plan for addressing the Environmental Assessment Act requirements when preparing the environmental assessment, including such things as the alternatives that will be considered and the public consultation activities that will be carried out. If approved by the Minister, the terms of reference will provide the framework and requirements for the preparation of the environmental assessment.


Members of the public, Indigenous communities, agencies, and other interested persons are encouraged to actively participate in the planning process by attending consultation opportunities or contacting staff directly with comments or questions. Consultation opportunities, including two open houses, are planned throughout the terms of reference planning process and will be advertised in local newspapers and through the project website. If you would like to be added to our project mailing list or have project-related questions, please contact:

Brandon Maynard

Compliance Coordinator

City of Ottawa

110 Laurier Avenue West

Ottawa ON K1P 1J1

Tel.: 613-580-2424 x 29598 |

Trish Edmond

Project Manager

WSP Canada Inc.

1931 Robertson Road

Ottawa ON K2H 5B7

Tel.: 613-592-9600 | Email:

The City of Ottawa (the City) is beginning an environmental assessment under the Environmental Assessment Act for a short-term expansion of the Trail Waste Facility (TWF) landfill in Ottawa. The TWF is a key City asset, located at 4475 Trail Road, Ottawa in the southwest end of the City with an approved landfilling capacity of 16.9 million cubic metres. The TWF began receiving waste in 1980 and was initially expected to receive waste for 20 years (i.e., until 2000). While the TWF landfill primarily accepts curbside residential waste, it also accepts some waste from publicly run facilities, multi-residential buildings and public drop off. It is currently estimated that the TWF landfill could reach capacity in 2034; this estimate is based on status quo disposal and diversion efforts.

Through the City’s approved Solid Waste Management Plan (approved by Council on June 26, 2024), the proposed strategy to manage residual waste includes a short term action of expanding the TWF landfill within its existing property limits, banning commercial waste from the TWF, and redirecting a portion of the waste to private landfills in the area. This Environmental Assessment process pertains to the expansion of the TWF landfill. For the proposed expansion, the target additional airspace is 5.5 million cubic metres over a corresponding target extended operating period of 15 years (2034 through 2048).

The Process

This study will be carried out according to the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act. The first step of the process is the preparation of a terms of reference. The terms of reference will set out the City’s framework and work plan for addressing the Environmental Assessment Act requirements when preparing the environmental assessment, including such things as the alternatives that will be considered and the public consultation activities that will be carried out. If approved by the Minister, the terms of reference will provide the framework and requirements for the preparation of the environmental assessment.


Members of the public, Indigenous communities, agencies, and other interested persons are encouraged to actively participate in the planning process by attending consultation opportunities or contacting staff directly with comments or questions. Consultation opportunities, including two open houses, are planned throughout the terms of reference planning process and will be advertised in local newspapers and through the project website. If you would like to be added to our project mailing list or have project-related questions, please contact:

Brandon Maynard

Compliance Coordinator

City of Ottawa

110 Laurier Avenue West

Ottawa ON K1P 1J1

Tel.: 613-580-2424 x 29598 |

Trish Edmond

Project Manager

WSP Canada Inc.

1931 Robertson Road

Ottawa ON K2H 5B7

Tel.: 613-592-9600 | Email:

Page last updated: 19 Mar 2025, 04:35 PM